PatronManager Help

How to Create a PatronChimp Campaign

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How to Create a PatronChimp Campaign:

PatronChimp gives you the tools to export reports from PatronManager to MailChimp, and use them as recipient lists for your MailChimp campaigns.

In addition, we'll send opens, clicks, and Campaign stats back to PatronManager.

Here's a quick rundown of the whole process. Don't worry, we'll go over each step in detail below:

  1. Prepare your recipient list in PatronManager by either:
  2. Create a Campaign in MailChimp
  3. Choose the Static Segment you created or refreshed in step 1 as your recipient list in MailChimp
  4. Design your Campaign in MailChimp
  5. Before sending the Campaign, you may want to re-upload your Static Segment in PatronManager to make sure it's completely up to date.
  6. Send the Campaign from MailChimp
  7. Check back in PatronManager one hour after the Campaign is sent and see the stats begin to populate

Part 1: Prepare your recipient list in PatronManager

You'll do this by either creating a brand-new report and Static Segment, or uploading an existing Static Segment to refresh the contents in MailChimp.

If you're sending to a brand new group of patrons ("Hamlet Ticket Buyers", for example), follow these steps:

1. Click on the App Launcher

Click on the views menu in the upper-right part of your home screen and select "PatronChimp"

2. Search "patronchimp" and click on the PatronChimp App

3. The PatronChimp tab details the four easy steps you'll follow to send a campaign

The PatronChimp tab details the four easy steps you'll need to follow to send a campaign.

4. Create a Report

Decide who's going to be on your recipient list and create a report that includes just those Contacts.

Remember to include the Contact ID and email address as columns, and make sure you have filters for "Email not equal to [blank]" and a filter for "Email Status" to ensure you're not including patrons who have opted out or bounced.

Save your report (or Save As if you started from a template), and note the report name and location. Don't save it in a Private folder or you won't be able to access it in the next step.

New to building reports, or not sure where to begin? Check out the "Library of Useful Pre-Loaded Reports" for some ideas (hint: "All Confirmed Opt-In Contacts" is a great starting point for email lists).

If you're looking for tips on customizing a report, the "Anatomy of a Report" article will help you get started!

5. Go to the Static Segment Mappings tab

Go to the Static Segment Mappings tab

6. Click "New"

7. Give the Static Segment a name (this is the same name you'll see in MailChimp!), and select the report you're using for this Static Segment, then click "Save"

8. When you click Save, you'll first see that the Static Segment is "Queued"; when it's done, the status will change to "Idle".

When you click Save, you'll first see that the Segment is queued.

It should take less than a minute for the Static Segment to complete syncing, although it may take a little bit longer if you're syncing a very large report. You won't need to click refresh - it will update automatically! If you find yourself waiting more than 10 minutes, try syncing the Static Segment again using the "Upload" button.

Once it is finished uploading, the status will be "Idle".

If you're sending to a recipient list that you've previously used for a PatronChimp Campaign ("Monthly Newsletter", for example), follow these steps:

1. Click on the App Launcher

Click on the views menu in the upper-right part of your home screen and select "PatronChimp"

2. Search "patronchimp" and click on the PatronChimp App

3. Go to the Static Segment Mappings tab

4. Click the name of the existing Static Segment that you'd like to use

5. Click "Upload"

6. Wait for the sync to complete

It should take less than a minute for the Static Segment to complete syncing, although it may take a little bit longer if you're syncing a very large report. You won't need to click refresh - it will update automatically! If you find yourself waiting more than 10 minutes, try syncing the Static Segment again using the "Upload" button.

Once it is finished uploading, the status will be "Idle" and you'll see details of any emails that were rejected by MailChimp.

Part 2: Design and send your campaign in MailChimp

Here's an overview; if you have questions about this part of the process, MailChimp's help documentation is your best bet.

1. Log in to MailChimp, go to "Campaigns," and click "Create Campaign"

2. Choose "Design Email"

3. Name your Campaign by clicking "Edit name"

Don't forget to Save after you add your name!

4. Click "Edit Recipients"

5. Choose your Audience (you should only have one)

Remember, Static Segments are sub-groupings inside your Audience in MailChimp, so you won't see a Audience name that matches the Static Segment you created earlier -- that's the next step.

6. Choose the Static Segment you created in PatronManager (it'll be under Tags), then click Save

7. Or you can send to up to five Tags at once - this allows you to send the same Campaign to multiple reports

For this option, choose "Group or new segment" in the "Segment or Tag" menu:

Set your first row of conditions to look for your first Tag:

Add more rows as needed, to include up to five Static Segments:

When you're finished, click "Save":

8. Fill in your From address and Subject

9. Design your Campaign

If you need help with this part, MailChimp's help materials are your best resource.

We recommend adjusting the "update your preferences" link in the default email footer -- either removing that particular link entirely, or editing it to point to your PatronManager signup form.  

By default, this link points to a MailChimp signup form, and changes your patrons make using that form will not sync back to PatronManager.

Note that you can't remove the entire footer -- some of the information there is required by MailChimp, and if you delete too much, MailChimp will add the entire default back in. Preview your Campaign to make sure your adjustments worked.

10. Adjust any Sharing options (optional)

11. Adjust Settings & Tracking (optional)

Here are what those options are:

12. Send or Schedule your Campaign

13. An hour after you've sent the campaign, it will appear in PatronManager, and the stats will begin to populate

An hour after you've sent the Campaign, it will appear in PatronManager, and the stats will begin to populate


Do you have more questions about using PatronChimp? Check out our frequently asked questions here.

MailChimp Support Resources

If you're looking for help with MailChimp specifically (creating and designing a Campaign, learning more about open rates and deliverability, etc), their searchable Knowledge Base is a great place to start.

If you can't find the answer to your question that way, you can read about your other MailChimp support options (which vary depending on your account) here.

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