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Reporting on Campaigns:
When you use Campaigns, you can track the success and results of your development and marketing campaigns. But what if you want to pull a list of Campaign Members or see how many folks received or didn't receive your Campaign?
That's when you can combine the power of reports with Campaigns to harness your data.
In this article, we'll help you get started with Campaign reporting by showing you:
- How to find a list of patrons who received or responded to your Campaign
- How to pull a list of donations made as a result of your Campaign
- How to pull a report of Campaign statistics
Let's get started!
Reporting on Campaign Members
When you create and carry out a Campaign, it's important to know how your patrons interacted with your Campaign.
With PatronManager, you can see who opened an email from a PatronChimp Campaign, who responded to your fundraising Campaign, or who RSVPed to your donor event in a report by starting from the pre-loaded All Contacts report.
In this example, we'll go through building a report to see who responded to our 2021 Development Campaign, but you can use this same process to pull a list of Campaign Members with any specific Member Status!
We'll be using Cross Filters in this report. If you're unfamiliar with Cross Filters or need a refresher, check out our article here.
3. Make a copy of the report using Save As
This will ensure that you keep the base All Contacts report in tact for future use!
6. In the Filters pane, select Add Cross Filter

7. Set the Cross Filter, then click Apply

Specifically, you'll want to show Contacts with Campaign History.
8. In Add Campaign History Filter, find and select Responded

9. Select True and click Apply

11. Add your Campaign Name into the filter and click Apply

In this case, our Campaign Name is "2021 Development," so that's what we've pasted into the filter.
Reporting on Donations for a Campaign
When running a fundraising Campaign, you can track your Campaign's efficacy by connecting donations that came in with the Primary Campaign Source field.
By using the Primary Campaign Source field, you can also run a report to see all the donations created as a result of your Campaign!
3. Make a copy of the report using Save As
This will ensure that you keep the base All Donations report in tact for future use!
6. In the Filters pane, add a filter for the Primary Campaign Source
Set your filter for Primary Campaign Source equals [EXACT NAME OF YOUR CAMPAIGN]
Reporting on Campaign Statistics
After running your Campaign, seeing the statistics from your Campaign is a helpful way to get a quick overview of your results. Using the built-in Campaigns with Campaign Members report type, you can pull a list of how your patrons responded to your Campaign and get some other quick numbers.
4. Click Start Report
From here, you can customize this report to show you the information that you need!
For example...
- Want to limit this report to a specific Campaign? Add a filter for Campaign Name equals [EXACT NAME OF CAMPAIGN]
- Want to see how many Contacts are in each Member Status? Add a row grouping by Member Status