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How to Use the Sales Summary Report

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How to Use the Sales Summary Report:

To get a quick summary of all transactions in a time period, use this report. Enter a date range, and choose to group by event instance, user, order origin, or payment method.

Here's the settings page for running a Sales Summary report:

Here's the settings page for running a Sales Summary report:
  1. Select a date range. If you've ever experienced the Daily Sales Report giving you an error when you try to run it for a long time period, this report might be your solution -- you should be able to run it for a very long (infinite?) amount of time without a problem.
  2. Display Fees?: You get to decide whether or not to display Buyer Fees and PatronTech fees in the report. This might be useful if you're running this report for an outside producer who's interested in sales numbers but doesn't need to see the fees.
  3. Show GL code instead of Event Name?: As with the Disbursement Reconciliation Report and Daily Sales Report, you can choose to group the report by GL instead of Event Name. Set up your GL codes on the Event page if you want to use this feature.
  4. Group By: This is the key to the Sales Summary report: you get to pick how you want to view the data. You can choose Event Instance, User (i.e. who sold the ticket), Order Origin (usually set up as online, phone, mail, walk-up, etc), or Payment Method.
  5. Group by Event First?: In addition to the main grouping you set above, you can choose whether or not to group the results by Event first.
  6. Secondary Group By: You can also choose to add a secondary grouping under the primary grouping. Choose between Event Instance, User (i.e. who sold the ticket), Order Origin (usually set up as online, phone, mail, walk-up, etc), or Payment Method.


Example Results:

Here's a Sales Summary report grouped by Event and then by Instance:


Here's one just grouped by User:


Here's what that same report looks like if we choose not to display fees:


If you need more details, the daily sales report is a great place to go next!

Previous Article How to Use the Daily Sales Report
Next Article How to Use the Transaction Summary Report
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