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Bluefin Disbursement Schedule

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Bluefin disburses money every banking day, at 12:00 AM, for the funds transacted 3 banking days prior.  Here's the full disbursement schedule, based on the day of the transaction:

Transaction Day Batch Day Disbursement Day
Monday Tuesday Thursday
Tuesday Wednesday Friday
Wednesday Thursday Monday
Thursday Friday Tuesday
Friday Saturday Tuesday
Saturday Sunday Tuesday
Sunday Monday Wednesday
  • Transaction Day is the day on which the card was run
  • Batch Day is the day on which the transaction will appear on the Batch Summary Report, which you'll receive from Bluefin via email
  • Disbursement Day is the day on which Bluefin sends you the money from the transaction via Elavon, directly to your connected bank account

You'll receive your credit card payments from Elavon as a direct deposit to the bank account you authorized when submitting your Bluefin / Elavon forms.

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