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All About CRM Snapshots

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All About CRM Snapshots:

CRM Snapshots are a conversational, ready-to-run reporting tool for users of all experience levels. Use them to run complex queries based on preset criteria, and get a quick and easy snapshot of your patron data.

Maybe you want to send a mailer to patrons who saw one or more holiday shows, or send an fundraising appeal to all donors who donated $250 or more in the spring of your last fiscal year, or you want a list of patrons who purchased tickets and made a donation last November: CRM Snapshots are the solution.

Let's jump in:

What are CRM Snapshots?

CRM Snapshots use preset criteria designed for a series of scenarios to help you build a marketing list or gather data about your patron base.

How are CRM Snapshots different from regular reports?

While CRM Snapshots use reports to show the results of the query they generate, they're very different from the reports you'll find in your Reports tab or Financial Reports tab.

They have their own tile in the PatronTicket Hub
They've got tabs on tabs

Once you're in the CRM Snapshots tab, you'll notice... more tabs! Let's break down what each of these tabs are:

  1. What's a CRM Snapshot: A brief introduction to CRM Snapshots.
  2. Tickets: Ticketing data and trends, e.g. "Who goes to shows but doesn't subscribe?"
  3. Memberships: Membership data and trends, e.g. "Who has Benefits expiring soon?"
  4. Donations: Donation data and trends, e.g. "Who donated last year but not this year?"
  5. The Full 360: Combined data from Ticketing and Donations, e.g. "Which high-level donors are coming to an upcoming event?"
  6. Queued/Completed Snapshots: Where you'll find your snapshots once they've been built. Depending on how much data you're pulling into your query, it can sometimes take a few minutes before it's ready.
They're static

As the name implies, these queries are "snapshots" of your data from a particular timeframe; unlike your typical Salesforce reports, they do not update in real time. To regenerate a completed query and get an updated list, click the "Run Again" button in the Queued/Completed Snapshots tab.

They're time sensitive

Snapshot results are automatically deleted after 30 days. If you need to keep a Snapshot for longer than 30 days (like a historical query of donors from a certain past year that won't be changing from day to day and yet is still useful for reference), you can click the “Protect” link, and the Snapshot will stick around as long as you need it.

Changed your mind? Click the link again to "unprotect" the Snapshot, and it'll get cleaned up automatically once it expires.


If you've got an idea for a new Snapshot, let us know by submitting a Product Idea! We may build it into a future release.

What are the different CRM Snapshots I can run?

As we've mentioned, CRM Snapshots are constantly growing, but all Snapshots fall under one of four main categories: Tickets, Donations, Memberships, and The Full 360.


Ticket Snapshots give you information on ticketing data and trends and fall into two different subcategories: Who saw what and Find first timers or returning patrons.

The Ticket Snapshots available are:

  1. Find patrons who haven't bought tickets to specific Event Instances: Great if you want to see who hasn't purchased tickets to an upcoming event to market to them
    • Example Use Case: Your final concert with a guest conductor is coming up, and you want to market to patrons who missed the guest conductor's other concerts this season
  2. Find patrons who have purchased tickets to some Event Instances, but not others: Allows you to identify patrons who purchased tickets to one event to market another event
    • Example Use Case: You have the Back to the Future musical coming up, and you want to pull a list of ticket buyers to Heathers the musical to market to them. And maybe you also want to make sure they haven't already bought tickets to Back to the Future!
  3. Find patrons who have purchased tickets to some Event Instances, but not others within a timeframe: Lets you find recent purchasers to invite them back
    • Example Use Case: You want to see patrons who bought tickets to your annual Rose Festival two years ago, but who don't have tickets to last year's or this year's Cherry Blossom Festival
  4. Find first-time ticket-buyers to a recent Event: Provides a list of first-time buyers
    • Example Use Case: You want to invite first-time visitors to your museum back for a new upcoming exhibit with a special discount
  5. Find patrons who have made their first and only ticket purchase within a timeframe: Find first-time buyers with an added timeframe filter
    • Example Use Case: You want to find first-time purchasers who went on a tour of your historic concert hall in the past year, but who haven't attended a concert yet
  6. Find patrons who bought tickets to ‘more than’ or ‘at least’ or ‘exactly’ X events in a timeframe: Find patrons who've attended multiple times
    • Example Use Case: You want to invite audience members who attended 3 of your opera performances in the past year to attend a fourth opera performance at a discounted rate
  7. Find patrons who bought tickets to ‘more than’ or ‘at least’ or ‘exactly’ X events in a given category: See patrons who attended multiple times with an added category filter
    • Example Use Case: You have Fancy Nancy the Musical coming up, and you want to invite audience members who've attended one or more of your events in the "Children's" Event Category
  8. Find patrons who have subscribed 'more than' or 'at least' or 'exactly' x times: See patrons who've subscribed multiple times
    • Example Use Case: Invite subscribers who've subscribed from at least 3 seasons to subscribe a fourth time at a special rate

Donation Snapshots give you information on donation data and trends and fall into two different subcategories: Donation frequency and Lapsed donors.

The Donation Snapshots available are:

  1. Find patrons who have donated a certain amount between certain dates: See donors who donated specific amounts in a timeframe
    • Example Use Case: Find Contacts who donated between $100 and $1,000 during your December appeal last year to email them an invitation to donate again this December
  2. Find patrons who have donated a certain amount between certain dates (two time periods): Find donors who donated specific amounts between two different timeframes
    • Example Use Case: Find contacts who donated between $5 and $100 two years ago, who then donated at least $100 last year, to ask for $100 this year
  3. Find patrons who have made a certain number of donations within a timeframe: Find donors who make multiple gifts
    • Example Use Case: Find donors who've given at least 5 times this year to invite them to a special Happy Hour
  4. Find accounts that have donated a certain amount between certain dates: Find donors at various donor levels
  5. LYBUNT/SYBUNT queries: Find lapsed donors
    • Example Use Case: Find donors who donated last year, but have not yet donated this year to invite them to donate again

Membership Snapshots give you information on Membership and Benefit data and trends with two subcategories: Membership Renewals and PatronPortal.

The Membership Snapshots available are:

  1. Find patrons with memberships to renew: Pulls a list of members with Benefits expiring within a timeframe
    • Example Use Case: You want to find members whose Benefits expire in the next 30 days to encourage them to renew
  2. Find lapsed members with active portal licenses: Pulls a list of PatronPortal users with Benefits expiring within a timeframe and, optionally, who haven't logged into PatronPortal within a timeframe
    • Example Use Case: You want to find Portal members whose Benefits lapsed last year and who haven't use PatronPortal in the past year to deactivate their Portal users
The Full 360

The Full 360 Snapshots give you combined donation and ticketing information.

The Full 360 Snapshots available are:

  1. Find ticket buyers to specific Event Instances who have also donated: See a list of donors who are also attending events
    • Example Use Case: Find out which donors will be at your performance of Carmina Burana this weekend to greet them when they arrive
  2. Find patrons who have bought tickets within a timeframe and who have also donated: Get a list of patrons who've both purchased tickets and donated within a period of time
    • Example Use Case: Send a direct mail thank you letter to your most engaged patrons and donors
  3. Find patrons who have ordered tickets OR made donations: Find Contacts who have interacted with your organization in some way
    • Example Use Case: Pull a list of everyone who's either purchased a ticket or donated to your organization to send them a brochure of your upcoming season

Can I Customize a completed Snapshot?

While you can't add criteria to the Snapshot itself, you can customize the completed Snapshot report that shows your results in the same way you customize other Salesforce reports.

Make sure to always use "Save As" before making any changes so you don't overwrite your CRM Snapshot templates. If you do mistakenly overwrite your template, you can get it back by following the steps in our article No Reports Exist With Developer Name: How to Fix Your CRM Snapshot.

Click here for a few CRM Snapshot customizing tips
Using Cross Filters

When you run a CRM Snapshot, PatronManager adds a CRM Snapshot Result name to the Contact records in your report - think of it like a little tag that tells PatronManager "this patron met the criteria for this particular Snapshot".

This "tag" lets you use Cross Filters on your Contact reports to pull in the patrons who met the criteria from your CRM Snapshot. Just create a Cross Filter that looks at Contacts with Supreme Query Results Members, where the Supreme Query Results equals "[the CRM Snapshot Result number]".

You can use this same method to combine and compare Snapshot results quite creatively, for example:

  • "show me all the Contacts who appeared in these two unrelated Snapshots"
    • Accomplish this using two separate "Contacts with Supreme Query Results Members" cross-filters
  • "show me all the Contacts who appeared in either one of these two Snapshots"
    • Accomplish this using one "Contacts with Supreme Query Results Members" cross-filter, and place a comma between the Snapshot names
  • "show me all the Contacts who appeared in this Snapshot, but did not appear in this other Snapshot"
    • Accomplish this using two separate cross-filters - one for "Contacts with Supreme Query Results Members" and the other for "Contacts without Supreme Query Results Members"

You can learn more about Cross Filters in our article How to Build Tricky Reports with Cross Filters.

Adding Custom Fields

If you have custom fields that you want to include in a CRM Snapshot result report, you can add them by following the steps in our article How to Add Custom Fields to a CRM Snapshot.

CRM Snapshot pro tips
Select entire Ticketable Events with the click of a button

In some CRM Snapshots, you'll filter patrons by which Event Instances they've purchased, or not purchased, tickets to. When you select the Ticketable Event on the left, all Event Instances for that Event are automatically highlighted - simply click "Add Selected" to add the entire Event to your Snapshot.

View all or active Events

If your Snapshot needs to look at past, non-Active Ticketable Events, make sure to click "All Events".


When building a Snapshot for a mailer, use the checkboxes at the bottom to filter your results to show patrons with complete mailing information.

Error Message: No Reports Exist With Developer Name

Sometimes when you run a CRM Snapshot, you get an error message that looks like this: No reports exist with DeveloperName:[ReportName]

This message usually appears when a CRM Snapshot template has been saved over, or accidentally tossed into your Recycling Bin. Don't worry, hope is not lost, and this can be fixed. Just follow the steps in our article No Reports Exist With Developer Name: How to Fix Your CRM Snapshot.

If your CRM Snapshot report shows 0 results

If you run a CRM Snapshot and see 0 results in the report, your report filters might be locked.

You can unlock the report filters and see all of your snapshot results using our unlocking steps.

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