PatronManager Help

All About the Client Community

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All About the Client Community:

Our Client Community is your primary resource for everything PatronManager. Connect with users at other organizations, compare best practices, and more. In this article, we'll show you how to:

  1. Log in to the Community
  2. Set up your profile
  3. Find help and answers
  4. Suggest Product Ideas
  5. Use your Feed to keep on top of the PatronManager news you care about
  6. Manage your organization's Support Cases

To keep our Community productive, safe, and accessible for everyone, please follow our Community Guidelines. Thank you.

1. How to log in to the Client Community

We've made it easy to access the Community - there's a link right on several screens when you log into PatronManager!

Click here for detailed instructions.
Click this link
Click this link
Click this link

1.2. The first time you visit the Client Community, you'll see this; click "Allow"

The first time you visit the community, you'll see this. Click "Allow"

1.3. You're in!

2. Set up your Profile

Tell us a little about yourself! You can access your profile in the upper right right corner:

Click your profile picture to add or update one, then click Edit to fill in your organization's name, pronouns, and more:

3. Find help and answers

The Community is your first stop for finding help, best practice suggestions, and answers. So how do you find them?

Use the main search bar to find everything you need. You'll have articles and discussions pop up right away!

Click search to see everything divided by categories:

  1. Articles are quick answers to your questions written by PatronManager staff. They'll give you a digestible explanation of your issue, offer advice, and point you to relevant Help Tab articles.
  2. Discussions are questions and answers amongst other PatronManager users at organizations just like yours. Many users discuss organization best practices and reporting suggestions every day, so you're likely to find great answers here!
  3. Topics are just that - the things people in the Community are discussing. They organize articles and discussions, and can range from "Virtual Events" to "Seattle Users".

Can't find anything? Ask a question in the forums

Head to the Community Forum tab at the top of the page, then find the topic most related to your question:

  1. Drill down to a sub-topic if you see one that fits your question
  2. Then click Post a Question to ask the Community what's up.

You'll get email notifications when someone answers your question, so be sure to keep an eye peeled!

Some tips for asking questions that generate answers

When asking a question in the forums, it's important to be specific.

  • Instead of "Why is my report not working?"
  • Ask "Why are donors from last fiscal year appearing in my Donations report?"

Additionally, including screenshots and additional context can be useful to get assistance with your question.

With our example above of "Why are donors from last fiscal year appearing in my Donations report?," a screenshot of the report filters along with what information you'd like to see in the report and what you plan to use the report for is useful to add to your question.

Have sensitive information in your screenshot? You can blur or block out these details in the image before posting it using a screenshot tool or a file editor, such as Microsoft Photos or Paint.

Once you get answers, make sure to use Select as Best to mark the best, most helpful answer to your question!

4. Suggest Product Ideas

Do you have a great idea for PatronManager? Product Ideas are an opportunity for you to have a voice in the development of PatronManager. By sharing your ideas with us and upvoting ideas from other members of our community, you help make PatronManager stronger and better for everyone!

Click here to learn all about Product Ideas in the Community - including how to suggest amazing Ideas.

5. Use your Feed to keep on top of the PatronManager news you care about

Your Feed is comprised of the people and topics you follow in the Community:

Follow topics (#1 recommendation!)
Follow people

6. Manage your organization's Support Cases

Keep an eye on the cases you and your colleagues have submitted to the Support team, close cases if you've figured out a solution, and submit new cases - all from the Community!

View your cases right from the home page
Head to the Cases tab to review, close, or update your cases

Use the drop-downs to filter for cases based on ownership or status, or search your case list to find what you need.

Click into a case to see more details and manage the case.

From the case page, you can:

  1. Update the priority when you need to escalate/de-escalate the case
  2. Close the case if you've figured it out
  3. Use the Feed to see emails from us and send us responses
Submit new cases - and simultaneously search for answers!

From the Case page, click Create New Case:

When you're submitting a new case, you'll notice articles that might help you solve your problem on the right - click them to see a solution!

Please follow our Community Guidelines

To ensure a welcoming and productive experience for everyone, we’ve established the following participation guidelines.

Thank you for your kindness.

Respect each other

Realize that members of any discussion may be new to PatronManager or less familiar with your area of expertise. We welcome users of all skill and experience levels to the Community, and there is no such thing as a “dumb” question.

Focus on content-driven discussion

The Community is a place to discuss challenges, successes, goals, questions, and constructive feedback. Focus on your organization’s processes, rather than the individuals in the Community, PatronManager staff, or your organization.

No abusive or offensive language

All defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials are strictly prohibited. Do not post anything that you would not want the world to see or that you would not want anyone to know came from you. Posts in the community are visible for everyone and are subject to libel and slander laws.

Respect intellectual property

Post content that you have personally created or have permission to use and have properly attributed to the content creator. When you post original content, please indicate if others in the community may reuse it.

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