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Filling the Gap: Finalizing your Data Migration

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Filling the Gap: Finalizing your Data Migration:

What is Gap Data?

Your Gap Data is a batch of data to "catch-up" on any changes or additional sales and donations that have occurred in your legacy systems between the time that you ran your initial data exports and began processing transactions in PatronManager. This data may include additional Accounts & Contacts, new Donations, and sales for Events that took place during your Implementation with PatronManager.

How Should I Pull This Data?

The exact way to pull this data will depend on the legacy system that you're coming from, but it should be similar to the process you used to export your data for the initial migration. Having your gap data in the same format as those initial exports helps speed up the process since we've already discussed any field mapping or other questions during your initial import!

  • Patron (Account & Contact Data) - You'll want to use a filter for the "Created Date" or "Date Entered" to limit your gap Patron data to records that were created after you ran your initial export. If you've been updating a number of existing records, you may want to run an export based on a "Last Modified" or "Last Edited" date to catch information that may have changed such as emails, addresses, or phone numbers.
  • Donations - Just like your Patron data, your Donation data should be filtered so this file only includes new Donations from the time after your initial data export. In most cases, you'd be looking for a date field like "Close Date" or "Donation Date" to pull this data.
  • Ticketing - During your initial data migration, we imported active (no refunds/exchanges) tickets for performances that had already taken place. You gap data will be the same, we'll import the tickets that were sold for events that have occurred between your initial import and your on sale date in PatronManager. The dates should be filtered by the event date/time and not by the date orders were placed/created.

Actual field names will vary from system to system, if you're having trouble finding the right date fields to use to filter your export down to just the gap data, check in with your Implementation Manager or Data Specialist. We probably covered this type of information during earlier conversations about field mapping and they may be able to make other suggestions for fields that you may be able to filter or sort by!

What Happens Next?

Once you've uploaded your gap data files, the Data Specialist working on your Implementation will import this information using the mapping that was already discussed during your initial migration. Since we've already discussed much of this information your gap data import is a quicker process and we'll let you know once it's all been imported.

In most cases, Gap Data is the last piece of your Data Migration so once it's been imported into PatronManager, we've completed your Data Migration!

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