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How to Email an Acknowledgment for Cash or Check Donations:
When donors donate online or via a credit card to your staff, they automatically receive an email thanking them for their donation. But what about when a donor brings cash or a check to you?
In this article, we'll walk you through:
- Sending an acknowledgment email for cash or check donations
- Marking these donations as acknowledged
At the end, we have some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
How to Send an Acknowledgment Email
1. Go to the Donation and click "Email" from the Activity Timeline
If you don't see the "Email" action from the Activity Timeline, make sure your page layouts are set to use this feature and that you've set up global actions!
3. Select a template, if desired
To use the standard template, select the template set as your Back Office Donation Ack. Template in Organization Settings.
If you have a custom template you'd like to use, you can select that one instead!
Mark Donations as acknowledged
Once you've acknowledged the Donation(s) that you wish, you'll want to mark them as "Acknowledged" so that you don't accidentally send another email or letter for the same gift in the future.
You can mark gifts as acknowledged from each Donation record individually with these steps:
2. Hover over and click the pencil icon next to "Acknowledged"
Don't see the "Acknowledged" checkbox? Make sure it's on your Donation page layouts!
You can mark several gifts at a time as Acknowledged using a List View, as long as you filter the List View by record type. Here's how to build a List View for Donations to mark them as acknowledged in bulk:
3. Fill in the details for your new List View to what you'd like, then Save

4. Set your filters
- Filter by Owner: All donations
- Donation Record Type equals Donation
- Acknowledged equals False
- Save
6. Move "Acknowledged" from Available Fields to Visible Fields using the arrows

7. Click Save

Now you can mark the "Acknowledged" checkbox for several donations at once
Want to learn more about List Views? We've got just the article for you.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
If you prefer to send printed letters through the mail, you can generate mail merge letters to acknowledge your Donations.
If you have several gifts to acknowledge at once, you can use a report to generate a bulk mail merge.
If you just need to generate a single mail merge letter to send, you can set up an individual mail merge.