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How to Use a CRM Snapshot as a Cross Filter:
CRM Snapshots are a powerful report tool for finding donors and ticket buyers who meet certain criteria. However, sometimes certain fields from the Ticket Order or Donation aren't available in the CRM Snapshot report.
For example: you'd like to see all first-time ticket buyers who've purchased tickets to the upcoming Depeche Mode concert. You also want to see where they're seated so your team can leave a welcome note on their seats, but that seating information isn't available on the CRM Snapshot report. What do you do? Use the CRM Snapshot result as a cross filter!
In this article, we'll show you how to:
- Build the CRM Snapshot
- Build a new report and add the CRM Snapshot result as a cross filter
- Plus, we'll explain why you can only use the CRM Snapshot result as a cross filter on certain reports
1. Build your CRM Snapshot
First, let's build the CRM Snapshot. For this example, we'll use the "First Time Ticket Buyers to a Recent Event" Snapshot since we want to find first-time ticket buyers who bought tickets to Depeche Mode.
2. Click on the CRM Snapshot you want to run
In this example, we'll head to the Ticket tab and and run the "First Time Ticket Buyers to a Recent Event" Snapshot.
3. Enter your query criteria and click "Create Snapshot" when you're ready
For a more in-depth look at how to run a CRM Snapshot, head to this article.
2. Build your custom report and add the CRM Snapshot result cross filter
Now, let's create a new report that shows not only first time ticket buyers attending the Depeche Mode show, but also their seat locations. To do so, we'll create a new report from scratch and add a cross filter for the CRM Snapshot we just created.
1. Head over to the Reports tab
If the Reports tab isn't in the main tab bar, you can access it via the App Launcher.
2. Navigate to the report you want to add the cross filter to
Since we want to see where our patrons are seated, we'll start from a Contacts with Ticket Order and Ticket Order Item custom report type.
Don't see the Contacts with Ticket Order and Ticket Order Item report type?
Click here for instructions on how to build it.
Hot Tip: Make sure the report type includes Contacts - otherwise you won't be able to cross filter for the CRM Snapshot.
3. Toggle to the filters tab and update the following filters:
- Filter one: Show me All Contacts
- Filter two: Created date equals All Time
4. Expand the down arrow and click "Add Cross Filter"
5. Set the filter:
- Show me: Contacts with
- Secondary Object: Supreme Query Result Members
- Click "Apply"
6. Click on the magnifying glass under the cross filter
7. Select "Supreme Query Result" from the drop-down and set the filter:
- Operator: equals
- Value: paste the CRM snapshot name you copied in part 1
- Click "Apply"
The report now only includes Contacts in the CRM Snapshot!
Why can't I use the CRM Snapshot cross filter with [X] report?
The CRM Snapshot cross filter isn't available for every single report. Since CRM Snapshots talk to the Contact, you can only use CRM Snapshot cross filters in reports where the Contacts is the primary object in the report type.
For context, check out the list below to see which commonly-used reports work (and don't work) with CRM Snapshot cross filters.
Reports that work with CRM Snapsot cross filters:
- Contacts & Accounts
- All Confirmed Opt-In Contacts
- Contacts with Benefits
Reports that do *not* work with CRM Snapshot cross filters:
- All Accounts
- The exception is if you run a CRM Snapshot to "Find accounts that have donated a certain amount between certain dates"
- Ticket Orders and Ticket Order Items
- All Donations
- All Accounts
Want to learn more about report types?
Check out Salesforce's Ultimate Guide to Report Types.