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Learning Path: Finance & Reconciliation

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Learning Path: Finance & Reconciliation:

Hey Financial Friends and Accounting Artistes! This Learning Path is designed to give you an overview of the different financial systems and reporting tools in PatronManager, from pulling daily sales numbers to reconciling your numbers to seeing larger big-picture summaries.

After completing this Learning Path, you'll understand:

  • The different Financial Reports you can pull in PatronManager
  • Which Financial Reports to go to for different use cases
  • How to reconcile with credit card fees, disbursements, and settlement reports
  • More about Leap Merchant Services

This Learning Path should take approximately 2 hours to complete.

Here's a checklist for you to print out and keep track of your progress:

Before you begin....

Have you already completed these prerequisite paths?

If not, we recommend you complete this path, then come back here!

Click below to jump straight to the topic you're working on today:

  1. Financial Reporting
  2. Reconciling Finances
  3. Leap Merchant Services

Let's do it!

1. Financial Reporting

Estimated time: 60 minutes

In this section, we'll go over specific reporting tools for Financial Reports to help you find the right Financial Report for every situation!

1.1. General Financial Reports

PatronManager comes with built-in Financial Reports to ensure the accuracy of your finances. The resources here will help you learn about the different options for Financial Reports in PatronManager.

Required for all organizations:

1.2. Financial Reports by Transaction Date

These built-in Financial Reports show results based on the date a payment, or transaction, was made. The resources here will help you learn your options for reporting on payments.

Required for all organizations:

Required for some organizations: (ask your supervisor)

1.3. Financial Reports by Event Date

These built-in Financial Reports show results based on the date an event occurred. The resources here will help you learn your options for reporting on the revenue generated for your events, such as wrap reports.

Required for all organizations:

Required for some organizations: (ask your supervisor)

1.4. Financial Reports for Donations

These built-in Financial Reports show results specifically for Donations. The resources here will help you learn your options for reporting on donor giving to your organization.

2. Reconciling Finances

Estimated time: 30 minutes

One of the most important things you'll do is reconcile your finances to make sure that everything matches up.

2.1. Financial Reconciliation

You'll need to reconcile finances a few different ways to make sure that things match up, like credit card fees and PatronTech fees (if applicable). The resources here will help you find the information you need to do this important work.

Required for all organizations:

Required for some organizations: (ask your supervisor)

3. Leap Merchant Services

Estimated time: 30 minutes

PatronManager works with Leap Merchant Services as a payment processor, which provides you with secure credit card transactions. Because of this, it's important to know about the system you use and how you'll interact with it.

3.1. Leap Merchant Services

In addition to reconciling with Leap Merchant Services, you'll want to make sure that you know a little more about the payment processor.

Required for some organizations: (ask your supervisor)

4. Test Your Knowledge

Ready to test your knowledge? Take our short quiz to see how well you learned everything in this Learning Path: click here!

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