PatronManager Help

How to Add Contacts to a Campaign

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How to Add Contacts to a Campaign:

If you're tracking a gala or a hard mailing using Campaigns, chances are you want to add Contacts to it.  There are five ways to do this.  The method you choose depends on how many Contacts you'd like to add to your Campaign.  In this article, we'll go over the following:

  1. Add a Contact from the Contact record
  2. Use Search and Select on the Campaign
  3. Create a List View
  4. Run one or more reports and add Contacts from the report
    • This is the most efficient way to add Contacts to a Campaign if your Contacts list fairly large
  5. Add Contacts to a Campaign via the Import File option

Let's dive in and find the right method for you!

1. Add a Contact from the Contact record

Add a Contact to your Campaign straight from their Contact record when you just need to add one or two Contacts!

Let's go

1. Go to the Contact's record

2. Click on the Related tab

4. In the pop-up box, search for your Campaign, select it and click "Next"

Can't find your Campaign?  Make sure it's Active.

5. Select the Member Status you want to use, and click "Save"

Need to create a custom Member Status for your campaign? Here's where you can learn more about how to add a custom Member Status.

2. Add Contacts to the Campaign via Search and Select

Go to the Campaign and use Search and Select when you need to add a handful of Contacts.

Learn more

1. Click on the App Launcher, search "Campaign" in the Quick Find box, and click on "Campaigns" to navigate to the Campaigns tab

2. Click on the Campaign you'd like to add the Contact to

4. Find the Contacts you'd like to add, click on the "+" to add them,  and click "Next"

5. Fill in the following information

  1. Campaign: This should auto-populate with the campaign you're on.
  2. Member Status: Assign a Member Status to the Contacts you've selected.  If you need to add a custom Member Status for your campaign, you can learn how to add a custom Member Status.
  3. Existing Campaign Member: If you pull in Contacts that already belong to this Campaign, you can choose to keep those Contacts' Member Statuses, or you can update their Member Statuses with what you chose in the Member Status field.
  4. Click Submit.

6. Great! The Contacts are now part of the Campaign

3. Add Contacts from a List View

List Views are a great way to add Contacts if you have simple criteria for adding those Contacts to your campaign. If you would like to become more familiar with list views in Lightning, read this article that's all about List Views.

Click here for more

1. Go to the Contacts tab, click on the gear in the List View and click "New"

2. Name the List View something appropriate, set who can see the List View and click "Save"

In this example, we've named this "Contacts in Chicago" because that's what our List View is going to ultimately show. We also want everyone to be able to access this List View, so we've selected "All users can see this list view"

3. Click on "Filter by Owner" in the Filters panel, change it to "All Contacts" and click "Done"

4. Click "Add Filter"

5. Fill in your filter criteria and click "Done"

In this example, we only want to see folks who live in Chicago, so our filter reads:

  • Field: Mailing City
  • Operator: Equals
  • Value: Chicago

6. Once you've added all the filters you want, click "Save"

7. Check the box next to the Name column to select all the Contacts in your list, and click the "Add to Campaign" button

8. Fill in the following information

  1. Campaign: Search and select the Campaign you want to add this list to.
  2. Member Status: Assign a Member Status to the Contacts you've selected.  If you need to add a custom Member Status for your Campaign, you can learn more about how to add a custom Member Status.
  3. Existing Campaign Member: If you pull in Contacts from your List View that already belong to this Campaign, you can choose to keep those Contacts' Member Statuses, or you can update their Member Statuses with what you chose in the Member Status field.
  4. Click "Submit.

Hooray! The Contacts in the List View have been added to the Campaign

4. Add Contacts with a report

Run one or more report(s) or Contact-based CRM Snapshots, and add Contacts from the report results page when you need to add large groups of Contacts to Campaign. This is the fastest and most common method of adding Contacts to a Campaign.

Get your list with CRM Snapshots!

CRM Snapshots provide you with a ready-to-run reporting tool to pull lists based on complex queries. By using a CRM Snapshot based on Contacts, you can pull a list for your Campaign and add the resulting Contacts from your report.

We have a full list of available CRM Snapshots available here, and the Contact-based snapshots are:

  • Find patrons who haven't bought tickets to specific Event Instances
  • Find patrons who have purchased tickets to some Event Instances, but not others
  • Find patrons who have purchased tickets to some Event Instances, but not others within a timeframe
  • Find first-time ticket-buyers to a recent Event
  • Find patrons who have made their first and only ticket purchase within a timeframe
  • Find patrons who bought tickets to ‘more than’ or ‘at least’ or ‘exactly’ X events in a timeframe
  • Find patrons who bought tickets to ‘more than’ or ‘at least’ or ‘exactly’ X events in a given category
  • Find patrons who have subscribed 'more than' or 'at least' or 'exactly' x times
  • Find patrons who have donated a certain amount between certain dates
  • Find patrons who have donated a certain amount between certain dates (two time periods)
  • Find patrons who have made a certain number of donations within a timeframe
  • LYBUNT/SYBUNT queries
  • Find patrons with memberships to renew
  • Find ticket buyers to specific Event Instances who have also donated
  • Find patrons who have bought tickets within a timeframe and who have also donated
  • Find patrons who have ordered tickets OR made donations
Custom reports to the rescue!

1. Go to the Reports tab and create a new Contacts & Accounts report

2. Create a report that contains ONLY Contacts you want to add to the Campaign

You can't add just part of a report to a Campaign, so you'll have to filter out everybody who doesn't belong. In this case, we've created a report that only contains current board members who have an email and are either collected or confirmed opt-in.

Be sure you use a Contact report - for tips with reporting, take a look at the following resources:

Create a report that contains ONLY contacts that you want to add to the campaign

3. Don't forget to save and give your report a unique name

If you build a report from scratch, click "Save".

If you build a report based off of one of our snazzy packaged report templates, click "Save As" so you don't overwrite the template!

4. Click the "Run" button

5. Click on the arrow next to "Edit" and click "Add to Campaign"

Click "Add to Campaign"

6. Fill in the following information:

Choose whether or not to override the status of contacts already in the campaign
  1. Campaign: Search and select the Campaign you want to add this report to.
  2. Member Status: Assign a Member Status to the Contacts you've selected.  If you need to add a custom Member Status for your Campaign, you can learn more about how to add a custom Member Status here.
  3. Existing Campaign Member: If you pull in Contacts from your report that already belong to this Campaign, you can choose to keep those Contacts' Member Statuses, or you can update their Member Statuses with what you chose in the Member Status field.
  4. Click "Submit.

7. The Contacts have been added!

The contacts have been added! Click "Done" to go back to the report

8. Repeat this process if you have more than one report that contains Contacts you want to add to the Campaign - just go to the second report in question and walk through these steps again

5. Add Contacts with the Salesforce native Data Import Wizard

You should only use this method if none of the above options will work, as it has lots of room for error. However, if you've got a hand picked list of people who can't be grouped in any of the above methods, this gives you ultimate flexibility to add people to your Campaigns.

Learn how to import Contacts to your Campaign here

1. Go to the file you wish to import, and check these two things

  1. The file format is a .CSV, .XLS, or .XLSX format.
  2. The Contact ID is a column on your report. The Contact ID is a 15 character text string made up of numbers and upper and lower case letters. For Contacts, it will always start with a 003.

If your file does not have that Contact ID, these steps will not work, and you must pursue adding Contacts to this Campaign in some other fashion.

2. If you want these Campaign Members to have a specific Member Status, do these two things

  1. Check your Campaign to make sure the status is an option. Here's where you can learn more about how to add a custom Member Status.
  2. Make the Campaign Member Status another column in your import file, and make sure it's filled in in every row.

4. Click on the down arrow in the Campaign Members panel and select "Manage Campaign Members"

5. The next screen is divided into three rectangular boxes; look at the one furthest to the left

Select Standard Objects, and Campaign Members.

6. Select "Add New Records"

Generally, you can leave the "Trigger workflow rules and processes for new and updated records" box unchecked.  However, if you have a Process built in your account to bring Account fields to the Campaign Member object, check the box.

7. Drag your source file into the box on the far right and click "Next"

Leave the default Character Code and the Values Separated By fields.

8. Set your mappings

On this screen, you'll specify which column contains the Contact ID, and which contains the Campaign Member Status (if you're using a custom status).

If there are any other columns in your report, don't map them; leave the mapped Salesforce object field to "Unmapped". If it's not mapped, it will not be imported. This import only adds data to the Campaign Member record - this import does not update the Contacts you are working with.

Your Contact ID mapping should look like this:

If you're mapping a Member Status, your mapping should look like this:

9. Click "Next" at the bottom right hand corner

10. Click "Start Import"

Depending on how big your list is, it could take a matter of seconds to several minutes for the import to complete, but don't worry - you'll receive an notification email.

What's next?

Track your Campaign Members' Member Status!  By default, you can track "Sent" or "Responded" status - but what if you want to track statuses like "RSVP Yes" or "Former Board"?  Follow along with this Help tab article for more details.

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Next Article How to Add Donations to a Campaign
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