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Group Sales and the Transaction Summary Report

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Group Sales and the Transaction Summary Report:

As of July 2019, PatronManager creates Payment Transaction records for all processed Donation (Opportunity) records. As a result, it's now possible to report on all kinds of transactions (for both Ticket Orders and Donations) in the Transaction Summary report.

However, since Group Sales involves intentional double-entry, it's important to take that into account when using the Transaction Summary report. In this article, we'll lay out the options so you can correctly account for your group sale income.

Essentially, you have two options:

  1. You can choose to report on the income based on when you received it, which means you'll report on the Group Sale Payment Opportunity records and back out the corresponding Ticket Order "payments".
  2. You can choose to report on the money based on when it was applied to Events via the Ticket Order, and exclude the Group Sale Payment Opportunity records.

Let's take a closer look at each option.  

Haven't used the Transaction Summary report yet? Head over here for a complete overview.

Option 1: Report on Group Sale Payment Opportunities

You've been entering checks or credit card transactions as Group Sale Payments over on the Group Sale Opportunity record, as outlined here. Now you'd like to include those transactions in your comprehensive Transaction Summary report, since those represent when you received the money.

Let's check it out!

Great! For this option, you will include Group Sale Payment Opportunities on the report settings page:

That means you'll need to do a little bit of math to subtract out the corresponding Ticket Order payments.

1. Find the Ticket Order Payment Method amounts to subtract

You'll find the amounts to subtract in two places:

Event Totals by Payment Method

Here's where you'll find the money you took in by Event for each Payment Method; find your group sale Payment Method in this list, and add up the total amount across all columns.

Order-Level Fees by Payment Method

If your Group Sale Ticket Orders had any order-level fees associated with them, you'll see a line item here for your group sale Payment Method, too. Find that line, and add up the amounts in each column.

2. Subtract the sum of those amounts from the Transaction Gross and the Net Total

The money here has already been accounted for in the "Group Sale Payment Opportunities" line and section of the report, so by subtracting it from the Transaction Gross (and then from the Net Total) you're avoiding counting it twice.

Wait.... I don't see any Group Sale Payment Opportunities in the report, or the total of those doesn't match up. What gives?

Good question! The Group Sale Payment Opportunity records get created as you receive the money, but the Ticket Order "payment" doesn't get processed until the very end of the process, when you're ready to close out the order.

Therefore, if you run the report for a date range that only includes the date the Ticket Order was completed, you'll see that money in the ticket sections of the report -- but if the corresponding Group Sale Payment Opportunities were logged earlier, they might not fall within your date range.

Similarly, your report might include Group Sale Payment Opportunities that represent income received during the date range you chose, but the corresponding Ticket Orders may not have been closed out yet.

Rest assured, though: as long as you're consistent with your process for using this report, you'll be accounting for money when it's received, and in the end things will balance out correctly.

Option 2: Report on Ticket Order Payments

You want to see the group sale money clearly broken out for each show, and see how much of it went toward things like order fees. To do this, you'll need to report on the Ticket Order Payment Transaction, since that's where the money gets attached to tickets.

Sounds good, show me how!

For this option, you will NOT include Group Sale Payments Opportunities on the report settings page:

The Group Sale Payment Opportunities will be excluded from your report results, leaving only the completed payments on the Ticket Orders themselves.

Wait... I don't see anything about group sales in the Event Totals; where is it?

Good question! Because you'll wait to close out the Ticket Order until all payments have been received and all changes are complete, you won't see the "group sale payment" line item in the Event Totals area until that's finished. Rest assured, though: once you complete the Ticket Order, that money will get counted in the report you run for that date range.

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