PatronManager Help

What to Do When Someone Leaves: Deactivating a User

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What to Do When Someone Leaves: Deactivating a User:

Sometimes people will leave your organization, or just no longer require PatronManager access. In these cases, PatronManager does not allow you to delete users, since doing so would create problems with your ability to keep records regarding former employees.

Fortunately, you can deactivate users at any time, freeing up their user license for someone else and preventing them from logging in to the system. Deactivated users do not take up any space or cause any problems in PatronManager, no matter how many you have.

Deactivating is usually pretty straightforward, but there are some things to check to make sure that everything goes smoothly.

Never deactivate a user with an "" or "" email address. Deactivating these users could break essential functions in PatronManager, including your ability to process transactions.

Before the user leaves:

Move any useful Personal Custom Reports

If the user is leaving under good terms, ask them to go to their "Private Reports" folder and save any useful reports into a different folder - once their account is no longer active, nobody will be able to access this folder.

Move any useful Personal Email Templates

If the user is leaving under good terms, ask them to go to the "My Personal Email Templates" folder of Classic Email Templates in Setup and save any useful reports into a different folder.

Once their account is no longer active, nobody will be able to access this folder.

For this reason, we recommend saving all Classic Email Templates in a shared folder!

Some shared folders you may see in your account are:

  • Unfiled Public Classic Email Templates
  • PatronDonate Email Templates
  • PatronTicket Email Templates
  • Welcome Templates

Update Payment Processor contact information (if necessary)

When your Bluefin or Leap Merchant Services account was first set up, we asked your organization to designate some contacts:

  • For Bluefin:
    • Merchant application signatory: the person who signed your Bluefin merchant application
    • P2PE Manager: the person who set up and activated your P2PE credit card swiping devices; sometimes called the Device Custodian
    • SecureTrust contact: the person who created your SecureTrust (formerly Trustwave) account and manages your annual PCI compliance tasks
    • Bluefin Settlement Report contact: the person who receives your financial reports and handles reconciling in Bluefin
  • For Leap Merchant Services:

If the user leaving is one of these contacts (or if you think they might be) submit a case in the Community - let us know who is leaving and the name and email address of the person who will be taking on the responsibility.

Once the user leaves:

1. Freeze the user

We can't deactivate the user yet (we'll get to that later!), but freezing the user will prevent them from logging in while you perform the rest of these steps.

Click here to get started

1.1. Click on the gear icon, then "Setup"

Click "Setup"

1.2. Search for "users" in the quick find box and click on Users

Click "Manage Users"

1.3. Click on the name of the user you'd like to deactivate

Click on the name of the user you'd like to deactivate

1.4. Click the "Freeze" button

Click the "Freeze" button

2. Update the default workflow user

Salesforce won't let you deactivate the user if they're the default workflow user, so let's check that now.

Are you still working to hire a new user who will take over this role permanently? If so, set an interim default workflow user and make a note to update this once you create the new hire's user!

Check it out

2.1. Type "automation" in the box on the left and click "Process Automation Settings" under Workflow & Approvals

Type "automation" in the box on the left and click "Process Automation Settings" under Workflow & Approvals

2.2. Check that the user you're deactivating isn't the default workflow user

If it is set to the departing user, choose someone else.  Click on the magnifying glass, select a new user, and click "Save".

Check to be sure that the user you're deactivating isn't the default workflow user - select someone else if so

3. Update Email Alerts

If someone is leaving your organization, their email alerts should go to someone who will actually see them.

Are you still working to hire a new user who will take over this role permanently? If so, set an interim email alert recipient and make a note to update this once you create the new hire's user!

Sounds about right

3.1. Head over to Setup and search for "Email Alert" in the quick find on the left, then click "Email Alerts":

3.2. Open each email alert by clicking the description

We recommend opening each Email Alert in new tabs so you come back to this page.

3.3. If the leaving user is listed under Recipients, click Edit

3.4. Use the arrow buttons to add and remove Recipients as needed

4. Update tasks automatically assigned to the departing user

Let's say this is the user currently tasked with sending an acknowledgment letter after each donation.  If they're leaving, they definitely won't be sending acknowledgments anytime soon!

Are you still working to hire a new user who will take over this role permanently? If so, set an interim task recipient and make a note to update this once you create the new hire's user!

Assign those tasks to another user

4.1. In the quick find box, type "tasks"; then, click on Tasks under Workflow & Approvals

In the menu on the left, click "Tasks"

4.2. Check the "Assigned To" column for the departing user

Make sure none of these workflow tasks will be automatically assigned to the user - edit and reassign if so
4.3. Click here if you need to change the "Assigned to" user
4.3.1. Click "edit" next to the rule you need to update
4.3.2. Click the magnifying glass next to the Assigned To field
4.3.3. Search for and select the user you'd like assigned in place of the departing person
4.3.4. Click "Save"
4.3.5. Repeat for as many tasks as are currently assigned to the departing user

5. Update the site contact information

If something goes wrong when a patron buys a ticket online or makes an online donation, you need to know!  Let's make sure the user set as your site contact isn't the one leaving your organization.

Are you still working to hire a new user who will take over this role permanently? If so, set an interim site contact and make a note to update this once you create the new hire's user!

Learn how to do that here

5.2. Click "Edit" for each of the sites on the list

5.3. Make sure the "Site Contact" and "Default Record Owner" are set to active users at your organization

5.4. Adjust those two fields if needed, then click "Save"

Do not change any other values; further edits here can break your PatronManager sites.

6. Update the scheduled jobs

Some automated background processes in PatronManager involve "jobs" that run as a user, to do things like send scheduled reports, process recurring donations, and update certain kinds of fields. A user running one of these jobs can't be deactivated, so let's reassign those as necessary.

Are you still working to hire a new user who will take over this role permanently? If so, set an interim Submitted By user for these jobs and make a note to update this once you create the new hire's user!

Check your scheduled jobs and reschedule as necessary

6.1. Type "schedule" in the search box on the left and click "Scheduled Jobs"

Type "schedule" in the search box on the left and click "Scheduled Jobs"

6.2. Check to be sure that there are no scheduled jobs or reports submitted by the departing user

If you see a scheduled job that needs to be reassigned, continue on with these steps.

If there are no jobs that need to be reassigned, skip to step 6.

Check to be sure that there are no scheduled jobs submitted by the user to be deactivated - contact us if there are

6.3. Click "Manage" on the job with the departing user

Do you see a Scheduled Job called "Supreme Query Result Reaper" submitted by the departing user? Just click "Del" to delete that job.

The next time one of your users runs a CRM Snapshot, the Scheduled Job will be created automatically.

Do you see a job called "ScheduledReportCreator" submitted by the departing user? Just leave that job alone for now!

We'll take care of updating these scheduled reports in the next step.

6.4. Note the job name and the name of the Apex Class, and click "Delete"

6.5. Search for "class" in the quick find box, and click on "Apex Classes"

6.6. Click "Schedule Apex"

6.7. Fill in the details of the new Apex job

  1. Fill in the name of the job; this should match the name of the job you deleted earlier.
  2. Select the Apex Class of the job you deleted earlier.
  3. Select a "Weekly" frequency.
  4. Check the box for every day of the week.
  5. Set the start date as today.
  6. Set the end date as sometime in 2099.
  7. Select a preferred start time; this should be a time overnight.
  8. Click "Save"

6.8. Check your work by navigating back to the Scheduled Jobs page and making sure the departing user is nowhere to be found

6.9. Repeat for other scheduled jobs as necessary

7. Update who receives scheduled financial reports

Important financial reports aren't very useful when they're sent to deactivated users! Make sure you're set to continue receiving the box office reports on the schedule you expect.

Are you still working to hire a new user who will take over this role permanently? If so, set an interim recipient for these reports and make a note to update this once you create the new hire's user!

Look at your report recipients

7.1. Click the app launcher

7.2. Go to the "Financial Reports" tab and click "Manage Scheduled Reports"

7.3. Click on the name of the scheduled report

7.4. Click Edit, change the "Email Report To" field to someone still with your organization, and save

8. Update PatronTicket Settings

PatronManager has users designated in the PatronTicket Settings to receive notification emails. For example, the Order Fulfillment Administrator gets an email when a ticket order that needs fulfillment is completed. We need to know about those orders quickly, so let's update those fields.

Are you still working to hire a new user who will take over this role permanently? If so, set an interim recipient for these notifications and make a note to update this once you create the new hire's user!

Learn how to update these fields here

8.1. Click the app launcher

Click "+" again

8.2. Click "PatronTicket Settings"

Click "PatronTicket Settings"

8.3. Be sure that the user to be deactivated is not listed as any of these three administrator roles - edit and adjust if so

Be sure that the user to be deactivated is not listed as any of these three administrator roles - edit and adjust if so

8.4. See if you need to update the From email address

If you need to add an email address to your available choices, you can add a new organization-wide email address.

See if you need to update the From email address

8.5. Make sure the user who will be deactivated isn't listed in the "Error Contact Name" or "Error Contact Info" fields

If the user is listed there, click "Edit" at the top of the PatronTicket Settings page. Update the information appropriately for your organization.

8.6. If you made changes, click "Save"

9. Update Organization Settings

Just like PatronTicket Settings, there are users assigned to receive notifications within your Organization Settings. We don't want those emails to go to deactivated users, so let's see who those users are.

Are you still working to hire a new user who will take over this role permanently? If so, set an interim recipient for these notifications and make a note to update this once you create the new hire's user!

Check those Organization Settings

9.1. Click "+" again

Click "+" again

9.2. Click "Organization Settings"

Click "Organization Settings"

You can also get here from the PatronDonate Hub using the "Organization Settings" link next to the gear towards the top right!

9.3. Click "Organization Settings"

Click "Organization Settings"

Don't see "Organization Settings" in the list? Change the list view from Recently Viewed to All!

9.4. Be sure the user to be deactivated is not listed as the Donation Administrator - edit and adjust if so

Be sure the user to be deactivated is not listed as the Donation Administrator - edit and adjust if so

9.5. See if you need to update the From email address

If you need to add an email address to your available choices, you can add a new organization-wide email address.

9.6. If you made changes, click "Save"

10. Check the "from" email on your signup confirmations

When a new patron signs up for your email list, they receive an automatic confirmation of their sign up. If the patron replies to the email, you want to make sure it's going to someone who still works for your organization.

Are you still working to hire a new user who will take over this role permanently? If so, set an interim recipient for these emails and make a note to update this once you create the new hire's user!

Update that email address

10.1. Click the app launcher again

Click "+" again

10.2. Click on the Signup Forms tab

10.3. Choose your Signup Form

Choose your signup form

10.4. Click the "Edit" button

Click the "Edit" button

10.5. Choose the organization-wide email you'd like in the "From Email" field, then Submit

If you need to add an email address to your available choices, you can add a new organization-wide email address.

Choose the organization-wide email you'd like in the "From Email" field, then Submit

11. Update your running user on Dashboards

Every dashboard has a user assigned as its "running user." If a deactivated user is set as a running user, the dashboard won't update properly.

Are you still working to hire a new user who will take over this role permanently? If so, set an interim running user for these dashboards and make a note to update this once you create the new hire's user!

Double check your dashboards

11.1. Go to the "Dashboards" tab

11.2. Click on the All Dashboards folder

11.3. Check each dashboard by clicking on it

11.4. Click on the "Edit" button

11.5. Click on the gear icon

11.6. Look at the View Dashboard As section, and reset it if it's set to your departing user

You can change it to any member of your staff who is remaining with the organization.

A new feature is the ability to view dashboards dynamically - that is, if you select the "the dashboard viewer" option, whomever runs the dashboard will see data visible to their user.

Unfortunately, you can only have 5 of these dynamic dashboards in your PatronManager account for your entire organization. Choose wisely!

12. Update Chatter group ownership

Each Chatter group has an owner, typically the person who created it. It's not tidy to have users who don't work for your organization assigned as group owners, so let's check our groups and reassign as needed.

Are you still working to hire a new user who will take over this role permanently? If so, set an interim owner for these Chatter groups and make a note to update this once you create the new hire's user!

Change those group owners

12.1. Click the app launcher again

Click "+" again

12.2. Click on the Chatter tab

Click on the PatronSignup Setup tab

12.3. Click on "Recent Groups"

12.4. Click on the list view area, and select "Active Groups"

12.5. Check each group to be sure the owner isn't the departing user. If it is, click on the dropdown arrow, then "Edit Group"

12.6. Change the owner to another user in your organization

13. Emma users: reset the Emma Salesforce Sync User

If you deactivate the user who set up the Emma integration with Beaufort12, or B12, the sync from Emma to PatronManager will fail. We'll reset the sync with an active user.

Are you still working to hire a new user who will take over this role permanently? If so, set an interim Emma Salesforce Sync User groups and make a note to update this once you create the new hire's user!

You must have B12's Full access permission set assigned to your user to do this. If not, you risk data from your email campaigns and email statuses not syncing.

If you don't use Emma for your email marketing, skip to step 15.

Let's reset the Sync User

13.1. Use the App Launcher to navigate to the Emma Admin app

Go to the Emma Admin app

13.2. From the Sync Settings page, click the icon next to the Salesforce Sync User's name

Click the icon next to the Salesforce Sync User

This will set all of the sync jobs to run under your user so that they will continue even after deactivating another user.

14. Portal users: update Contact and Account ownership and Portal settings

Every Account and Contact in PatronManager has an owner. If a deactivated user is the owner of a Contact or Account, it can cause issues when a patron tries to log into PatronPortal. Let's solve the issue ahead of time.

This step is only necessary if your organization utilizes PatronPortal. If you do not use PatronPortal, skip to step 16.

14.1. Reparent those Accounts and Contacts

As mentioned, having a deactivated user set as the owner of a Contact or Account for a Portal user can cause issues when that patron tries to log in.

Get ahead of this and make the experience smoother for your patrons by reparenting the Accounts and Contacts owned by the user you're deactivating!

14.1.1. Head to Setup

Go to Setup

14.1.2. Find and select Mass Transfer Records

Go to Mass Transfer Records

14.1.3. Click Transfer Accounts

Click Transfer Accounts

While we're opting to transfer Accounts, this process will also reparent the associated Contacts for you too!

14.1.4. Click the magnifying glass icon next to Transfer from

Click the search icon for Transfer from

14.1.5. In the pop-up, select the name of the user you're deactivating

Select the old user

In this example, we're deactivating Jordan Simmons.

14.1.6. Click the magnifying glass icon next to Transfer to

Click the search icon for Transfer to

14.1.7. In the pop-up, select the name of the user you want to own these records

Select the new owner

We recommend selecting a System Admin or yourself.

14.1.8. Check Transfer closed opportunities

Check Transfer closed opportunities

14.1.9. Click Find

Click Find

This will bring up a list of all Accounts owned by the user you're deactivating.

The list of all Accounts

14.1.10. Check the top checkbox to select all Accounts

Select all

14.1.11. Click Transfer

Click Transfer

You'll see a note confirming the transfer, which means you're all set!

14.2. Change the email address that sends Portal emails

Just like we did for the signup confirmations, we don't want bad email addresses to be "sending" emails on behalf of our organization. Let's make sure the default sender for portal related emails is up to date.

Unfortunately, this can only be tweaked in Salesforce Classic, so we'll need to swap back.

14.2.1. Click on the User profile icon, then click on "Switch to Salesforce Classic"

Click "Setup"

14.2.2. Click on "Setup"

14.2.3. Type "portal" into the quick find box and click on "Customer Portal Settings"

14.2.4. Click on "Edit" next to the PatronTicket Portal Settings

14.2.5. Check the email address and name listed, update them if needed, and click "Save"

If you change it, make sure that the new email address is already set as an organization-wide email address.

14.2.6. Switch back to Lightning Experience by clicking the "Switch to Lightning Experience" icon

15. PatronStorm users: reset the CourseStorm sync

If you deactivate the user who set up the PatronStorm integration, the hourly sync from CourseStorm to PatronManager will fail. We'll reset the sync with an active user, just in case.

Are you still working to hire a new user who will take over this role permanently? If so, take these steps and make a note to have your new hire do this again once you create the new hire's user!

This step is only necessary if your organization uses PatronStorm to sync PatronManager with CourseStorm's class registration solution. If you don't use CourseStorm, skip to step 16.

Reset PatronStorm

15.1. Head over to the PatronStorm Settings tab

Don't see this tab? Either your organization doesn't use PatronStorm (in which case you can skip to step 16), or you don't have permission to access it.

If you know your organization uses CourseStorm, assign yourself the PatronStorm Admin permission set, then come back here.

15.2. Click "Edit"

15.3. Uncheck the "Enable Auto Sync" box, then save

15.4. Click "Edit" again

15.5. Check the "Enable Auto Sync" box, and save

This restarts the sync under your user login.

Note that this will only change the Running User for your PatronStorm sync. The API Username will stay the same on your PatronStorm Settings tab! This will not affect your connection with PatronStorm.

16. Deactivate the user

It's been a process, but we're finally ready to fully deactivate the user.

Time to finish up

16.1. Click on the gear icon, then "Setup"

Click "Setup"

16.2. Search for "users" in the quick find box and click on Users

Click "Manage Users"

16.3. Click "Edit" next to the user you're deactivating

Click "Edit"

16.4. Uncheck the "Active" box

Uncheck the "Active" box

16.5. Click "OK"

Click "OK"

16.6. Click "Save"

Click "Save"

16.7. The user is deactivated - you're almost done

17. Let us know that user has left

Submit a case in the Client Community and let us know the name and email of who left - we'll update our records.

18. You're done!

You may wish to check through all of your active Confirmation Emails to ensure that the departing user's name isn't in any of those Email Templates. This can be done even after a user has been deactivated!

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