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Using Profiles in PatronManager:
Profiles are key to your users' accessibility and experience in Salesforce. They let you customize tabs your users can access quickly, and you can assign page layouts specific to those Profiles. That means easier and quicker access to the information they need!
For instance, your box office manager and box office user need to immediately access different parts of PatronManager in order to do their job. A box office manager needs to build events and handle administrative function, so they have quick access to Event Inventory and can access Setup. A box office user, though, primarily sells tickets; they have quick access to PatronTicket Hub and cannot access Setup.
In this article, we'll cover:
- What can Profiles do?
- What available Profiles are in my PatronManager account?
- Can I create my own custom Profiles?
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What can Profiles do?
Profiles control what your users see in PatronManager; with Profiles, you can determine what information a user sees on certain page layouts and configure quick access to the tabs most relevant to that user's day-to-day needs. Profiles can also dictate whether a user has administrative access to Setup.
Regardless of which Profile is assigned to a user, that user will have access to all the tabs in PatronManager if they click on the App Launcher.
What Profiles are available?
You may have noticed several standard Profiles we've created for you. Find out more below about what each Profile offers, and what each Profile can access.
Heads up! The examples you'll see below are the current defaults for each Profile. It’s possible these Profile views might look slightly different in your account; take a look at them in your own account to cross-reference.
The System Administrator Profile has the power to do and see everything in PatronManager. Users with a System Administrator Profile can reset other users' passwords, edit all reports, add new fields, and more.
Make sure at least one person in your organization (likely your resident Certified Admin) has the System Administrator Profile, and check the Marketing checkbox on the user with this Profile so they can create Campaigns.
The Box Office Manager Profile has quick access to the tabs most relevant to managing a Box Office, like CRM Snapshots, Event Inventory, and Box Office Reports. These users can run and schedule Box Office Reports, CRM Snapshots, and they can build custom reports. They also have access to setup, so they can create fields, edit page layouts, and perform other such administrative functions.
However, the Box Office Manager Profile has read only access to reports made by any other user. Additionally, they won't be able to create new campaigns.
Box Office Manager Profile summary:
- Standard tabs: PatronTicket Hub, PatronManager Help, Contacts, Accounts, Event Inventory, Subscription Renewal, Discount Codes, Box Office Reports, Reports, Dashboards, Unqualified Contact List, CRM Snapshots
- Edit other users’ reports: no
- Setup Access: yes
- Create new Campaigns: no
The Box Office User Profile has quick access to tabs like PatronTicket Hub. Like the Box Office Manager Profile, these users can run and schedule Box Office Reports, CRM Snapshots, and they can build custom reports. However, they can't create new campaigns, and they have read-only access to reports made by any other user.
The Box Office User Profile is more limited than the Box Office Manager Profile in that it has no access to Setup; users with this Profile can't create fields, edit page layouts, or perform other such administrative functions.
Box Office Profile summary:
- Standard tabs: PatronTicket Hub, PatronManager Help, Contacts, Accounts, Unqualified Contact List, Reports
- Edit other users’ reports: no
- Setup Access: no
- Create new Campaigns: no
The Development Profile provides quick access to important Development tabs like Donations, Campaigns, Dashboards and CRM Snapshots. This Profile can create custom reports and CRM snapshots, but they have read-only access to reports made by any other Profile. They also have access to setup, so they can create fields, edit page layouts, and perform other such administrative functions.
If you'd like this Profile to be able to create Campaigns, make sure to check the Marketing checkbox on users with this Profile.
Development Profile summary:
- Standard tabs: Home, PatronManager Help, Accounts, Contacts, Donations, Recurring Donations, Campaigns, Reports, Dashboards, Unqualified Contact List, CRM Snapshots
- Edit other users’ reports: no
- Setup Access: yes
- Create new Campaigns: yes, if Marketing checkbox is checked on user
The Marketing Department Profile provides quick access to tabs a marketing staff member uses most frequently- Reports and CRM Snapshots to generate marketing email lists, as well as the Unqualified Contact List to qualify Contacts who may have opted in to receiving marketing emails via the Signup form.
This Profile can create custom reports and CRM snapshots, but they have read only access to reports made by any other user. They also have access to setup, so they can create fields, edit page layouts, and perform other such administrative functions.
A user with the Marketing Dept Profile will probably need to use campaigns fairly often; make sure to check the Marketing checkbox on user records with this Profile.
Marketing Dept Profile summary:
- Standard tabs: Home, PatronManager Help, Accounts, Contacts, Campaigns, CRM Snapshots, Reports, Dashboards, Unqualified Contacts List
- Edit other users’ reports: no
- Setup Access: yes
- Create new Campaigns: yes, if Marketing checkbox is checked on user
The PatronManager Profile provides basic access to Objects in PatronManager.
This Profile can create custom reports and CRM snapshots, but they have read only access to reports made by any other user. It doesn't have access to Setup, so a user with this Profile won't be able to perform administrative functions, like create new fields and edit page layouts.
If you'd like this Profile to be able to create Campaigns, make sure to check the Marketing checkbox on users with this Profile.
PatronManager Profile summary:
- Standard tabs: Home, PatronManager Help, Accounts, Contacts, Reports, Dashboards, Box Office Reports, CRM Snapshots
- Edit other users’ reports: no
- Setup Access: no
- Create new Campaigns: yes, if Marketing checkbox is checked on user
Other Profiles
There are a number of additional Profiles packaged within Salesforce, but we won't cover most of them since they aren't particularly useful to PatronManager. That being said, the following Profiles are good to know about.
Though you may be tempted to choose Read Only for certain people in your organization (like board members who just need to see records and not edit them), it's not really the best solution. The Read Only Profile is packaged with Salesforce and won't work with PatronManager.
Salesforce also comes with a few Profiles for users who only need to use Chatter. These users don't have access to Objects or any data in PatronManager except Chatter.
Consider assigning a Chatter Profile to a user if they don't need broad access to PatronManager but want to be part of conversations within PatronManager. Here's a couple ideas:
- Assign Chatter Profiles to board members and create a Chatter group for the board.
- Assign Chatter Profiles to contracted employees, like a theater tech team, can ask and answer questions in a shared space.
Want to learn more about Chatter?
We've got a Help Tab article for you about Chatter, and Salesforce also wrote a great resource all about the ins and outs of Chatter user licenses and Profiles.
Can I create my own custom Profile?
Sure can! You can build custom Profiles if you want some users to see (or not see) specific information when looking at different records in your system.
In this example, we'll build a custom Volunteer Profile that won't include the donation roll-up fields (e.g. Amount Donated This Fiscal Year) on the Account page layout. From start to finish, we'll:
- Create the Profile
- Create an Account page layout for the new Profile to use
- Create an app for the new Profile to use
To help set you up for success, we’ve put guidelines together to help you avoid interfering with PatronManager functionality, corrupting your data, and to prevent negative impacts to your customizations due to PatronManager product upgrades.
Creating and editing custom Profiles falls outside the scope of our support services. If you need further assistance creating a custom Profile, reach out to your colleagues in the PatronManager Client Community.
3. Click on the name of the Profile you want to clone
In this example, we'll clone the PatronManager Profile.
5. Name the Profile and click "Save"

2. Create a new Account page layout and assign it to the Volunteer Profile
Now, we'll create a new Account page layout, and we'll call it "Volunteer". Since in this scenario we don't want our volunteer users to see the Donation roll-up fields on the Account, we'll remove those fields from our new page layout. Then, we'll assign this page layout to the Volunteer Profile we made in the previous step.
3. Give your page layout a name
- Existing Page Layout: Choose a page layout to base your new layout on, like Household Layout
- Page Layout Name: Give your layout a name specific to the Profile you'll assign it to
- Click "Save"
4. Drag the fields you don't want the Profile to see into the editing palette to remove them
In this example, we've removed all the Donation roll-up fields, but we'll keep the donation-related badges so our volunteers know when an Account is a major donor.
5. If you'd like to remove a related list from this Account layout, scroll down to the related lists section and click on the remove icon
In this example, we don't need our volunteers to see any donations, so we'll remove the Opportunities related list.
9. Highlight the Volunteer Profile, and then select "Volunteer Layout" from the Page Layout To Use dropdown
3. Create a Volunteer App for the Volunteer Profile
Finally, it's time to create a custom App for our Volunteer Profile so they can go where they need to in PatronManager with convenience. We'll choose which tabs to display in the main tab bar, and we'll determine which page the Volunteer Profile user lands on when they log in.
3. Fill in the App information and click "Next"
- App Name: Name it the same as what you named your Profile
- Developer Name: Auto-populates based on the App Label
- Description: Mention which Profile this app view is for
- Click "Next"
4. Set the App Options
- Navigation Style: Standard Navigation
- Setup Experience: Setup
- App Personalization Settings: Leave both options unchecked
- Click "Next"
6. First, move the tabs the Profile should quickly access to the Selected Tabs box
Move tabs between Selected and Available with the Add and Remove buttons, and reorder tabs with the Up and Down arrows.
Make sure the Home and PatronManager Help tabs are the first two tabs in the Selected Tabs box! The remaining tabs you'd like the Profile to quickly access are up to you.
Pro-tip: Don't feel the need to move all the tabs to Selected! The user will still be able to access any tab from All Tabs ("+").
10. Now that you've made your custom Profile, what's next?
After you create your custom Profile, you'll assign it to the user you made it for! Learn how to do that here.