PatronManager Help

How to Set Up Pledges

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How to Set Up Pledges:

So, you've checked out our pledges system and want to set it up.  You've come to the right place!

Tracking all the moving parts of a pledge and all its payments can be a complicated process, to say the least.  We've developed a way to track pledges and pledge payments more easily and accurately in PatronManager so you can stay on top of pledges and their related payments. We'll guide you through the setup process below:

  1. First, we'll find out when your PatronManager account was created
  2. Then, we'll see if pledges have been set up in your account
  3. Depending on what we find out in Steps 1 and 2, you'll take one of these two paths:

This process should take you about 2-3 hours. Let's go!

Are you currently using Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP)? NPSP is incompatible with PatronManager, and needs to be uninstalled to ensure core PatronManager functionality is not interrupted. We do not support issues that arise from the use of NPSP, so we recommend switching to the PatronManager Pledges system as soon as possible.

To handle your existing data, you've got two options:

  • If you want your old pledges to show up in the same reports as your new pledges, you'll want to make a bulk data update. If you'd like our help as part of a paid project, head over to our Data Project Services to kick off a project.
  • If you don't anticipate needing to report on old pledges along with new pledges, just follow the steps below and start using the new method - no need to worry about data!

NPSP is incompatible with PatronManager and should not be installed.

1. When was my account created?

Let's take a trip to Setup to find the answer!

Let's go!

1.1. Click on the gear and go to Setup

1.2. Search for and click on Company Information

1.3. Find the Created By field and take note of the date

You'll refer to the date in just two shakes!

2. Is the Pledges system already set up in my account?

You'll know the pledges system is set up based on two factors: the "Pledge" and "Pledge Payment" record types are available when you create a new Donation record, and the"New Pledge" action is on the Contact Highlights Panel. Let's find out:

2.1. Click on the App Launcher and navigate to the Donations tab

2.2. Click "New"

2.3. Take note: Do you see the Pledge and Pledge Payment record types?

I see "Pledge" and "Pledge Payment"

Nice work! Now let's make sure you have the "New Pledge" action on your Contacts.

2.3.1. Go to any Contact to see if you have the "New Pledge" action

It'll be located in the upper right on the Highlights Panel

2.3.2. What did you see?
I have the "New Pledge" action on my Contact

Nice! And when was your account created?

Before November 15, 2018

You're ready to track pledges!

After November 15, 2018

You'll tweak the setup so that you can track pledges in PatronManager.

There's no "New Pledge" action on my Contact

Not to worry, you'll add the necessary actions to their respective page layouts, and then you can track pledges.

Make sure that you also have the necessary action on your Pledge page layout!

I see "PledgePayment" (no space) and no "Pledge Payment"

You'll want to check and see if you're using NPSP to track pledges.

If you know you're using NPSP to track pledges, you'll need to switch over to our pledges system. Head here for more information.

There's nothing at all about pledges!

You don't have any pledge system set up yet and need to install the package.

3. Take the next steps to get pledges set up

I need to install the package!

If your PatronManager account was created before November 15th, 2018, follow these steps to get the Pledges system up and running.  

First, you'll implement the Pledges system in a sandbox and test to make sure nothing breaks. Once you've tested in a sandbox and everything looks good, you can set it up in your production account.

3.1. First, create a Sandbox

When implementing any new system in PatronManager, we recommend you first set it up in a Sandbox and conduct tests to make sure it jives with your PatronManager account.

If you aren't familiar with sandboxes, check out this article to learn more.

Set up your sandbox
3.1. Click on the gear and go to Setup
3.2. Search for and click on Sandboxes
3.3. Click "New Sandbox"
3.4. Fill in the following information:
  1. Name: Give the Sandbox a name like "Pledges"
  2. Description: Write a short description about what you plan to test in the Sandbox
  3. Create From: Leave this as "Production"
  4. Sandbox License: Click "Next" on the Developer tile
3.5. Leave this screen as-is and click "Create"
3.6. Wait until you're able to log into the sandbox

Sandboxes can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days to generate.  Once the sandbox status says "Completed," you can log into the sandbox and configure it using these steps.

Done configuring the sandbox? Time to install the unmanaged package and set up the pledges system

3.2. Install the Unmanaged Package

In this step, we'll install an unmanaged package in your sandbox.  This package will take care of most of the Pledges setup.

I'm ready to install the package in my sandbox!
3.1. Log in to Salesforce with your Sandbox credentials

Get a refresher on logging into your sandbox here.

Make sure to close your production account tab when you log into the sandbox!

3.3. Keep the default "Do not install" option checked and select "Install for Specific Profiles"
3.4. Scroll down and select the profiles that will be able to use this app

If your organization uses PatronPortal, make sure the "Authorized Website" profile does not have access to this app!

3.5. Click "Install"
3.6. Wait a bit for the package to install - When installation is complete, you'll receive an email confirmation
It's installed - time to get down to business

3.3. Add a value to the Stage picklist on the Donation object

In this step, you'll add a "Partially Paid" value to the Stage picklist on the Donation, and then add it to the Pledge record.  This way, you'll be able to accurately track the different stages of Pledges and their Pledge Payments.

Let's go!
3.1. Click on the gear and go to Setup
3.3. Go to the Fields & Relationships tab in the left panel, search "stage" in the Quick Find box, and click on Stage
3.4. Scroll down to the Donation Stages Picklist Values section and click on the "New" button
3.5. Create a "Partially Paid" Stage value, and click "Save"
  1. Stage Name: Partially Paid
  2. Type: Open
  3. Probability: 95
  4. Forecast Category: Pipeline
  5. Sales Processes: Check "Pledges"
  6. Click "Save"
3.6. Make sure the "Fully Paid" stage is listed in the Donation Stages Picklist Values section
Don't see a "Fully Paid" stage?  Click here to create it
3.1. Click "New"
3.2. Create a "Fully Paid" Stage value, and click "Save"
  1. Stage Name: Fully Paid
  2. Type: Closed/Won
  3. Probability: 100
  4. Forecast Category: Closed
  5. Sales Processes: Check "Pledges"
  6. Click "Save"

Great!  Now let's go add the "New Pledge Payment" Action to the Pledge Record page layout

3.4. Add the "New Pledge Payment" action to the Pledge page layout

Actions are a great way to streamline the data entry process.  In this step, we'll add the "New Pledge Payment" action, which was installed with the unmanaged package, and then we'll do a bit of light page layout cleanup.  

With this action, you'll be able to create Pledge Payment records directly from the Pledge record with the click of a button, and some of the information from the Pledge record will copy over to the Pledge Payment record, too!  How convenient.

Let's add that action
3.1. Click on the gear and go to Setup
3.2. Go to the Object Manager, search "donation", and click on Donation
3.3. Go to the Page Layouts tab in the left panel, and click on "Pledge Layout"
3.4. Select "Mobile & Lightning Actions" on the editing palette
3.5. Drag-and-drop "New Pledge Payment" from the editing palette to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section

Hooray!  You just added the "New Pledge Payment" action to the Pledge page layout.  While we're here, let's remove an unnecessary button from the Payments related list.

3.7. Click on the "+" on the Buttons section
3.8. Uncheck the "New" box and click "OK"
3.9. Click "Save"
One action down, one to go

3.5. Add the "New Pledge" action to the Account and Contact page layouts

In this step, we'll add the "New Pledge" action the Account and Contact page layouts.  This way, you can create a Pledge record from the Contact and the Account, and the New Pledge action will capture important information from the Contact and Account and copy it over to the Pledge record.

Add the "New Pledge" Action
3.1. Click on the gear and go to Setup
3.2. Go to the Object Manager and click on Account
3.3. Go to the Page Layouts tab in the left panel, and click on "Foundation Layout"
3.4. Select "Mobile & Lightning Actions" on the editing palette
3.5. Drag-and-drop "New Pledge" from the editing palette to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section

While we're here, let's add a few fields to the Opportunities related list.

3.7. Move the following fields from the Available Fields box to the Selected Fields box
  • Pledge Amount
  • Stage
  • Donation Record Type
3.8. Click "OK"
3.9. Click "Save"
3.10. Repeat steps 5.4-5.9 for all the Account page layouts except "TBQ Account", "Individual" and "Household"
3.11. Now, go to the Object Manager tab, search "contact", and click on Contact
3.12. Go to the Page Layouts tab in the left panel, and click on "Patron Contact Layout"
3.13. Select "Mobile & Lightning Actions" on the editing palette
3.14. Drag-and-drop "New Pledge" from the editing palette to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section
3.16. Move the following fields from the Available Fields box to the Selected Fields box
  • Pledge Amount
  • Stage
  • Donation Record Type
3.17. Click "OK"
3.18. Click "Save"
3.19. Repeat steps 5.10-5.18 for all the Contact page layouts except "TBQ Contact"
All actions added!

3.6. Add the Pledge Payment record type to Organization Settings calculations

To make sure your Account-level Donation rollup fields include posted pledge payments, we need to add the Pledge Payment record type to the rollup calculations field in Organization Settings.

Let's head to Organization Settings, shall we?
3.1. From the PatronDonate Hub, click Organization Settings

Alternatively, you can click the App Launcher and search "Organization Settings" to click the tab.

3.2. Change the view to "All"
3.3. Click on Organization Settings
3.4. Click "Edit"
3.5. Scroll down through the "Record Types Used to Calculate Donation Roll-Up Totals" field, find "Pledge_Payment" (not "PledgePayment"), hold the Ctrl button, and click it

If you deselect everything accidentally, no worries!  Just click "Cancel" and try again.

When you're done, click "Save".

3.7. Optional - add custom fields to the Pledge and Pledge Payment page layouts

You may have looked at the Pledge and/or Pledge Payment record and thought, "I'd really like to add some custom fields to these layouts."  Or perhaps you'd like to change the way the fields are ordered on the page layout. If that's the case, you can!

If you want more information about how to change your page layouts, check out this article first.

Before you add any fields to the Pledge and/or Pledge Payment layout, take a moment to read over our recommendations
The Pledge page layout

For the Pledge page layout, we recommend:

  • Keep fields like Pledge Amount, Pledge Amount Due, Amount Paid, and Payment Schedule on the Pledge page layout (and not the Pledge Payment page Layout
  • Don't add the the Amount field to the Pledge layout. Tempting as it may be, the Amount field isn't necessary because the Pledge record has that nifty Pledge Amount field on it already!  


But why?

The Pledge page layout should only include top level information that's true for the entire pledge.  For example, fields like the Pledge Amount, Pledge Amount Due, and Amount Paid fields belong on the Pledge record as they calculate Pledge Payments and summarize how much money is due and paid as Pledge Payment records go through the pledge pipeline.

As long as the Pledge record only contains general, top-level fields that show how the pledge is doing as a whole, you'll ensure pledge money isn't counted twice and prevent other potential data inaccuracies.

Pledge Payment page layout

For the Pledge Payment page layout, we recommend:

  • Keep more detail-level fields like Type, Fund, and Primary Campaign Source, as well as transaction-related fields on the Pledge Payment page layout (and not the Pledge page layout)
  • Add any financial categorization fields like Appeal Code or GL code to the Pledge Payment page layout (and not the Pledge page layout)
But why?

The Pledge Payment record is where money is actually processed.  All of your financial and tracking reports are based on payments, so organizing your financial and detail-level fields on the Pledge Payment page layout instead of The Pledge page layout will make it easier for your finance department to keep track of actual money as it comes in.  

Additionally, this will also separate the Pledge record from the Pledge Payment record in a visually distinctive way so you can easily tell the difference between Pledge records and Pledge Payment records.

3.8. Test your work

Look at all this hard work you just did! Now it's time to make sure everything works correctly.

Put on your goggles and test away
3.1. Create a test Pledge and create Pledge Payments

In order to create a test pledge, you should first create a Contact. You can name the Contact after your favorite tv character, patron, musician, comic book hero, etc. - it's your sandbox and no one said you can't have a little fun.

After you create the Contact, run through the steps on how to create Pledges and Pledge Payments.

3.1.1. Do the "New Pledge" actions on the Account and Contact autofill fields from the Account/Contact correctly?
  1. Donation Name:  This field should auto-fill the Account name, followed by "Pledge" and today's date.
  2. Account Name: This field should auto-fill a link to donor's the Account record
  3. Donor: This field should auto-fill a link to the donor's Contact record if you started the Pledge from the Contact record
    • When you add a pledge from the Account, you need to choose which Contact in the Account belongs in the Donor field.
3.1.2. Does the "New Pledge Payment" action on the Pledge autofill fields from the Pledge record correctly?
  1. Donation Name:  This field should auto-fill the Account name, followed by "Pledge Payment" and today's date
  2. Account Name: This field should auto-fill a link to donor's the Account record
  3. Donor: This field should auto-fill a link to the donor's Contact record
  4. Parent Record: This field should auto-fill a link to the related Pledge record
3.1.3. Does the Pledge record show the stage you added as an option when selecting a stage from the picklist?
3.2. Make sure the roll-ups work properly
3.2.1. Do the "Amount Paid" and "Pledge Amount Due" fields on the Pledge record update as you post pledge payments?

In this example, we created a test pledge for $2000 and posted a $200 Pledge Payment. The Amount Paid field updated with $200, and the Pledge Amount Due field has also updated to say $1800.  Looks like it's working!

3.2.2. Do posted Pledge Payments add to the donation rollups totals on the Account level?

When you're done testing in the sandbox and feel confident everything is in order, you can implement the pledge system in your production org!

3.9. Install the unmanaged package in your production org

In this step, we'll install an unmanaged package in your production org.  Just as it did in the sandbox, the package will take care of most of the Pledges setup.

Let's turn this dream into reality
3.1. Go to the Pledges Add-On package installer
3.2. Log in to Salesforce with your credentials

Using a custom domain?  Click "Use Custom Domain" to log in.

3.3. Keep the default "Do not install" option checked and select "Install for Specific Profiles"
3.4. Scroll down and select the profiles that will be able to use this app

If your organization uses PatronPortal, make sure the "Authorized Website" profile does not have access to this app!

3.5. Click "Install"
3.6. Wait a bit for the package to install - when installation is complete, you'll receive an email confirmation

Great!  Now let's manually configure a few things before we're ready to track pledges.

3.10. Complete the remaining basic setup in your production org

Now that you've installed the unmanaged package, you can complete setup in your production org.  Here's a list to keep you on track!

  1. Add the "Partially Paid" value to the Stage picklist on the Donation object
  2. Add the "New Pledge Payment" action to the Pledge page layout
  3. Add the "New Pledge" action to the Account and Contact page layouts
  4. Add the Pledge Payment Record Type to Organization Settings calculations
  5. Optional - edit the Pledge and Pledge Payment page layouts.
  6. Test your work

You can do the above manually in your production org, or you can transfer the customizations from your sandbox to your production account with a change set.

Now you're ready to track pledges!

I just need to tweak the package!

If your account was created on or after November 15th, 2018, then the Pledges system is already installed. You'll only need to do a couple things before you start tracking pledges.

3.1. Add the Pledge Payment record type to Organization Settings calculations

To make sure your Account-level Donation rollup fields include posted pledge payments, we need to add the Pledge Payment record type to the rollup calculations field in Organization Settings.

Let's head to Organization Settings, shall we?
3.1. From the PatronDonate Hub, click Organization Settings

Alternatively, you can click the App Launcher and search "Organization Settings" to click the tab.

3.2. Change the view to "All"
3.3. Click on Organization Settings
3.4. Click "Edit"
3.5. Scroll down through the "Record Types Used to Calculate Donation Roll-Up Totals" field, find "Pledge_Payment" (not "PledgePayment"), hold the Ctrl button, and click it

If you deselect everything accidentally, no worries!  Just click "Cancel" and try again.

When you're done, click "Save".

In this step, we'll remove an extraneous button from the Payments related list on the Pledge page layout.  Since you have a shiny new "New Pledge Payment" action on the Pledge record, there's no need for the "New" button on the related list!  

Let's get rid of that button
3.1. Click on the gear in the upper right and go to Setup
3.2. Go to the Object Manager, search "donation", and click on Donation
3.3. Go to the Page Layouts tab in the left panel, and click on Pledge Layout
3.5. Click on the "+" on the Buttons section
3.6. Uncheck the "New" box and click "OK"
3.7. Click "Save"

3.3. Optional - add custom fields to the Pledge and Pledge Payment page layouts

You may have looked at the Pledge and/or Pledge Payment record and thought, "I'd really like to add some custom fields to these layouts."  Or perhaps you'd like to change the way the fields are ordered on the page layout. If that's the case, you can!

If you want more information about how to change your page layouts, check out this article first.

Before you add any fields to the Pledge and/or Pledge Payment layout, take a moment to read over our recommendations
The Pledge page layout

For the Pledge page layout, we recommend:

  • Keep fields like Pledge Amount, Pledge Amount Due, Amount Paid, and Payment Schedule on the Pledge page layout (and not the Pledge Payment page Layout
  • Don't add the the Amount field to the Pledge layout. Tempting as it may be, the Amount field isn't necessary because the Pledge record has that nifty Pledge Amount field on it already!  
But why?

The Pledge page layout should only include top level information that's true for the entire pledge.  For example, fields like the Pledge Amount, Pledge Amount Due, and Amount Paid fields belong on the Pledge record as they calculate Pledge Payments and summarize how much money is due and paid as Pledge Payment records go through the pledge pipeline.

As long as the Pledge record only contains general, top-level fields that show how the pledge is doing as a whole, you'll ensure pledge money isn't counted twice and prevent other potential data inaccuracies.

Pledge Payment page layout

For the Pledge Payment page layout, we recommend:

  • Keep more detail-level fields like Type, Fund, and Primary Campaign Source, as well as transaction-related fields on the Pledge Payment page layout (and not the Pledge page layout)
  • Add any financial categorization fields like Appeal Code or GL code to the Pledge Payment page layout (and not the Pledge page layout)
But why?

The Pledge Payment record is where money is actually processed.  All of your financial and tracking reports are based on payments, so organizing your financial and detail-level fields on the Pledge Payment page layout instead of The Pledge page layout will make it easier for your finance department to keep track of actual money as it comes in.  

Additionally, this will also separate the Pledge record from the Pledge Payment record in a visually distinctive way so you can easily tell the difference between Pledge records and Pledge Payment records.

I need to check if I'm using NPSP to track pledges!

You may be using Non-Profit Success Pack to track your pledges. First, we'll check your Installed Packages to double check.

If you do not have Non-Profit Success Pack already installed, you should not install NPSP.

3.1. Go to Setup

Go to Setup

3.2. Use the Quick Find to find and select Installed Packages

Go to Installed Packages

3.3. Look for any packages with a Namespace Prefix beginning with "npe"

Look for NPSP by finding the Namespace Prefix "npe"

The NPSP pledge-tracking is called Recurring Donations and the Namespace Prefix is specifically npe03.

If you don't see any Installed Packages with a Namespace Prefix beginning with "npe," then NPSP is not installed in your system and you can move forward with setting up the PatronManager Pledges package.

If you do find any of those Installed Packages, it means NPSP is installed in your system. NPSP is incompatible with PatronManager, so you'll need to uninstall it to ensure PatronManager core functionality is not interrupted. Once you switch over to our Pledges system, you'll be able to track and process Pledges completely within PatronManager.

Since NPSP is not built and maintained by PatronManager, we aren't able to assist with uninstalling the app - but Salesforce provides instructions to walk you through the process.

If you'd like to be able to report on older NPSP pledge records alongside new PatronManager pledges, you will first need to migrate existing NPSP pledge records with a Data Update using our Data Project Services.

Previous Article How to Add the New Pledge and New Pledge Payment Actions to Page Layouts
Next Article How to Adjust the Way Packaged Donation Roll-Ups Work
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