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How to Use the Credit Card Reconciliation Report

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How to Use the Credit Card Reconciliation Report:

Use the Credit Card Reconciliation report to reconcile payouts from your credit card processor. Depending on your credit card processor, you may have different options for running the report, and we'll cover those below.

Using the report

You'll use this report to reconcile against the payouts you receive from your credit card processor, but the method depends on the processor you're using.

Let's take a look at each variation!

Not sure which credit card processor you use? Don't worry - you'll see that info right at the top of the report configuration page!

Reconciling payouts from Leap Merchant Services

Here's a whole article that will walk you through these specific steps, since it's a little different (read: simpler) than for other processors!

 Reconciling credit card transactions with Stripe

1. Head over to the Financial Reports Tab

The Financial Reports tab is accessible from the App Launcher:

Or from the PatronTicket Hub:

2. Click the Credit Card Reconciliation Report

3. Enter settings as follows

  1. Choose "Other" for your processor
  2. Enter the transaction date range that corresponds to your payout or settlement report
  3. Choose whether you'd like to group the report by Event or GL Code
  4. Submit!

If you don't see this option, it's pre-selected for you!

4. Compare the results to the report you received from Stripe

Here's a quick overview of the sections of this report:

The header shows the date range and grouping method you selected in the previous step.

The Credit Card Transaction Totals provide a summary, which is broken down in more detail later in the report.

  • Transaction Gross: the total gross amount of all transactions in the report
  • Buyer Price: the face value of the tickets that the buyer paid, after discount and before any fees/taxes.
  • Item Fees: the total amount of item-level fees (split out by fee on the indented lines below, and configured in the Fee Setup tab)
  • Order Fees: the total amount of order-level fees (split out by fee on the indented lines below, and configured in the Fee Setup tab)
  • Delivery Fees: order-level fees specific to the delivery method on the order (configured in the Fee Setup tab)
  • Exchange Fees: any fee you've chosen to charge to the patron for exchanging one performance for another.
  • Donations: any donations included in the date range, whether those are donations the buyer chose to add on to their ticket purchase, or standalone credit card donations.
  • PM Fees: any Leap Event Technology fees assessed on the transactions included in this date range (determined by your contract)

Event Totals: this section makes it easy to divide up your revenue by Ticketable Event. If you've set up GL Codes on your Ticketable Events, you also have the option to group this section by GL Code instead of Event Name.

Event Totals by Credit Card Type: in case you find it helpful to know the breakdown of sales by credit card type for each Ticketable Event, we've done that here.

Per-Order Totals: there are some fees and amounts that can't be split up by Event, like delivery fees and donations. Here are those totals, again broken out by payment method.

What's NOT included on this report?

  • Chargebacks. If your date range includes any disputed charges that resulted in a chargeback, there will be a special note at the top of the report run page.
  • Credit card processing fees. These are the fees assessed by your credit card processor. Because these fee calculations occur outside of PatronManager, they are not included in this report.
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