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How to Use the Donation Summary Report

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How to Use the Donation Summary Report:

The Donation Summary Report gives you a quick financial overview of all Donation money transacted within a given time frame. You'll have options for grouping by Donation Record Type and then dividing the report based on Fund, Donation Origin, or Campaign.

In this article, we'll cover:

Ready? Let's dive in!

Where to find the Donation Summary report

You'll find this report in the Financial Reports tab, along with your Box Office Reports.

Here it is!

1. Find the Financial Reports tab via the App Launcher

Click on the App Launcher, search "financial", and then click on the Financial Reports link.

2. Or find it via the PatronTicket Hub

3. Scroll down to the Donation Reports and click on "Donation Summary"

Select your report settings

On this page, you'll enter your date range and choose how to display the report::

  1. Transaction Date Range: enter the date range you'd like to use. This is based on the Transaction Date, a.k.a. the date the Donation was processed in PatronManager.
  2. Select the primary grouping you'd like to use for the report. You can choose between Fund, Donation Origin, or Campaign.
  3. Decide if you'd like to group by Donation Record Type first; the default is "yes".
  4. Choose an optional secondary grouping below the primary grouping you chose above; you have the same three options of Fund, Donation Origin, or Campaign.
  5. Select any Donation Record Types you'd like to exclude. We'd normally suggest excluding Group Sales and Group Sale Payments if you're looking specifically for Donation data. Hold CTRL while you click to select multiple non-consecutive options.
  6. Once you've made your selections, click "Submit"

Reading the report

Depending on your data and settings choices, your report may be brief or lengthy, simple or complex.

Let's look at a few examples

With settings like this:

You'll see something like this:

Our results are grouped first by Donation Record Type, then by Fund, then by Campaign. We've got at least one Annual Fund Donation that has no Campaign associated with it, so it's placed under a "(none)" label for the Campaign grouping.

With settings like this:

You'll see something like this:

We see our results grouped first by Donation Record Type, then by Campaign. We've got at least one Donation that has no Campaign associated with it, so it's placed under a "(none)" label for the Campaign grouping.

And with settings like this:

You'll see something like this:

We see our results grouped only by Fund.

Helpful hints

Here are a few knowledge nuggets to keep in mind while running this report:

The date range reflects the Transaction Date, not the Close Date

Payment Transaction records have a Transaction Date, corresponding to the date and time the transaction record was created. This may differ from the Close Date on the Donation, which is more freely editable.

For more information, check out this article.

The date range you can choose is limited

As outlined in this article, Donation Transaction data for all Payment Types only goes back as far as the July 2019 release. This report can't be run with an earlier start date because the data would be incomplete and therefore the totals would be inaccurate.

If you'd like to backfill transaction data so that you can run this report for a wider date range, submit a support request through the Community; our data specialists can help you out with a paid data project.

You may see warning messages

There are a few warning messages that can appear on the report under different circumstances:

Here's a quick overview of what each warning message means.

Warnings about Ticket Orders with unqualified Donations

What it means:

You've received at least one Donation alongside a Ticket Order, but the Donation hasn't yet been qualified. Until it is, the Donation cannot be displayed on this report.

How to fix it:

Click the link in the error message, which will bring you to the PatronTicket Orders tab filtered for "To Be Qualified" Ticket Orders. Then follow these instructions (or check out this video!) to qualify all Orders with Donation Amounts.

Warnings about payment exceptions

What it means: 

You have at least one payment exception awaiting resolution. Until that's done, the totals in the report may be inaccurate.

How to fix it: 

Use these instructions to resolve any outstanding Donation payment exceptions.

Warnings about chargebacks

What it means: 

If your report results include any disputed charges that resulted in a chargeback, there will be a special note at the bottom of the page. Here's more information about managing chargebacks from Bluefin or managing chargebacks with Leap Merchant Services.

Do you need to see more details?

The Donation Summary Report does not provide line-item detail of each transaction that makes up the totals, so to help you drill down further, you can use the aptly-named Donation Summary Report w/ Details.

Where to find the Donation Summary Report w/ Details

You'll find this report in the Reconciliation Reports folder, in the regular Reports tab.

Use the waffle to find and open the PMGR Reporting app

Click "All Folders", search for "Recon", then click on "Reconciliation Reports"

Find and click on "Donation Summary Report w/ Details"

Adjusting filters on the Donation Summary Report w/ Details

The report has two built-in and locked filters which should never be adjusted.

You'll customize the date range to match against the Donation Summary Report!

Do not adjust the locked filters or add new filters to this report, as that can lead to inaccuracies. Remember to "Save As" before making adjustments (beyond the date range) to this report!

Click here if you need to reset the filters back to the default

Edit the report, set the filters as follows, then save.

  1. Show Me: All Payment Transactions
  2. Transaction Date: Last 7 Days
  3. Item Type equals (copy and paste)
    • Donation
  4. Item Number equals (copy and paste)
  5. Add Filter Logic (use the dropdown arrow to select Filter Logic)
    • 1 OR 2

Be sure to check the box for "Locked" next to the 3rd and 4th filter, to prevent accidentally changing those in future.

Click the filter icon on the report

Click Transaction Date

Click the "Range" dropdown and adjust to match your setting on the Donation Summary Report

Click "Custom" to enter specific dates, or use the relative date options available.

When you've made your selections, click "Apply"

Click here if you need to exclude specific Donation Record types

Click "Edit"

Click on Filters, then search for and click on "Donation Record Type"

Set the Operator to "Not equal to", check the Record Types you want to exclude, then click "Apply"

"Save" or "Save As" to retain this change, or just run the report as-is

  1. If you consistently exclude these Record Types when running the Donation Summary Report, you can save the Donation Summary w/ Details report as-is and view your results by clicking "Save & Run".
  2. If you want to keep the original version and still use this version repeatedly, click "Save As" and give the report a new name.
  3. Or if you just want to see your results without saving this Record Type change for next time, click "Run".
Matching against the Donation Summary Report

The Donation Summary Report w/ Details shows totals at the top (in Lightning; at the bottom of the corresponding column in Classic), and has some useful built in groupings and columns. Here's what those things mean, and what they correspond to on the Donation Summary Report:

  1. Record Count: the total number of transactions. This number does not appear on the Donation Summary Report
  2. Total Net Quantity: the number of Closed/Won Donations in the report. This number does not appear on the Donation Summary Report
    • This number may differ from the record count (as in the example above) if a Donation was posted and then refunded - that would involve two additional transactions (the payment and the refund) but that Donation is no longer Closed/Won and so does not count toward the Net Quantity
  3. Buyer Price Subtotal: the total amount for all Donations in the report. Matches to the Total on the Donation Summary Report
  4. Record Type: The primary grouping on the Donation Summary w/ Details and an optional top-level grouping on the Donation Summary Report
  5. Fund: a column in the Donation Summary w/ Details and an optional grouping on the Donation Summary Report

What if the Donation Total doesn't match?

Check to see if there are any warning messages at the top of the Donation Summary Report - you may have unqualified Ticket Orders or Payment Exceptions that need to be addressed.

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