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The Kickoff Call

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The Kickoff Call:

The Kickoff Call is the first opportunity for your team to meet the Implementation Team that will be handling your conversion onto PatronManager. During this video call we will set the initial timeframes and deadlines that are critical to completing your project while also providing clarity on any areas of the implementation where you might have initial concerns.

Who's invited?

We request that a senior executive from your organization attend this meeting, as well as any members of your team who will be responsible for major setup decisions during the project. This should include department managers and/or staff that will be responsible for data preparation.

How long will this take?

This call typically lasts between 30-45 minutes, though we will block the full hour for questions, if needed.

What's on the agenda?

During this call, we will provide a high-level glimpse of what's ahead in the coming months. The agenda will cover:

  • Introduction to your Implementation Manager
  • Defining key players and roles from your organization for the implementation
  • A high-level project overview, including solidification of critical deadlines
  • Implementation resources and next steps

This meeting will be hosted over Zoom and will include a screen share slide presentation; a recording of the call will be made available after the meeting.

Do I need to prepare anything ahead of time?

Prior to the call, you should have initial discussions with your team to determine who will be taking on specific roles throughout the implementation:

Primary Project Contact

This individual will be our primary contact for the overall project, responsible for decision-making, coordinating your staff and meeting task deadlines for the duration of the implementation. The person filling this role will be involved in all aspects of the implementation and should plan to dedicate 4-6 hours per week for the duration of the project.

Data Migration Contact

This individual will be our primary contact and decision-maker for the historical data migration, including data preparation, submission, review and approval. The person filling this role will be more heavily involved in the implementation and should have a moderate knowledge of Microsoft Excel and your current database's reporting capabilities. This contact will be responsible for approx. 30-40 hours of work over the span of the project.

Ticketing Contact

This individual is responsible for providing venue and event details, building your organization's event inventory, and coordinating Box Office training. The person filling this role will be the primary ticketing decision-maker and will be more heavily involved in the implementation, responsible for approx. 10 hours of work over the span of the project.

Development Contact

This individual is responsible for making decisions about your development setup, providing specifics on charitable giving, as well as coordinating Development training. The person filling this role will be more heavily involved in the implementation, responsible for approx. 10 hours of work over the span of the project.

Marketing Contact

This individual is responsible for reviewing the marketing setup, coordinating the email integration and Marketing training. The time commitment for this role is approx. 5 hours of work, occurring mostly at the end of the implementation project.

Finance Contact

This individual is responsible for filling out financial paperwork to set up your payment processor. The time commitment for this role is approx. 1 hour of work toward the end of the project timeline.

Hardware Contact

This individual will be responsible for receiving and activating credit card terminals. The time commitment for this role is approx. 1 hour of work toward the end of the project timeline.

It's also a good idea to start initiating conversations with your staff around their expectations for the implementation of this new system.

  • What business problems are you most looking forward to solving through PatronManager?
  • What concerns do you have around the implementation of a new system?

We'll ask these questions during the Kickoff Call, so we can make sure that our priorities are aligned and that we're giving appropriate attention to the areas that are most important to your business.

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