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How to Create a Custom Contacts with Ticket Order and Ticket Order Item Report Type:
Have you ever wanted to pull a report of certain patrons attending an event that includes their seat location? With a custom Contacts with Ticket Order and Ticket Order Item report type, you can find out where special patrons, like your VIPs, are sitting so you can greet them or leave a gift on their seat. Pro-tip: try combining this custom report with one of our pre-packaged CRM Snapshots as a cross filter - it's one of our favorite reporting tricks!
In this article, we'll provide step-by-step instructions on how to create this report type. This should take about ten minutes - let's dive in.
2. Search for and click on Report Types

4. Fill in the Report Type details
- Primary Object: Contact
- Report Type Label: Contacts with Ticket Order and Ticket Order Item
- Report Type Name: Contacts_with_Ticket_Order_and_Ticket_Order_Item (auto-fills based on the Report Type Label)
- Description: "Report shows Contacts with Ticket Order and Ticket Order Item"
- Store in Category: Accounts & Contacts
- Deployment Status: Deployed
- Click "Next"