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What is the Donation Probability Percentage?

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What is the Donation Probability Percentage?:

Ever wondered what the Probability field does on the Donation record? You've come to the right place!

Each Stage value has a Probability percentage, which indicates how likely a donation is to come in. They're inextricably intertwined, like peas in a pod, as the Probability field automatically updates when you change the Stage on a Donation record. For example:

  • Posted = 100%
  • Pledged = 90%
  • Not Posted = 0%

In this article, you'll learn:

  • How the Probability percentage influences different aspects of PatronManager
  • Where you can view all the Stages and their corresponding Probability percentages
  • How to add new Stages with specific Probability values

This Grant record currently has a Stage of Grant Under Review with a Probability percentage of 50%.

Why does the Probability percentage Matter?

Check out these three parts of PatronManager that use Probability percentage:

CRM Snapshots concerning Donations can be filtered by percentage

Snapshots that reference Donations have a drop-down option for “Probability” which defaults to 100%, but can be set at increments of 10 down to 10%

PatronPortal Donation tab

The Probability determines if donations show up on a PatronPortal member's profile; donations with a Probability of less than 90% will not show up in Portal.

In our example below, Selena Meyer, a Portal member, has made a pledge. Donations with a "Pledged" stage have a Probability of 90% and show up under the "Upcoming" section, while processed pledge payments (Stage = "Posted") have a Probability of 100% and show up under "Completed".

  • Donations with a probability under 90% won't show up in Portal
  • Donations with a probability between 90% and 100% show as Upcoming
  • Donations with a probability of 100% show as Completed
Reports projecting future income

Reports projecting future income multiply the Amount by the Probability to give you your total pipeline donations. Our example below shows all future donations with a Probability over 80 percent:

  1. Probability & Stage: This report is grouped by Probability - we can see the "Pledged" stage has a Probability of 90%
  2. Amount vs. Expected Revenue:  The Amount is what's promised; the Expected Revenue amount is the Amount multiplied by the Probability percentage
  3. Show me: All Donations
  4. Close Date: On or after tomorrow's date
  5. Donation Status: Any
  6. Probability: >80%
  7. Donation Record Type: We've excluded the Group Sale / Group Sale Payment record types, as well as Parent record types (Grant, Pledge, etc.)

Can I view a full list of existing Probabilities?

Sure can! Let's go find existing Stages and their corresponding Probabilities.

View probability Percentages here

1. Click on the gear and go to Setup

2. Go to the Object Manager tab - search for and select Donation

3. Go to the Fields & Relationships tab

4. Search for and click on Stage

Yup, you read that right! We're going to find Probability percentages via the Stage field.

5. Scroll down to the Donations Picklist Values list - you'll find every Stage value along with it's associated Probability percentage

We don't recommend editing these percentages - creating a new Stage and adding it to a Donation Record Type's sales process would be a much better plan.

If you do edit these percentages, be aware your patrons will be able to see all Donations on PatronPortal where Probability is over 90%!

Can I add custom Stages and corresponding Probabilities?

Certainly! However, be aware any Stages with probabilities over 90% will be visible in the Patron Portal Donation tab.

We have directions on how to add custom Stages here.

After you create a new Stage, make sure you and your colleagues can utilize it.

If you want to add the new Stage to an existing Donation record type, add the stage to the record type's associated Sales Process.

If this new Stage is part of a series of Stages on a new Donation record type:

  1. Create a new Sales Process and add all the Stages you'll need to it
  2. Create a new record type and associate it with your new Sales Process

To learn more in depth how to create and utilize a new Stage with a corresponding Probability percentage, see our How to Create a Custom Record Type article!

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