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How to Use the Tickets Refunded to Donation Report:
When a patron no longer needs their ticket, but you don't want to refund them their money, you'll often process a refund to donation. This frees up the seat so you can sell it again if needed, and "moves" the ticket money into a Donation record in PatronManager.
Several reports in the Financial Reports tab in PatronManager provide a summary of tickets refunded as Donations - for example, the Daily Sales Report. But what if a summary isn't enough? What if you need more detail about those refunds, such as the exact date, amount, patron name, and information about the ticket that was returned?
Look no further: as of July 2021, you'll find a report built in to PatronManager for just this purpose. In this article, we'll cover:
- Where to find the report
- How to adjust the filters
- How to interpret the report
- and some FAQs
Let's take a look!
Donations created by refunding a ticket have a record type of "PatronTicket Donation", and a Donation Origin of "Ticket Order Refund". This is useful in Donation-based reports to differentiate them from other kinds of Donation records, but for detail that includes information about the ticket that was refunded, use the report outlined here instead.
1. Finding the report
You'll find the "Tickets Refunded to Donation" report in the normal Reports tab, in the Reconciliation Reports folder.
1.1. Use the waffle to find and click on the Reports tab
Depending on the app you're using, you may already have the tab in your header bar as shown below in green. If so, click right to it!
2. Adjusting the filters
By default, the report is set to show all tickets refunded to donation in the last 7 days. This helps the report load quickly, but it may not be exactly what you're looking for. No worries; it's easy to adjust!
Do not change the locked filters or add new filters outside the specific instructions below, as that can lead to inaccuracies.
Edit the report template, set the filters exactly as follows, then save.

- Show Me: All Payment Transactions
- Transaction Date: Last 7 Days
Item Number not equal to (copy and paste)
- Payment Method equals Donation
- Item Type not equal to Donation
Be sure to check the box for "Locked" next to the 3rd, 4th, and 5th filters, to prevent accidentally changing those in future.
First things first: click "Save As" and give your copied report a descriptive name
This ensures the template will be clean and available next time you need it. Name your report clearly based on what you plan to do, e.g. "Tix refunded to donation this FY" or "Ticket refunds from Hamlet".
Now adjust the filters on your copy of the report
Nice job, now we can make adjustments to your freshly-saved copy of the report template. You have two options for filtering this report - choose one of the following:
Great! In that case, we just need to tweak the date range filter.
2.3. Set your date range, then click "Apply"
- You can click the dropdown to set a dynamic date range, e.g. "Last 30 Days" or "This Fiscal Year"
- Or click "Customize" to set a specific start and end date
- When you're finished, click "Apply"
No problem! We need to make two adjustments, first to open up the date range, and then to add a filter for the Event or Event Instance.
2.4. Change the range to "All Time" and click Apply

2.5. Click into "Add filter", search for "Ticketable", and select "Ticket Price Level: Ticketable Event"
Important! There are multiple "Ticketable Event" options - you must select the field named specifically "Ticket Price Level: Ticketable Event".
If you want to filter for a specific Event Instance instead of an entire Ticketable Event, select "Ticket Price Level: Event Instance" instead.
2.6. Paste the name of your Ticketable Event, then click "Apply"
As in many reports, you can use a less-specific operator like "Contains" instead of "Equals", but to be certain you have the right Event, we recommend "Equals".
If the name of your Ticketable Event contains symbols (like a comma), enclose the whole title in quotation marks.
3. Reading the report
You've got the report filtered for your needs - now what do all these fields mean?
- Total Records: this is the number of Payment Transaction Items in the report. It's a default field, and not relevant here.
- Total Net Quantity: the number of tickets refunded to Donation*
- Total Buyer Price Subtotal: the dollar amount of the tickets refunded to Donation
- Total Buyer Fee 1 Subtotal: the dollar amount of any per-ticket fees refunded to Donation, from the fee set on the Ticket Price Level
- Total Item Fees 2-5: the dollar amount of any per-ticket fees refunded to Donation, from item fee slots 2-5 in the Fee Setup tab
* If your Total Net Quantity number doesn't match the Daily Sales Report, it's likely that you refunded one or more subscription packages. In that case, this report is counting both the refunded package (as 1) and the individual fulfillment items it contained. The money will be correct.
- Payment Transaction: the record of this entire transaction
- Payment Transaction Item: the item-level detail record
- Transaction Date: the date the refund transaction took place
- First/Last Name: the name associated with the Ticket Order at the time of the transaction
- Item Type: "Refund" for most types of ticket order refunds to Donation; "Fulfillment Item Return" for a subscription fulfillment item refunded to Donation
- Item Name: detail of the item that was refunded
- Net Quantity: quantity of ticket items refunded. See note above regarding subscription package refunds
- Buyer Price Subtotal: the dollar amount of the tickets refunded to Donation
- Buyer Fee 1 Subtotal: the dollar amount of any per-ticket fees refunded to Donation, from the fee set on the Ticket Price Level
- Item Fees 2-5: the dollar amount of any per-ticket fees refunded to Donation, from item fee slots 2-5 in the Fee Setup tab
- Buyer Order Fee: the dollar amount of the order fee (first order fee slot) refunded to Donation
- Delivery Fee: the dollar amount of any delivery fee (second order fee slot) refunded to Donation
- Order Fees 3-5: the dollar amount of any per-order fees refunded to Donation, from order fee slots 3-5 in the Fee Setup tab
- Exchange Fee: the dollar amount of any exchange fee on this transaction. Typically not relevant in this report
- Transaction Total: the total amount refunded to Donation
- Patron Tech Fee Subtotal: the amount of any Patron Tech Fees associated with this transaction

If you're filtering this report by timeframe, you can compare it against the Daily Sales Report in the Financial Reports tab:
If you're filtering for a specific Event or Instance, compare it against the Event Summary Report or Performance Report, which you can access from the Ticketable Event:
If your organization uses sales tax, you should add a column to the report for the "Sales Tax" field from the Payment Transaction Item: