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How to Qualify (with Video Tutorial):
Let's jump into learning about Qualifying your patrons in PatronManager. First, watch this quick video tutorial, then read on for more information on:
- Why Qualification is important
- How to Qualify Online Ticket Orders
- How to Qualify Donations
- How to Qualify Signups
- Available filters
Why Qualify
Qualifying is crucial to maintaining clean data and PatronManager account. It's the best way to prevent duplicate data - which leads to messy data. When you qualify a Contact, PatronManager searches for possible matches in your system, then you decide if the record matches an existing Contact or if you need to create a new one.
If you don't qualify records in PatronManager, your system's data will be incomplete. Contacts won't appear in reports, and you'll likely have many duplicate Contacts and Accounts in PatronManager. Because of this, we recommend qualifying on a regular basis.
PatronManager does save you a bit of work by automatically qualifying some Ticket Orders and Signups where the system is able to find an existing exact match.
How to Qualify Online Ticket Orders
1. Go to the Unqualified Contact List
You can also get here from the PatronTicket Hub using the "Qualify Ticket Buyers" tile!
4. Time to pick a path!
5. Qualify the Contact
5.1. Select the Matching Contact Record
PatronManager will provide you with a list of matching Contact records for you to select from.
Using the checkboxes, select the Contact record that matches the To-Be-Qualified Contact record from the Ticket Order. Alternatively, opt to Create New Contact and follow these steps.
If you want to look at the Contact or Account records suggested as matches, you can click their names right from this page to open the Contact or Account in a new tab!
5.2. Select fields from the To-Be-Qualified Contact record that you want to merge with your existing record
This is a good opportunity to review the information you have saved for your Contact record to make sure it's accurate and up-to-date with what your Contact listed in their Ticket Order, or vice versa.
If you want to look at the Contact or Account records suggested as matches, you can click their names right from this page to open the Contact or Account in a new tab!
5.3. Optionally, click Edit to edit any selected fields
If you need to make any edits to the selected fields, like to correct a typo or format an address or phone number, click Edit.
This will allow you to edit the fields you've selected.
In this example, we copied the one of the Email values and put it in the Other Email field we opted to keep so that we could keep both addresses on file!
5.1. If there are no matching Contact records, you'll be asked to Set Account Details
Qualifying a new Contact record also creates a new Account record.
- Account Name: PatronManager does automatically generate an Account name based on the Contact name, but feel free to change this as you see fit
- Record Type: Select the Record Type the Account record should use.
If you clicked "Start Qualifying X Records," you'll automatically be brought to the next record to do it again!
How to Qualify an Online Donation
1. Go to the Unqualified Contact List
You can also get here from the PatronDonate Hub using the "Qualify Donors" tile!
4. Choose how you'd like to qualify!
4.1. Click "Start Qualifying X Records" to begin qualifying the list!
5. Qualify the Contact
5.1. Select the Matching Contact Record
PatronManager will provide you with a list of matching Contact records for you to select from.
Using the checkboxes, select the Contact record that matches the To-Be-Qualified Contact record from the Ticket Order. Alternatively, opt to Create New Contact and follow these steps.
If you want to look at the Contact or Account records suggested as matches, you can click their names right from this page to open the Contact or Account in a new tab!
5.2. Select fields from the To-Be-Qualified Contact record that you want to merge with your existing record
This is a good opportunity to review the information you have saved for your Contact record to make sure it's accurate and up-to-date with what your Contact listed in their Donation, or vice versa.
If you want to look at the Contact or Account records suggested as matches, you can click their names right from this page to open the Contact or Account in a new tab!
5.3. Optionally, click Edit to edit any selected fields
If you need to make any edits to the selected fields, like to correct a typo or format an address or phone number, click Edit.
This will allow you to edit the fields you've selected.
5.4. Check Donation Handling
Make sure the Donation record name is correct, and the appropriate acknowledgment options are selected.
To edit the auto-generated email acknowledgment template check out these steps.
5.1. If there are no matching Contact records, you'll be asked to Set Account Details
Qualifying a new Contact record also creates a new Account record.
- Account Name: PatronManager does automatically generate an Account name based on the Contact name, but feel free to change this as you see fit
- Record Type: Select the Record Type the Account record should use.
5.2. Check Donation Handling
Make sure the Donation record name is correct, and the appropriate acknowledgment options are selected
To edit the auto-generated email acknowledgment template check out these steps.
If you clicked "Start Qualifying X Records," you'll automatically be brought to the next record to do it again!
How to Qualify a New Signup
1. Go to the Unqualified Contact List
You can also get here from the PatronTicket Hub using the "Qualify Ticket Buyers" tile or the PatronDonate Hub using the "Qualify Donors" tile!
4. Choose how you'd like to qualify!
5. Qualifying the Contact
5.1. Select the Matching Contact Record
PatronManager will provide you with a list of matching Contact records for you to select from.
Using the checkboxes, select the Contact record that matches the To-Be-Qualified Contact record from the Ticket Order. Alternatively, opt to Create New Contact and follow these steps.
If you want to look at the Contact or Account records suggested as matches, you can click their names right from this page to open the Contact or Account in a new tab!
5.2. Select fields from the To-Be-Qualified Contact record that you want to merge with your existing record
This is a good opportunity to review the information you have saved for your Contact record to make sure it's accurate and up-to-date with what your Contact listed in their Donation, or vice versa.
If you want to look at the Contact or Account records suggested as matches, you can click their names right from this page to open the Contact or Account in a new tab!
5.3. Optionally, click Edit to edit any selected fields
If you need to make any edits to the selected fields, like to correct a typo or format an address or phone number, click Edit.
This will allow you to edit the fields you've selected.
5.1. If there are no matching Contact records, you'll be asked to Set Account Details
Qualifying a new Contact record also creates a new Account record.
- Account Name: PatronManager does automatically generate an Account name based on the Contact name, but feel free to change this as you see fit
- Record Type: Select the Record Type the Account record should use.
If you clicked "Start Qualifying X Records," you'll automatically be brought to the next record to do it again!
Qualification Filters
Sometimes the list of Unqualified Contacts can get quite long. Maybe it's because of a big fundraising campaign you're running, a slew of new opt-ins to your Signup Form, or a big onsale of tickets.
Whatever the reason may be, we've got a few different filters in your Unqualified Contact List to help you narrow down your list and prioritize the Contacts you want!
- What do you want to qualify?: As explained in the above steps, this filter helps you narrow down the list to Contacts created from Ticket Orders, Donations, Signup Forms, or Other
- First Name: Lets you filter for a specific first name
- Last Name: Lets you filter for a specific last name
- Email: If you need to, you can filter for a specific email address
- Zip/Postal Code: Allows you to filter for Unqualified Contacts in a specific area
- Page Size: Lets you adjust the number of records that appear on a single page in the "Unqualified Contacts" section below
Start Date: Sets a date for the earliest created date for Unqualified Contacts in the list
- For example, you could prioritize Contacts that have come in in the past month
- End Date: Sets a date for the latest created date for Unqualified Contacts in the list
- Opt-In Contacts Only: Filters for Contacts who have opted-in to your mailing list
- Country: If State and Country Picklists are turned on, you can filter for Contacts in a specific Country
- State/Province: If State and Country Picklists are turned on, you can filter for Contacts in a specific State or Province