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How to Add the New Pledge and New Pledge Payment Actions to Page Layouts

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How to Add the New Pledge and New Pledge Payment Actions to Page Layouts:

Actions are a great way to streamline the data entry process.  If Pledges and Pledge Payments were already set up in your account in Classic, then you'll need to create the New Pledge and New Pledge Payment actions, and then add them to various page layouts.

In this article, we'll:

  1. Set up the New Pledge Payment action and add it to the Pledge page layout
  2. Set up the New Pledge action and add it to the Account and Contact page layouts

This should take about an hour - let's go for it!

This is the last step to complete pledge setup - if you haven't set up pledges (or aren't sure if you have) head to this article to configure the pledges feature in your account.

1. Set up the New Pledge Payment action and add it to the Pledge page layout

In this step, we'll configure the "New Pledge Payment" action and add it to the Pledge record, and then we'll do a bit of light page layout cleanup.  

With this action, you'll be able to create Pledge Payment records directly from the Pledge record with the click of a button, and some of the information from the Pledge record will carry over to the Pledge Payment record, too!  How convenient.

Create the New Pledge Payment action

1. Click on the gear and go to Setup

2. Go to the Object Manager, search "donation", and click on Donation

3. Click on the Buttons, Links and Actions tab in the left panel

5. Fill in the following information:

  1. Action Type: Create a Record
  2. Target Object: Opportunity
  3. Relationship Field: Parent Record
  4. Record Type: Pledge Payment
  5. Standard Label Type: New [Record Type]
  6. Name: New_Pledge_Payment
  7. Description: This action is used to create a Pledge Payment on a Pledge record
  8. Create Feed Item: checked
  9. Icon: Leave this as is
  10. Click "Save"

6. After you click save, you'll land on the Layout for the action

7. Place the following fields on the action page layout and click "Save"

Add these fields to the page layout:

  • Amount
  • Close Date
  • Stage
  • Payment Type
  • Check Number
  • Check Date

8. A warning message may Pop-up when you save - click "Yes"

9. Now it's time to create our Predefined Values!  Click "New"

10. Choose the field name and enter the formula

  1. Field Name: Account Name
  2. Formula Value: Opportunity.AccountId
  3. Click "Save"

11. Click "New" again

12. Choose the field name and enter the formula

  1. Field Name: Donor
  2. Formula Value: Opportunity.PatronDonate__Donor__c
  3. Click "Save"

13. Click "New" yet again

14. Choose the field name and enter the formula

  1. Field Name:  Opportunity Name
  2. Formula Value: Opportunity.Account.Name + " Pledge Payment - " + TEXT( MONTH( TODAY() ) ) + "/" + TEXT( DAY( TODAY() ) ) + "/" + TEXT( YEAR( TODAY() ) )
  3. Click "Save"

15. In the words of Brittany...

Click that "New" Button one more time.

16. Choose the field name and enter the formula

  1. Field Name:  Close Date
  2. Formula Value: TODAY()
  3. Click "Save

You've just created the New Pledge Payment action!

Now let's go add this action to the Pledge layout.

Add the action to the Pledge layout

1. Go to the Page Layouts tab in the left panel, and click on "Pledge Layout"

2. Select "Mobile & Lightning Actions" on the editing palette

3. Drag-and-drop "New Pledge Payment" from the editing palette to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section

Hooray!  You just added the "New Pledge Payment" action to the Pledge page layout.  While we're here, let's remove an unnecessary button from the Payments related list.

5. Click on the "+" on the Buttons section

6. Uncheck the "New" box and click "OK"

7. Click "Save"

One action down, one to go

2. Set up New Pledge action and add it to the Account and Contact page layouts

In this step, we'll set configure the New Pledge action and add it to the Account and Contact page layouts. Then, we'll do a bit of light page layout cleanup.

When you're done with this step, you'll be able to create a Pledge record from the Contact or the Account, and the New Pledge action will capture important information from the Contact/Account and carry it over to the Pledge record.

Configure the New Pledge action on the Contact

1. Click on the gear and go to Setup

2. Go to the Object Manager, and search and select Contact

4. Fill in the following details

  1. Action Type: Create Record
  2. Target Object: Opportunity
  3. Record Type: Pledge
  4. Standard Label Type: New [Record Type]
  5. Name: New_Pledge
  6. Description: This action creates a new Pledge record related to the Contact
  7. Create Feed Item: checked
  8. Icon: Leave this as-is
  9. Click "Save"

5. Customize what fields will appear on the new Action and click "Save"

Add these fields to the action page layout:

  • Opportunity Name
  • Account Name
  • Donor
  • Pledge Amount
  • Close Date
  • Stage

6. A warning message may pop up when you save - click "Yes"

7. Now it's time to create our Predefined Values!  Click "New"

8. Choose the field name and enter the formula

  1. Field Name: Opportunity Name
  2. Formula Value: Contact.FirstName + " " + Contact.LastName + " Pledge - " + TEXT( MONTH( TODAY() ) ) + "/" + TEXT( DAY( TODAY() ) ) + "/" + TEXT( YEAR( TODAY() ) )
  3. Click "Save"

9. Click "New" again

10. Choose the field name and enter the formula

  1. Field Name: Account Name
  2. Formula Value: Contact.Account.Id
  3. Click "Save"

11. Click "New" one more time

12. Choose the field name and enter the formula

  1. Field Name:  Donor
  2. Formula Value: Contact.Id
  3. Click "Save"

Your action is ready!

Great! Now let's add this action to Contact page layouts.

Add the New Pledge action to Contact page layouts

1. Now, go to the Object Manager tab, search "contact", and click on Contact

2. Go to the Page Layouts tab in the left panel, and click on "Patron Contact Layout"

3. Select "Mobile & Lightning Actions" on the editing palette

4. Drag-and-drop "New Pledge" from the editing palette to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section

6. Add the following fields to the Selected Fields box and click "OK"

  • Stage
  • Pledge Amount
  • Donation Record Type

7. Click "Save"

8. Repeat for all the Contact page layouts except "TBQ Contact"

Configure the New Pledge action on the Account

1. Click on the gear and go to Setup

2. Go to the Object Manager, and click on Account

3. Go to the Buttons, Links, and Actions tab in the left panel, and click "New Action"

4. Fill in the following details

  1. Action Type: Create Record
  2. Target Object: Opportunity
  3. Record Type: Pledge
  4. Standard Label Type: New [Record Type]
  5. Name: New_Pledge
  6. Description: This action creates a new Pledge record related to the Account
  7. Create Feed Item: checked
  8. Icon: Leave this as-is
  9. Click "Save"

5. Customize what fields will appear on the new action and click "Save"

Add these fields to the action layout:

  • Opportunity Name
  • Account Name
  • Donor
  • Pledge Amount
  • Close Date
  • Stage

6. A warning message may pop up when you save - click "Yes"

7. Now it's time to create our Predefined Values!  Click "New"

8. Choose the field name and enter the formula

  1. Field Name: Opportunity Name
  2. Formula Value: Account.Name + " Pledge - " + TEXT( MONTH( TODAY() ) ) + "/" + TEXT( DAY( TODAY() ) ) + "/" + TEXT( YEAR( TODAY() ) )
  3. Click "Save"

9. Click "New" again

10. Choose the field name and enter the formula:

  1. Field Name: Account Name
  2. Formula Value: Account.Id
  3. Click "Save"


Now let's go add our final Action to the Foundation and Organization Account page layouts.

Add the New Pledge action to the Foundation and Organization Account page layouts

1. Go to the Page Layouts tab in the left panel, and click on "Foundation Layout"

2. Select "Mobile & Lightning Actions" on the editing palette

3. Drag-and-drop "New Pledge" from the editing palette to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section, and click "Save"

Hooray!  You just added the "New Pledge" action to the Account Foundation page layout.  While we're here, let's do a little cleanup.

5. Move the following fields from the Available Fields box to the Selected Fields box

  • Pledge Amount
  • Stage
  • Donation Record Type

6. Click "OK"

7. Click "Save"

8. Repeat for the Organization Layout

Wonder why you shouldn't add the New Pledge action to the Household or Individual layouts? Great question!

We recommend you add pledge records made by individual people (as opposed to entities like businesses and foundations) via the Contact instead of the Account. That way, the pledge record will be directly associated with the donor's Contact record, which lends to better pledge-tracking and reporting.  

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Next Article How to Set Up Pledges
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