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Reconciling Your Payouts from Leap Merchant Services 

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Reconciling Your Payouts from Leap Merchant Services:

Leap Merchant Services facilitates fast, easy, automatic payouts directly to your bank account. When you receive a payout, what can you reference in PatronManager to see where that money came from? In this article we'll show you how to:

Ready? Let's jump in!

Heads up! The reconciliation process is changing (for the better!) in the June/July 2024 Release. You'll follow slightly different instructions before vs after this release.

If you're not sure whether your account has been upgraded yet, here's how to check!

When you go to run the Credit Card Reconciliation Report for Leap Merchant Services, you'll see a different label for the date range.

  • If you see "Payout Arrival Date" your PatronManager account has been updated to the June/July 2024 Release. Continue with the instructions below!

Using the Credit Card Reconciliation Report

The Credit Card Reconciliation Report gives you a summary of all credit card transactions included in a given Payout (or Payouts), so to use it you'll just select "Leap Merchant Services" as the processor and set the date or range that corresponds to your payout.

Payouts typically reach your bank in the early morning hours, US Eastern time, of the Payout Arrival Date.

If you're in an earlier timezone, the date on your bank statement may reflect a late night deposit the day before, and you may need to adjust the Payout Date for your report accordingly (one day later than the date indicated on your bank statement).

Here's a step-by-step guide

1. Head to the Financial Reports Tab

You can get there from the PatronTicket Hub:

Or search using the waffle:

2. Click on the Credit Card Reconciliation Report

3. Select your payment processor and date range, then run the report

  1. Select Leap Merchant Services
  2. Select the Payout Arrival Date or range that corresponds to your payout(s)
  3. You can choose to group by Event or GL Code as you prefer
  4. Then run the report!

Sometimes the report can time out if there's a large quantity of transaction data in your PatronManager account. If that happens, try running the report again, and set the date range to a single day - that "warms up" the system and you should then be able to run it for your desired date range.

Help, I got an error message

Don't worry! There are a couple normal situations that can produce an error message.

"No Payout data available" error

Because this report is based on the Payout Arrival Date, you won't be able to run the report if there are no matching Payouts yet. For example, if you run the report on Saturday for "Today" and you're in the US, there are no Saturday payouts, so you won't see any results. In that case, you'll see an error like this:

As noted in the error message, you should try again later (or double-check your date range), and if you continue to receive this message more than a day after receiving a payout in your bank account, submit a case via the Client Community.

"Transaction mismatch" error

Our team reconciles transactions across all PatronManager clients on a (weekday) daily basis to ensure that everything is accurate. In some rare cases a minor glitch causes a mismatch that our team needs to fix, which they do as part of that normal daily check.

If you happen to run the report for a date that contains a temporary mismatch before our team has resolved the issue, you might see a message like this:

As noted in the error message, the problem should be resolved shortly. If you continue to receive this message more than a day after receiving a payout in your bank account, submit a case via the Client Community.

4. Match the Net Total against your payout

Credit card processing fees are subtracted from your transaction total before your payout. That means your payout reflects your gross total minus credit card processing fees, and will equal the Net Total in the report.

The header shows the date range and grouping method you selected in the previous step.

The Credit Card Transaction Totals provide a summary, which is broken down in more detail later in the report.

  • Transaction Gross: the total gross amount of all transactions in the report
  • Buyer Price: the face value of the tickets that the buyer paid, after discount and before any fees/taxes.
  • Item Fees: the total amount of item-level fees (split out by fee on the indented lines below, and configured in the Fee Setup tab)
  • Order Fees: the total amount of order-level fees (split out by fee on the indented lines below, and configured in the Fee Setup tab)
  • Delivery Fees: order-level fees specific to the delivery method on the order (configured in the Fee Setup tab)
  • Exchange Fees: any fee you've chosen to charge to the patron for exchanging one performance for another.
  • Donations: any donations included in the date range, whether those are donations the buyer chose to add on to their ticket purchase, or standalone credit card donations.

5. Scroll down for more details and export the report as you wish

You can view more details by scrolling down:

  1. Event Totals: this section makes it easy to divide up your revenue by Ticketable Event. If you've set up GL Codes on your Ticketable Events, you also have the option to group this section by GL Code instead of Event Name.
  2. Event Totals by Credit Card Type: in case you find it helpful to know the breakdown of sales by credit card type for each Ticketable Event, we've done that here.
  3. Per-Order Totals: there are some fees and amounts that can't be split up by Event, like delivery fees and donations. Here are those totals, again broken out by payment method.

Q: Why can't I see credit card processing fees in the detailed section of the report?

A: Credit card processing fees are charged per transaction, not per item, which means they aren't cleanly divisible across the detailed items and buyer fees that make up a given transaction.

For example, a patron can purchase tickets to two different events, and their ticket purchases will be reflected in the details. But since the credit card processing fee is charged on the transaction as a whole, it won't be broken down and reflected in the ticket-level details.

6. You'll find a summary of each included Payout at the bottom

This section summarizes the Payout Arrival Date and Amount for each Payout represented in the report. If you've run the report to include multiple Payouts, this can help you ensure that it matches each deposit that reached your bank.

You can also export the report to Excel if you wish:

Using the Leap Payout Reconciliation w/ Details report

This report allows you to filter by Payout Arrival Date and see line-item detail for all credit card transactions processed via our merchant services.

Here are step-by-step instructions

1. Head to the Reports tab

You may see this tab at the top of your screen already, or if not, use the waffle and search, then click on "Reports".

2. Choose "All Reports" and search for "Leap Payout Reconciliation w/ Details"

When you find the report, click it!

3. Click the filter icon at the top of the report

4. Adjust the Payout Arrival Date filter

  1. Click the Payout Arrival Date filter
  2. Set a custom range that corresponds to your payout(s)
  3. Click "Apply"

5. Click the filter icon again to hide that panel

You can also click the little arrow on the right - either option will hide the filter pane so you can view the report more easily.

6. Find the details you need, and export as you see fit

To export the report, click the dropdown arrow next to "Edit" and choose "Export":

If you want to see the date that transactions in this report were processed (i.e. Transaction Date) check out this FAQ!

Matching key fields across the two reports

When comparing the two reports, you'll need to know which fields match up. We've put together a guide with some examples!

Check out this handy key
Key Description Credit Card Reconciliation Report Leap Payout Reconciliation w/ Details
1 The gross amount for all transactions in the report Transaction Gross Transaction Total
2 Total credit card processing fees Credit Card Processing Fees Credit Card Transaction Fee
3 Buyer Price for all tickets Buyer Price Buyer Price Subtotal
4 Item-level buyer fees (broken out by Fee Slot) Item Fees Buyer Fee 1 Subtotal, Item Fees 2-5
5 Order-level buyer fees (broken out by Fee Slot) Order Fees Order Fee 1, Order Fees 3-5
6 Delivery fees (shipping fees) Delivery Fees Delivery Fee
7 Exchange fees Exchange Fees Exchange Fee
8 Donations Donations Donation Amount
9 Net total (total payout amount) Net Total Net Payout

Examples of each report with number key

Here's the summary section of the Credit Card Reconciliation Report:

And here's the Leap Payout Reconciliation w/ Details:

...continued, scrolling to the right to view more columns:

...continued, scrolling to the right to view more columns:

...and most importantly, the final column, which sums up your net payout:

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the normal payout speed?

In the US, payouts are initiated the first business day after the corresponding transactions, and typically reach your bank account the day after they're initiated. Saturdays and Sundays are included with Monday. For example, that means:

  • For a payout that reached your bank account on Friday, you'd report on PatronManager transactions for the preceding Wednesday.
  • For a payout that reached your bank on Wednesday, you'd report on PatronManager transactions for the preceding Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.

In Canada, the payout speed is the same except that weekends are treated just like weekdays.

Note that holidays can affect payouts, so if there's a bank holiday, your payout may be delayed by a day or two!

A note about timezones:

Which Payout a given transaction winds up in largely depends on the date the transaction occurred in US Eastern time. The Batch Date field on the Payment Transaction reflects this offset if your timezone is different.

Payouts typically reach your bank in the early morning hours (US Eastern time) of the Payout Day. Depending on your timezone, you may notice that payouts arrive at your bank late at night the day before the normal Payout Day.

Here's the specific schedule for clients in the US:

Batch Day (Transaction Day based on US Eastern Time) Payout Day (in US Eastern Time)
Saturday Wednesday
Sunday Wednesday
Monday Wednesday
Tuesday Thursday
Wednesday Friday
Thursday Monday
Friday Tuesday
Why don't I see any results in the report for weekends?

If you're running the Credit Card Reconciliation Report or Leap Payout Reconciliation w/ Details report for a date that falls on a weekend, then it's expected that you won't get any results.

This is because Stripe doesn't do payouts on weekends. For more information on the payout schedule, see our chart here.

Please note that you may not receive a payout on bank holidays too.

Will I receive a statement or an email from Leap for my payout?

No, you won't receive any emails or statements from Leap Merchant Services directly. Instead, all the data you need lives right in your PatronManager account, so you can run the reports mentioned above any time you'd like.

You can also schedule the Leap Payout Reconciliation w/Details report to send to you.

How often should I reconcile my payouts?

That's entirely up to you! Some clients prefer to reconcile and record each payout in their accounting software as it arrives, while others prefer to handle reconciliation on a weekly basis. We encourage you to talk to your accountant, or ask around in the Client Community to see what works well for other organizations.

How do I know the data in PatronManager is correct?

Our internal reconciliation team verifies transaction data for all clients on a daily basis, so you can be confident that the information reflected in PatronManager is accurate.

And of course if you have any concerns about a particular transaction, you can always submit a case via the Client Community so our team can take a look.

Can I see Transaction Dates in these reports?

If you'd like to see the date a transaction was processed for a Payment Transaction in these reports, you can add the Transaction Date field as a column to the Leap Payout Reconciliation w/ Details report.  

Here's how to do that!

1. From the Leap Payout Reconciliation w/ Details report, click Edit


2. Make sure you're in the Outline pane


3. In Columns, find and select Transaction Date

Transaction Date

4. (Optional) Move the Transaction Date column, if desired

To move the column, click "Transaction Date" and drag it to where you'd like among the other columns. For full instructions, see here.

5. Click Save & Run

Save & Run

Now Transaction Date is in the report!

Transaction Date
Where can I check to see if a transaction or refund was processed?

That's easy - just look in PatronManager! If a transaction/refund went through, it will have a Payment Transaction record with the details (such as the exact date and time) in PatronManager.

Of course if you have any concerns about a specific transaction, you can always submit a case via the Client Community so our team can take a look.

Refunds are processed immediately, however the length of time it takes for the refund to be reflected on the patron's account depends on their bank, and is outside our control.

Will I receive a monthly fee statement for Leap Merchant Services?

No. Since there are no monthly or ad-hoc fees for Leap Merchant Services, there's no need for a monthly fee statement like you may have received from other processors. Instead, you can run the reports mentioned above for details on your credit card processing fees, based on any date range and at any time you'd like.

How will I know if I've received any chargebacks?

Our team manages chargebacks for you. If a chargeback occurs, our team will notify you, and they'll mark the transaction accordingly in your PatronManager account until the dispute is resolved.

What if I want to reconcile ahead of the payout?

We don't recommend reconciling ahead of receiving your payout, since that can lead to data not matching up.

That said, if you really want to see how much money you should anticipate receiving in an upcoming payout, you can do so with these steps.

To figure out which Batch Date matches up with when you should expect a payout, check out the chart here.

1. Make a copy of the Leap Payout Reconciliation w/ Details using Save As

Save As

2. Give your copy a name and Save

Name the report and Save

3. Click Edit


4. Click Filters


5. Click the filter labeled "Payout Arrival Date"

Click Payout Arrival Date filter

6. Use the dropdown menu to select "Batch Date"

Select Batch Date

7. Click Apply

Click Apply

8. Click Save & Run

Save & Run

Now the report will show you what money to expect based on Batch Date, rather than the Payout Arrival Date.

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