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How to Uninstall the Legacy Emma Connector:
If your PatronManager account has the legacy Emma connector installed, you must uninstall it completely before you can install the new and improved connector from B12. Not sure what we're talking about? Start here. Don't worry, this won't affect the data in your Emma account.
This article will walk you through the steps to uninstall the old connector. We'll cover:
- Cleaning up page layouts
- Clearing out workflow rules
- Removing permissions
Uninstalling the connector
- Including troubleshooting uninstall errors
Altogether, this should take you about an hour. Ready? Let's dive in!
Heads up: you'll need to be a System Administrator to complete the steps in this article.
1. Remove fields from the Contact page layout
We won't be able to uninstall the legacy connector if any of its fields are present on page layouts. In this step, you'll remove those fields.
4. Scroll down to the Related Lists section, and remove the "Emma Groups" and "Emma Response Activities" lists
5. Remove all Emma-related fields from the page layout
Be sure to remove the following fields:
- Emma Member ID
- Emma Sync Message
- Emma Sync Status
- Emma Last Synced Date
Note that the fields may appear in a different place on the page than in the image above. If you're not sure, check the list of fields in the palette -- if a field is grayed out, it is on the page layout.
2. Clear out workflow rules
The legacy connector required a number of workflow rules and field updates to function with PatronManager. To avoid issues installing the new connector, we need to completely remove the old version first.
2. Let's delete the email alerts tied to Emma workflows first - search "workflow" and click on Email Alerts
3. Click "Del" next to Patron Opt-In Request
If you don't have an email alert like this, continue to the next step.
4. Now, search "workflow" and click on Field Updates in Setup
5. Delete all the following field updates
- Update Email Status to Collected
- Update Email Status to Confirmed Opt in
- Update Error to False
- Update Error to True
- Update Email Status to Bounced
- Change Email Status to Opt-Out
6. Now, search for and click on Workflow Rules in Setup
7. Delete the following rules
- Alert User if Patron Opts In
- Update Email Status when Opt Out is checked
- Update Email Opt Out when Email Status is changed to Opt-Out
- Update Email Status to Bounced if Error is Checked
- Update Error Checkbox to True if Email Status is Bounced
- Update Error Checkbox to False if Email Status is not Bounced
- Update Email Status when Opt-Out is unchecked
- Update Email Status when Error is unchecked
- Update Email Status when Emma TBQ Contact is Created
8. Now let's go delete an email template - search for and click on Classic Email Templates
9. Delete the "Patron Opt-In Request" email template
If you don't see it in the list, check other folders (e.g. "PatronTicket Email Templates")
11. Click on "Validation Rules" in the left panel and click on the "user cannot manually change opt outs" rule
If you don't see a validation rule like this, move on to the next step.
13. Uncheck the "Active" box, then click "Save"
3. Tidy up Permission Sets
The legacy connector comes with permission sets, and you won't be able to uninstall it if any users have those permissions enabled.
3.2. Click on "Emma Email Marketing"
3.3. Click "Manage Assignments"
3.4. Select all users listed and click "Remove Assignments"
3.5. Click "Ok" on the warning popup
3.6. Click "Done"
3.6.1. Repeat steps 4.1-4.6 to remove the "Emma Setup Admin" Permission Set from all users
Great! Now we're ready to uninstall Emma.
4. Uninstall the Emma package
Almost there! Now it's time to uninstall the connector itself, to prepare for a fresh start with the new one.
1. Go to the Home tab in Setup, then search for and click on Installed Packages
4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page - choose to save a copy for 48 hours, check "yes", and click "Uninstall"
5. Review any error messages and adjust/retry as needed
It's not uncommon for the first uninstallation attempt to fail. If that happens, review the error message(s), which could look something like this:
You might need to deactivate and delete more workflows, move more fields off other page layouts, move reports out of an Emma folder, or even deactivate a Process.
The error message provides a link to the Object(s) in question so you can finish untangling Emma from PatronManager. Once that's taken care of, try uninstalling the package again.
If you get stuck, submit a support request via the Community, and include the error message.
You cannot move on to the next steps until the old connector has been completely uninstalled.
6. If you clicked "Uninstall" and landed back on the "Installed Packages" page, scroll to the bottom to check the status:
7. Refresh the page as needed until the status reads "Uninstall Complete"
5. All set!
We're done here! Now you're ready to get started with the new connector. Head over here and pick up at step 3.