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Leap Merchant Services for Implementation

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Leap Merchant Services for Implementation:

Leap Merchant Services is our next-generation payments solution with best-in-class technology, powered by Stripe. It's easy to use and saves you time so you can stay focused on delivering results for your organization. Many of our help articles are geared towards current PatronManager clients who’ve recently transitioned to Leap Merchant Services, but they still have some great information for your Implementation as well!

All About Leap Merchant Services

You can learn more about Leap Merchant Services in our All About Leap Merchant Services article. This article contains our FAQs covering topics such as Fraud Protection, PCI Compliance, and more!

Onboarding With Leap Merchant Services

Your Implementation Manager will help you begin onboarding with Leap Merchant Services about a month before your Operational Date, this will give you time to complete a couple of forms and for any terminals that you may need to be shipped out to you.

You’ll be provided access to our Leap Merchant Services Onboarding Form which is hosted in the PatronManager Client Community. If you haven't checked out the Community yet, it's a great resource - here's more information about what the Community is and how to log in.

Once you've got access, here's a step by step guide to the onboarding wizard!

1. Log in to the Client Community via PatronManager

For security reasons, you'll access the onboarding wizard by first logging in to PatronManager and then heading into the Client Community.

On the Client Community home page you'll see a "Leap Merchant Services" widget on the right. Click the link in the widget to launch the setup wizard!

Don't see the widget? Make sure you're logged in as the user you designated for the account onboarding steps. Some of the information you'll need to provide is sensitive; we want to make sure only you can access it.

If you're logged in as the correct user and still don't see the widget, reach out to our team for assistance.

LMS Widget

The onboarding wizard is designed to be self-explanatory, so feel free to follow the steps there and refer to this guide only if you get stuck. Or if you prefer, you can read along below!

Either way, be sure to come back to this guide once you've created your new account for more important information.

3. Enter your mobile phone number and email address, then click Continue

You'll need to receive a verification code via SMS to this phone number, so make sure it's a mobile phone that can receive text messages.

Mobile number entry
Did you get prompted for a password or "account recovery"? Click here for instructions.

Although Leap Merchant Services is not the same as Stripe, it is powered by Stripe. Therefore, if the email address you're using to onboard with Leap Merchant Services is associated with a separate standard Stripe account, Stripe may prompt you for your Stripe password to validate that you're the person associated with that email address in their system.

We recommend completing your Leap Merchant Services onboarding with an alternate email address, and keeping the email you've used for standard Stripe accounts separate. If that's not an option for you, read on for instructions.

Email and Password prompt

If you're prompted for a password as shown in the image above, use the password associated with your separate Stripe account.

If you're not sure what that password is, or if you see a message that says "Because of inactivity, you must complete an account recovery process to confirm this login. Please log in on the dashboard to continue", you'll need to reset your password via Stripe's standard interface before you can complete your Leap Merchant Services onboarding.

Don't use the "Reset your password" link on the Stripe onboarding page for Leap Merchant Services, as that won't work.

In a separate browser tab, head to and follow the prompts to reset your password or recover your account. Once you've done that, restart your Leap Merchant Services onboarding via the Client Community, and supply your Stripe password when you reach the above screen.

4. Enter the verification code that was sent to your phone

Verification code

5. Enter the requested business information and click Continue

Follow the on-screen guidance: on this page you'll enter your organization's EIN, business phone number, and website.

Information entry

6. Verify that you're authorized to represent your organization

Assuming you're the right person, continue through the fields on this page, entering the information requested. When you're finished, click Continue.

If you aren't the right person to fill out the details requested, you'll need to work with your PatronManager Admin or Implementation Manager to get that person set up with a PatronManager login (if they don't have one already), then reach out to our team to designate their PatronManager user with access to complete the wizard.

They'll then log into PatronManager, click into the Client Community, and pick up where you left off, using that same onboarding widget.

Verify information

Scroll down, and click Continue when you're finished (or Save for later if you need to gather info and come back to this).


7. Add your bank account details for payouts

Enter details for the bank account where you'd like your payouts from PatronManager transactions deposited.

Heads up! Your bank account must permit debit withdrawals from both Leap and Stripe. A failed debit attempt can disrupt your ability to process transactions and receive payouts.

Some business bank accounts may have filters in place to deny debits from unknown entities. You may need to provide Leap and Stripe's Vendor IDs (also known as ACH company IDs) to your bank.

Bank account information

8. Review and finish up

If you missed any of the information required, you'll find out here - just click Edit to complete any missing info:

Review information

When all the fields are complete, give it one last check, edit anything that's incorrect, and then click Agree & Submit.

If you're prompted to enter a "Shortened Descriptor" or "Static Prefix" at any point, use the first 10 characters of your regular statement descriptor.

Agree & submit

9. Check your onboarding status in the Client Community

Once you're finished with the wizard and click the button to submit, you'll land back in the Client Community.

Give it about a minute, then refresh the page - you may need to click the link again to provide a few additional details to verify your identity or bank account.

LMS widget updated

Q: why didn't Stripe gather all the necessary information the first time through?

A: by default, Stripe's initial onboarding process collects only the minimum information needed to start processing transactions. However, additional information would later be required at short notice as you reach varying time and volume thresholds.

To ensure that your ability to process payments and receive payouts won't be affected later on, we prompt Stripe to collect all those future requirements up front, before you go live with Leap Merchant Services. Since it can take a little time for those requirements to update as you provide new information, you may need to visit the onboarding widget a couple times.

Once the widget (even after waiting a minute and refreshing the page) shows your account setup is complete, you're all set!

LMS widget updated

You might see a message that says your status is "Account verification in progress." while the information you submitted is checked and verified by Stripe.

The length of this verification period varies, but normally the status will update to "Your account setup is complete." within 1-3 business days.

10. Make sure the info Stripe requires is present on your website

Finally, take a few minutes to review Stripe’s requirements about the specific information that needs to be available on your organization's main website. You can find those requirements here.

If anything is missing, work with your team to make sure it's in place before you make the switch, to avoid any disruptions in processing later on.

Credit Card Terminals

To process in-person transactions you’ll use the BBPOS WisePOS E, a PCI compliant terminal featuring end-to-end encryption (E2EE). Your Implementation Manager will order these for you as part of setting up Leap Merchant Services and we have a whole help article specific just to them: Leap Merchant Services: Using Your Terminals

Reconciling with Leap Merchant Services

Once you start selling tickets and accepting donations through PatronManager, you’ll also need to reconcile those transactions with the payout to your bank account. Leap Merchant Services allows you to do all your reporting directly from within PatronManager! Our Reconciling Your Payouts from Leap Merchant Services article guides you through the convenient, pre-built reports for financial reporting and reconciliation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
I don't know all the answers to the questions in the account onboarding wizard - can I pause and come back to it later?

Sure thing! If you leave off partway through the wizard, you can get back to where you left off at any point. Just use the same widget in the Client Community - click the link and you'll be able to continue through the steps.

Why does the onboarding wizard reference Stripe?

Leap Merchant Services is powered by Stripe, utilizing their robust and modern technology to bring you a comprehensive and holistic managed payments solution. The account onboarding wizard is also built on Stripe, so you'll see their branding throughout.

I already have a Stripe account, can I just use that?

Leap Merchant Services is not compatible with stand-alone Stripe accounts. To take advantage of all the benefits of our integrated solution, you must onboard with PatronManager directly via the onboarding wizard.

How can I update my account info or change my bank account?

Once onboarding is complete, you can update your banking information or details by opening a case in the Client Community.

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