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How to Integrate 360MatchPro by Double the Donation with PatronManager

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How to Integrate 360MatchPro by Double the Donation with PatronManager:

If you don't have a 360MatchPro account yet, hold up! You'll need to do that first.

Head over to All About 360MatchPro by Double the Donation for an overview and information on getting started.

You've got your 360MatchPro account up and running and you're ready to level up your matching gifts, hurrah! Now it's time to connect 360MatchPro with PatronManager. There are three steps to the process:

  1. Installing and configuring the 360MatchPro Salesforce integration
  2. Connecting PatronManager to 360MatchPro
  3. Adding the 360MatchPro search widget to your Donation Forms

Getting the integration up and running should take about an hour. Sound good? Let's go!

Heads up: you'll need admin privileges to install and configure the integration. If you're not a System Administrator (can't access Setup etc), reach out to your organization's admin for help with these steps.

1. Install and configure the 360MatchPro Salesforce Integration

The folks at Double the Donation have put together excellent documentation to walk you through the process, and here we'll highlight a few specific configuration steps to use so that the integration plays nicely with PatronManager.

Let's hook it up!

1. Install the 360MatchPro app into your PatronManager account

First you'll install the 360MatchPro app from the Salesforce AppExchange. Make sure you're logged into your PatronManager account, then head over to this article and follow steps 1 and 2 to install the app.

When the package is finished installing, continue to follow those instructions to connect 360MatchPro to Salesforce, but see below for specific PatronManager configuration settings to use as you move through each section of their guide.

Skip the section on "Field Mapping: Nonprofit Success Pack" (i.e. do NOT check the box for "We use the Nonprofit Success Pack Household Account Model"). Instead, follow the instructions in the section titled "Field Mapping: Custom Data Mapping".

Select "Opportunity" or "Donation" (whichever you see) as the object used to store donation data.

You can likely use the "Let 360MatchPro try!" field mapping option; the defaults it selects are likely to be accurate unless you have extensive customizations in your PatronManager account.

Skip (do not map) the optional "company id" and "entered text" fields.

3. Step-by-Step: Configuring Exclusions and Inclusions with your 360MatchPro and Salesforce Data Flow

3.1. Keep default "IsClosed" and "IsWon" inclusions

By default, the system is set to include records where Opportunity -> IsClosed = True and Opportunity -> IsWon = True. Keep these settings as-is.

3.2. Select Donation Record Types to include

PatronManager comes with many Donation record types that would not be eligible for matching gifts: for example, Grant, Grant Payment, Pledge, Group Sale, Group Sale Payment, Soft Credit, and MatchingDonation. Many PatronManager clients add more custom record types to track other kinds of things that aren't really Donations, such as ad sales, sponsorships, and so forth.

Because it can be difficult to maintain a list of excluded Donation Record Types, we recommend using the "Inclusion" option for Opportunity -> RecordTypeId -> Name to list only the specific kinds of Donations that are eligible for matching gifts. For most organizations, that would be some or all of the following (you can copy and paste):

Donation, MajorGift, Pledge Payment, PatronTicket Donation
Click to copy

Other Record Types to consider include:

  • Membership (if your organization uses Donations to track Memberships and considers these gifts eligible for matching)
  • PledgePayment (if your organization is using an older version of Pledges rather than the newer, recommended version)
  • Any other Donation Record Types your organization may have added that might be eligible for matching gifts

3.3. Add an exclusion for tickets refunded to Donation

We recommend including the "PatronTicket Donation" Record Type above, so that you can encourage matching gifts for Donations that patrons make during a ticket purchase. However, many organizations also allow patrons to "donate back" tickets they don't need (in lieu of a cash/credit refund), and you may or may not consider these ticket refund donations eligible for matching.

If you'd like to exclude these ticket turnbacks from 360MatchPro, click "Add Exclusion", select the "Donation Origin" field on the Opportunity object, and enter the following value (copy and paste):

Ticket Order Refund
Click to copy

Don't forget to save!

3.4. When you're finished, it should look like this:

4. Step-by-Step: Sync Matching Gift Data from 360MatchPro to Salesforce

We recommend following the steps in the first portion, "Sync Matching Gift Data: Opportunity Object and Contact Object", of 360MatchPro's instructions as written! This allows you to view the donor's employer info on their Donation and on their Contact record.

5. All set! Move on to the next step below

You've finished setting up the 360MatchPro Salesforce integration; nice job! Now it's time to tell PatronManager how to find your 360MatchPro account and add the search widget to your Donation Form(s).

If you had any trouble setting up the 360MatchPro Salesforce integration, refer to the troubleshooting steps at the end of their article, then come back here once that's all sorted out.

2. Connect PatronManager to 360MatchPro

Now it's time to grab a bit of info from your 360MatchPro account to plug into PatronManager so that your Donation Forms can use the search widget.

Let's do it!

1. Log in to 360MatchPro, head to Settings > API Keys, and copy your Public API Key

2. Log in to PatronManager and go to Organization Settings

You've got two options to do this.

Via the PatronDonate Hub
Click Organization Settings
Organization Settings from PatronDonate Hub
Via the App Launcher
Click the App Launcher, or waffle
Click the "+" Icon
Search for and click on Organization Settings
Click "Organization Settings"
Click the "Organization Settings" Link

4. Click "Edit"

5. Paste your 360MatchPro Public Key into the corresponding field, then save

3. Add the 360MatchPro search widget to your Donation Form(s)

Last step! Now you'll add the search widget to your Donation Form(s) to take full advantage of Double the Donation's awesome automation tools.

Let's get those matching gifts going!

1. Head to the Donation Forms tab

You can also get here using the Donation Forms tile from the PatronDonate Hub!

2. Click on the first Donation Form that should include the search widget

This functionality is only available on V2 Donation Forms.

3. On the form setup page, scroll down to the Form Builder and click "New Content"

4. Select "360MatchPro Search Widget"

If you don't see this option, there are two possible reasons: a) you haven't put your 360MatchPro API key into the Organization Settings tab yet, or b) the search widget is already on this Donation Form.

5. Enter a Sort Order

Sort order defines where the new field appears among the rest of the content on your Donation Form. If you're not sure what sort order to use, enter "1" to put it at the top of the form for now - you can adjust that in a moment.

6. Enter a label for the field, and save!

We suggest something like "See if your employer matches donations:"

7. Open the Public URL of your Donation Form to confirm placement for the field

8. If needed, click "Edit All" in the Form Builder section and adjust the Sort Order to move the search widget

After saving your changes, refresh the Donation Form in your browser to see the resulting placement.

9. Repeat the steps above for any other Donation Forms where you'd like to encourage matching gifts

All done! Repeat as needed for other Donation Forms, then sit back and get ready for the matching gifts to roll in.

Now what? How do I use this snazzy new integration?

360MatchPro is a powerful tool, and we recommend consulting their extensive resources to use it to its best advantage!

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