PatronManager Help

How to Add a New User

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How to Add a New User:

1. Click on the gear in the upper right-hand corner and go to Setup

Click on "Setup" in the upper-right corner of the page

2. Optional: Check how many Salesforce User Licenses you have available

To access records, reports, and other features of the system, we recommend that all users should have the Salesforce User License. Before creating a new User, you can check on the number of licenses you have to avoid confusion later!

Let's check my licenses!

2.1. Search for and select "System Overview"

Go to System Overview

2.2. Scroll to the "Most Used Licenses" section

Look at Most Used Licenses for Salesforce

Here, you can see how many Salesforce licenses you are currently using and how many are available!

In the example above, this org is using 9 out of their 10 available Salesforce licenses.

3. Search "users" in the Quick Find box and click on Users

Go to Users

4. Click the "New User" button

Click New User

If you don't see the "New User" button, you probably don't have a System Administrator profile. Someone with the System Administrator profile will need to follow these steps to add a new user.

5. Fill in the New User information:

Fill in information
  1. Email: This should be the user's valid email address
  2. Username: This does not need to be a valid email address, but it does need to be formatted like an email address.
    • In most cases you can use the user's email address for both the Email and Username fields
  3. Title: This should be the user's job title or role at your organization, such as Development Director or Box Office Manager
  4. Role: If your organization uses PatronPortal, you must assign the Admin Role to each new user you create.
  5. User License:  To access records, reports, and other features of the system, your user should have the Salesforce User License.
  6. Profile: Select an appropriate Profile for this user
    • Don't know what to pick here? We recommend selecting System Administrator!
  7. Marketing User: This box controls whether the user can create Campaigns. Check this box unless you don't want the user to access Campaigns.


Not sure if the user needs the Admin Role? Click here to find out

Use your existing Users as a guide. Check out the list of Users in Manage Users > Users. If you have user records with Admin Roles, you should give the new user an Admin Role.

6. Don't forget to Save when done

NOTE: If your organization uses PatronPortal, you MUST assign the Admin role to each new user you create!

7. Back on the User Detail page, scroll down to the Permission Set Assignments section and assign the correct permissions

All PatronManager users should have these Permission Set Assignments:

  • PatronDonate
  • PatronManager
  • PatronPay Version 2
  • PatronQuery
  • PatronSignup Version 2
  • PatronTicket
  • PatronTrx Version 2

The list above are the standard Permission Set Assignments that all Users must have.

Permission Sets are sometimes used to grant access to other elements, like Automation Templates or Emma. If your organization uses these things and finds that a new User needs access to them, make sure to grant them the relevant Permission Sets too!

7.1. Click the "Edit Assignments" button

7.2. Add any necessary Permission Set Assignments

  1. In the "Available Permission Sets" box, highlight the Permission Set you'd like to enable.
  2. Click the "Add" arrow to move the Permission Set you highlighted over to the "Enabled Permission Sets" box.

7.3. Save!

8. The new user will get an email asking them to set a password

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