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Introduction to the PatronManager Admin Certification Program

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Introduction to the PatronManager Admin Certification Program:

Welcome to the PatronManager Admin Certification program; if you're here, you're interested in expanding your knowledge of PatronManager - congratulations on that noble pursuit!

In this article, we'll cover some of your most common questions:

Who is the course for?

It's for anyone else who wants to do more with PatronManager - that is, it's for you!

Specifically, the course is designed with two goals in mind:

  1. To prepare you for the administrator role. That means helping others at your organization in using PatronManager - creating reports/dashboards, customizing your account, building automation, and more.
  2. To give you a good handle on PatronManager as a whole. Even if you usually work in the box office, by the end of the program, you'll have knowledge of every feature PatronManager has to offer.

With how deep PatronManager is and how much customization it has to offer, we often hear it's hard to "know what you don't know" about the system. By the end of the course, you'll have many more solutions to your organization's business challenges at your fingertips.

How is it built?

The entire program is comprised of 19 learning modules and a certification test.

Each of the 19 modules focuses on a specific area of PatronManager - "Marketing", "Reporting Concepts", etc. In each module, you'll be presented with relevant Help Tab articles on that subject and provided with a short, 3-question quiz.

Once you're comfortable with each of the 19 modules, you'll take the certification test. The test is 50 questions long, and some of the 19 subjects are more heavily represented than others. We'll provide you with more information about the exam when you're ready to take it.

Want a checklist to mark off which modules you've done as you go through? We've got your back.

Are there any prerequisites before I get started?

This course was created with the assumption that you know the basics of PatronManager - creating Contacts, entering donations, and selling tickets. Before you start this program, you should:

  1. Complete the User Certification course. This course was designed to give you a quick intro to PatronManager. You'll be able to complete all the modules in that course and take the quiz in approximately 2.5 hours - click here to get started with the first module.
  2. Get some hands-on experience. We recommend you build a sandbox and get experience there. You can follow the steps in our preparing for instructor-led training guide for all our suggestions.

Once you've completed those two steps, you're ready to start the Admin Certification program!

How should I go through the program, and how long does it take?

Some modules are more dense than others, but you should be able to complete one module in an afternoon or less (depending on your familiarity with the subject already and depending on the density of that module).  

That said, we don't recommend rushing through each module. Especially with unfamiliar material, it's best to practice what you learn in your sandbox.

All told, we'd recommend you try to complete 2-3 modules per week, which makes the entire program 7-10 weeks long.

Can I learn along with others?

If your goal is to have a solid understanding of PatronManager as a whole, we recommend you take the test by yourself.

However, you can absolutely talk to each other, prepare for the exam, and find study-buddies in the Community! There's even a topic for you to use in the forums! Head to Community Forum > Continuing Education > Admin Certification:

What do I get out of being certified?

The vast knowledge, of course!

More practically, you'll also get a certificate to prove you completed the program, and you'll get a badge added to your profile in the Community.

How do I get started?

As Julie Andrews said, the beginning is a very good place to start. Here's a link to the first module of the program!

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