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How to Split a Donation:
Sometimes, a patron will give you a donation, but then ask you to split it between two different Funds, Campaigns, etc. They're only handing you one check, but to keep track of that money correctly in PatronManager, you'll need to split it up between two (or more) donations.
Below, we'll cover:
- What to do if the donation isn't in PatronManager yet
- How to split a donation that's already in PatronManager, both for:
- Non-credit card donations
- Credit card donations
- Some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Above, we've split a $500 donation between two funds.
If the donation isn't in PatronManager yet
If you can, it's easiest to split a donation as you enter it into PatronManager, rather than fixing it after the fact.
Non-credit card donations
Simply split the donation over multiple Donation records. Payment details (save for Amount) should be the same, and adjust Fund / Campaign / Primary Campaign Source where appropriate:
Donation A
- Amount: $300
- Payment Type: Check
- Check Number: 112233
- Fund: Art in Schools Outreach Program
Donation B
- Amount: $400
- Payment Type: Check
- Check Number: 112233
- Fund: Annual Fund
- Total amount: $700
Credit card donations
You've got two options:
- Ask your patron if they wouldn't mind you running the card twice - one for each fund they want to donate to. This will be the easiest method for you, but necessitates asking your patron for permission.
- If you don't want to bother your patron, or if they'd prefer you didn't, run the card as one donation, then follow the process below to split the donation after it's been processed.
How to split a donation that's already in PatronManager
If the donation's been entered already, don't despair! You can still get the money to the correct silos.
3. Well, what'd ya see?
We're going to "refund" the donation, then re-enter as two donations.
Don't worry! Even though we're "refunding", your money isn't going anywhere.
In this example, we have a $500 donation we need to split up between two funds:
Donation A
- Amount: $300
- Payment Type: Cash
- Fund: Education Fund
- Fund (specific): Artists in Schools
Donation B
- Amount: $200
- Payment Method: Cash
- Fund: Annual Fund
- Fund (specific): For the Staff
- Total amount of original donation: $500
3. Fill in some details and click Submit Refund
- Select Refund Method: Cash
- Assigned To: you!
- Subject: Split Donation
- Due Date: today
- Task Description: Immediately re-enter as two donations split between [your two funds]. For refund of donation: [original donation name]
- Click Submit Refund
5. In the pop-up, update the Donation information and click Save
- Amount: in our example, we're applying $300 to the Education Fund, so we'll update this to 300
- Stage: Posted
- Fund: in our example, this $300 goes to the Education Fund
- Click Save!
7. In the pop-up, update the Donation information and click Save
- Amount: in our example, we're applying $200 to the Annual Fund, so we'll update this to 200
- Stage: Posted
- Fund: in our example, this $200 goes to the Annual Fund
- Click Save!
8. Now we've got our two donations!
Donation A
- Amount: $300
- Close Date: 6/28/2019
- Payment Type: Cash
- Fund: Education Fund
- Fund (specific): Artists in Schools
Donation B
- Amount: $200
- Close Date: 6/28/2019
- Payment Type: Cash
- Fund: Annual Fund
- Fund (specific): For the Staff
- Total amount of original donation: $500
Want to record how these Donations are connected? Use the Description field on the Donation records or Chatter on the records to note how your two Donations are connected and how they relate to the original Donation record that you split!
Cool, we're just gonna adjust the original donation and then clone it.
In our example below, we've got a $500 donation we need to split as follows:
Donation A
- Amount: $300
- Payment Type: Cash
- Fund: Education Fund
- Fund (specific): Artists in Schools
Donation B
- Amount: $200
- Payment Method: Cash
- Fund: Annual Fund
- Fund (specific): For the Staff
- Total amount of original donation: $500
2. In the pop-up, adjust the Amount and Fund on this (the original) donation as appropriate, then click Save
In our example, we want to apply $300 of the original donation to the Education Fund:
4. In the pop-up, update the Amount and Fund fields appropriately and click Save
In our example, the other $200 goes to the Annual Fund.
5. Done!
We've now got our two donations:
Donation A
- Amount: $300
- Payment Type: Cash
- Fund: Education Fund
- Fund (specific): Artists in Schools
Donation B
- Amount: $200
- Payment Method: Cash
- Fund: Annual Fund
- Fund (specific): For the Staff
- Total amount of original donation: $500
Want to record how these Donations are connected? Use the Description field on the Donation records or Chatter on the records to note how your two Donations are connected!
We're going to "refund" the donation, then re-enter as two donations.
Don't worry! Even though we're "refunding," your money isn't going anywhere.
2. Check the Refund Method drop-down to see if you have "Credit Card Split" as an option
If you do, you can move on to step 3 and fill out the Refund form.
We're gonna create that real quick! Should take ~ten minutes.
5. Add "Credit Card Split" as a new line, scroll down and make sure all the Record Type boxes are checked, then click Save
11. Scroll to the bottom; in "Available Third Party Refund Methods", highlight "Credit Card Split", then click Save
If there are already other options selected in "Available Third Party Refund Methods", use CTRL+click to highlight "Credit Card Split" - otherwise, you'll disable the previously-available selections.
All done! Now head back to the donation you're trying to split
Take 2! Click here.
3. You've got "Credit Card Split" as an option? Great! Select "Credit Card Split" for the Refund Method and click Submit Refund
6. Fill in the New Donation form
In this example, the first $300 of the original donation is meant for the Education Fund.

- Amount: in this example, $300
- Stage: Posted
- Payment Type: Credit Card Split
- Click Save!
9. Update the Fund / Campaign / Primary Campaign Source as appropriate, then click Save
Again, in our example, this first donation is for the Education Fund, so let's update that.
11. In the pop-up, update the Donation information and click Save
- Amount: in our example, the remainder of the donation goes to the Annual Fund, so we'll update this to 200
- Stage: Posted
- Fund: in our example, this $200 goes to the Annual Fund
- Click Save!
12. Now we've got our two donations!
Donation A
- Amount: $300
- Close Date: 6/28/2019
- Payment Type: Credit Card Split
- Fund: Education Fund
- Fund (specific): Artists in Schools
Donation B
- Amount: $200
- Close Date: 6/28/2019
- Payment Type: Credit Card Split
- Fund: Annual Fund
- Fund (specific): For the Staff
- Total amount of original donation: $500
Want to record how these Donations are connected? Use the Description field on the Donation records or Chatter on the records to note how your two Donations are connected and how they relate to the original Donation record that you split!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
This will require a little help from our Client Support team. Submit a case in the Client Community with the following information and our team will be able to help:
- Name of the donation(s) that need to be refunded
- Link to the donation(s) that need to be refunded
- Name of the donor
- Amount that needs to be refunded (i.e. full refund, partial refund, etc.)