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Installing and Configuring Mailchimp in PatronManager:
Want to use Mailchimp for your marketing email system, and connect it back to PatronManager with a smooth two-way automatic sync? Now you can! Created by a company called Beaufort 12 (B12 for short), the B12 official Mailchimp for Salesforce connector is robust and easy to use. It is a paid app (see current pricing here), but PatronManager clients get 50% off for the first year with our partner discount code!
There are a few important steps you must follow to make the B12 Mailchimp connector work with PatronManager. In this article, we'll walk you through those steps - be sure to follow along all the way to the end. We'll cover:
- Disconnecting any legacy Mailchimp integrations (if applicable)
- Preparing PatronManager for the B12 connector
- Installing the B12 connector
- Configuring the connector to work with PatronManager
- Optionally bringing over historic Mailchimp subscriber data
The entire process should take about 2-4 hours, but once it's set up, it's quick and easy to use going forward. Ready? Let's get started!
1. Make sure you have admin access to your Mailchimp account
To set up the connector, you'll need both a PatronManager login and an admin login to your organization's Mailchimp account.
If you're not yet using Mailchimp, you can try it out with a free usage-limited trial - and there's a free time-limited trial for the B12 connector as well.
2. Uninstall/disconnect any other Mailchimp integrations (if applicable)
Heads up: you'll need to be a System Administrator in PatronManager to complete the rest of the steps in this article.
There are a couple other Mailchimp integrations around, and to avoid confusion and potential conflicts, you'll need to uninstall or disconnect those before you install the new Mailchimp integration from B12.
Don't worry, uninstalling or disconnecting these legacy connectors won't affect the data in your Mailchimp account.
2.1. First, check a setting in your Mailchimp account
There's a Salesforce connection setting in the Mailchimp admin - check to make sure it's not active (and disconnect it if so) following the steps outlined here.
2.2. Now let's check PatronManager. Head over to Setup:
2.3. Search for and click on "Installed Packages"

2.4. Look for "Mailchimp for Salesforce"
This is a legacy integration that was never recommended or supported for use with PatronManager. If you find it in the list, follow the instructions from Mailchimp here to uninstall it.
2.5. Now look for "PatronChimp"
Note that the packages are not in alphabetical order.
If you don't see PatronChimp in the list, skip ahead to Step 3!
2.5.1. Did you find PatronChimp? Complete these steps
If the PatronChimp package exists, stop and submit a support case via the Client Community. Ask for the PatronChimp integration to be disconnected, as you're going to install the B12 Mailchimp integration.
Optional: if you'd like to free up some storage space, you can work with our data team to archive your PatronChimp Campaign Members. You'll still be able to view Mailchimp history on Contact records with the new connector!
Since you'll no longer be using PatronChimp, you can now also remove the PatronManager admin user from your Mailchimp account.
Wait for confirmation that the PatronChimp integration has been disconnected before you install the B12 Mailchimp integration.
While you wait, go ahead and remove user access to the PatronChimp app, to avoid future confusion:
2.5.2. Search for and click on Permission Sets

3. Prepare PatronManager to fit the new connector
You have your Mailchimp account and you've uninstalled/disconnected any legacy integrations. Now it's time to prepare your PatronManager account for the B12 Mailchimp Connector, so that everything works smoothly.
First you'll ensure that you have an internal qualification form, so that data from Mailchimp can sync into PatronManager.
Then you'll make sure the connector can create Contacts correctly from Mailchimp, by updating your user since the connector works based on your level of access.
Finally, you'll make a quick setting adjustment so that patrons who opt out are reflected as such in PatronManager.
The internal qualification form tells PatronManager which Contact fields include important information when importing To Be Qualified Contacts (e.g. via the Mailchimp Connector's automated sync).
1.1. Use the waffle to find and click on "Signup Forms"

1.2. Look for a Signup Form called "Internal Qualification Form" - if it exists, click it
Your form might be called something different, like " Signup Form". If so, no worries - just click into that form and skip to step 1.5 to add fields to the form.
1.4. Name the form "Internal Qualification Form" and click "Submit" to save
You can ignore all the other fields - the form is only for internal system use.
1.5. Add relevant Contact fields to the form
The form must contain all Contact fields that you plan to sync from Mailchimp to PatronManager. At a minimum, make sure it includes First Name, Last Name, and Email.
Again, the form is only for system use, so the field ranking and labeling doesn't matter.
If you're unclear on this process, check out this article!
The Mailchimp connector will create new To Be Qualified Contacts, and in order to have it do that, your user Profile needs access to that Contact Record Type.
2.3. Scroll down to "Record Type Settings" and click "Edit" next to "Contact"
Does your Profile page not look like this? No worries - you can switch the view with these steps.
2.4. Select "To Be Qualified" and move it to the right column

4. Install the B12 Mailchimp for Salesforce Connector
You've prepared your PatronManager account! Now it's time to install the B12 connector and hook it up to Mailchimp. Make sure you've completed all the previous steps before you do this part.
The B12 Mailchimp Connector is a paid app, but they offer a great discount for PatronManager clients.
Make sure you enter this discount code when you set up payment to get 50% off for your first year:
Be sure to set up payment with B12 before your 14-day trial ends, or you will lose access to the app.
1. Install the B12 Mailchimp for Salesforce Connector and connect it to your Mailchimp account
Log in to your PatronManager account, then follow the instructions from B12 to install the app from the Salesforce AppExchange.
Complete the first three steps on that linked page:
- Install the app
- Connect it to Mailchimp
- Adjust page layouts
Then come back here (before you do anything else) to finish configuring the app to work with PatronManager specifically.
5. Configure the connector to bring over new Contacts from Mailchimp to PatronManager
You've got the connector installed and hooked up to Mailchimp. Now it's time to tell it how to handle new Mailchimp audience members and create Contacts in PatronManager so that they can be qualified correctly! This will ensure your PatronManager account stays up to date.
2. Ensure correct opt-out handling
First we'll make sure that the integration correctly updates PatronManager when a patron opts out (or resubscribes) via Mailchimp.
3. Tell the connector how to create new Contacts
Next we'll tell the integration to create a new, To Be Qualified Contact in PatronManager for each new or updated subscriber record in Mailchimp.
3.2. Click on your Audience name
If you have more than one Audience in Mailchimp (uncommon and typically not recommended), you'll need to repeat the following steps for each Audience that should sync new Contacts into PatronManager.
3.5. Select "Create a Contact" under Creation Rules
Where it says "When no record match," set the dropdown to "Create a Contact":
3.6. Click the new icon that appears next to the "Create a Contact" dropdown
Click here to bring up additional settings:

Leave the second dropdown as-is ("do not create Account).
3.7. Set the default Contact record type to "To Be Qualified" and click Okay
Don't see "To Be Qualified' as an option in the dropdown? Follow these instructions to enable that Record Type for your Profile, then try again.
4. Set default Contact values
When the connector creates a new Contact record, we need it to set a few default values so that qualification works properly.
4.7. Fill in the pop-up as follows

- Choose "Email Status"
- Enter
Confirmed Opt-In
- Click "Okay"
You must enter Confirmed Opt-In exactly as written (including the capitalization and hyphen).
4.9. Fill in the pop-up as follows
- Choose "Signup Form"
- Search for and select the name of your Internal Qualification Form (see Groundwork step 1)
- Click "Okay"
5. Set field mappings for the integration
We're almost done! Now we need to tell the connector how (and when) to sync field-level data from Mailchimp to PatronManager.
Heads up!
Don't use the dropdowns on the right to delete or rename Mailchimp fields at this point. While it is possible to make those kinds of changes from here later on, you'll lose your progress and have to start all over if you do that now before you save.
Similarly, don't save until you've mapped at least Email, First Name, and Last Name - you want to make sure that any data Mailchimp brings over to PatronManager is usable later.
5.1. Set field mappings from MailChimp to Contact
PatronManager does not use Leads, so you can ignore the Leads column.
You can click the "Auto Map" button to have the connector take a best guess, and/or map Contact fields manually.
In the example below, we clicked "Auto Map" which took care of Email, First Name, and Last Name. We then mapped Phone, Zip, and Salutation manually, and checked the "Create Only" checkbox on Email so that an email address in PatronManager would never change based on an update in Mailchimp.
Remember: any field you're mapping from Mailchimp to PatronManager must appear on your Internal Qualification Form - otherwise the new Mailchimp data won't survive qualification.
The Mailchimp birthday field is a bit tricky - if you use that field, see the FAQs about field mappings in B12's documentation for some tips.
Also note that the standard "Phone" field in Salesforce/PatronManager is sometimes called "Business Phone" in the mapping table.
Right now you're only mapping data from Mailchimp to PatronManager. To learn more about sending data in the other direction, check out B12's documentation, particularly about field mapping and the data wizard.
5.2. Check the boxes in the "Create Only" column
For each field you map, check the box to sync the field only when a Contact is created in Salesforce/PatronManager for the first time.
This is important - if you skip this step, data from Mailchimp may incorrectly overwrite existing Contact data in your system, which can be difficult or impossible to fix.
Why does this matter?
For example, suppose you have two different Contacts in PatronManager who intentionally share an email address (perhaps a work email account like boxoffice@orgname or perhaps a shared household account like thejonesfamily@email).
Since a given email address can only exist in Mailchimp once, if you don't check these boxes, the sync may change an existing secondary Contact's name to match the name attached to that email address in Mailchimp, leading to duplicates or inaccurate data in your PatronManager account.
5.3. Now save your mappings
Once you've completed the steps above, Click "Save Mappings".
During the next sync, the connector will start creating Contact records for any new or recently updated Mailchimp audience members that don't yet exist (based on their email address) in PatronManager.
Great job, you did it! The automatic sync happens hourly, so all new and updated Mailchimp records will come over in future as new To Be Qualified Contacts. Learn how to qualify them here.
6. Optional: bring over older Mailchimp Contacts
As you'll see in the confirmation text when you save your mappings, the connector will only create and update Contact records in PatronManager based on new or updated audience members in Mailchimp.
If you'd like to bring over all your Mailchimp Audience members (if their email address isn't already in PatronManager), expand the instructions below for a step-by-step guide.
First, review the data in your Mailchimp account to avoid cluttering up PatronManager with old or irrelevant records.
6.1. Sweep your Mailchimp account for unwanted emails
You can perform this sweep however you like, but here's what we suggest:
- Head to your Mailchimp account and go to Audience > All Contacts
- Click the column header to sort by First or Last Name
- Review any contacts that have no first name and no "real" last name. If you see any you'd like to remove from your database and not email in the future:
- Check the box next to those email addresses
- Click the three dots at the top of the list, then Archive contacts
This will remove these emails from your Mailchimp database, and they won't come over to PatronManager as TBQ Contacts when you sync all your Mailchimp data.
When you're finished (or if you don't see anyone you'd like to remove), move on to the next step!
6.2. Backfill Mailchimp data into PatronManager
If and when you're sure you'd like bring over all your Mailchimp records, head back to the Mailchimp Audiences tab, click the name of your Audience, select Field Mappings on the left, and click the "Retrospectively Apply" button here:
That's it! Your new To Be Qualified Contacts will start arriving in PatronManager shortly. Learn how to qualify them here.
You've installed the Mailchimp connector, great job! Now what?
The folks at B12 have an excellent set of support materials. To begin, check out the Quick Start Guide.
From there, you can find more detailed information on their support site: