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How to Edit Recurring Donations:
Hopefully, you've got several patrons who give to you regularly. Sometimes, those patrons need to change their supplied credit card, change their amount, and more. You're in the right place!
- First, you'll find the recurring donation record you need to edit
- Then, click to jump to the section for the change you wish to make:
- Update the patron's credit card information
- Change the date a future installment will be processed
- Pause the recurring donation
- Cancel the recurring donation
- Change the amount of the recurring donation
- Update whether or not the patron receives automatic email acknowledgements for each installment
Need to create a recurring donation? Check out our video tutorial on entering donations right here.
Navigate to the Recurring Donation record
1. Search for the Contact in the search bar
2. Click through to the Contact page
Edit the recurring donation
What does your patron need to change about their recurring donation?
Here we're assuming that we need to first collect the patron's new card details and save them in PatronManager, before we can assign the new card to this recurring donation.
If you just need to switch over to another card that's already on file with PatronManager (for example, a card that was stored during a ticket purchase), you can skip down to step 5.
1. Click "New Stored Payment Method" on the recurring donation
If you don't see this button, you might be editing the record - click Cancel to return to view mode, and the button should appear.
2. Click the button to Enter Card Details
We're not charging the patron, but we need to send their card details securely to the payment processor, which uses a similar interface.
3. Enter the patron's credit card info and click "Confirm"
Again, we're not charging their card, we're just sending the card details securely to the processor to be tokenized and safely stored. This saves the new payment method and associates it with the patron's Contact record.
4. On the Recurring Donation record, click Edit
The new card has been securely tokenized and stored in PatronManager, so now we just need to update this recurring donation to use it.
For more information, check out our All About Stored Payment Methods article.
Use the "Suspend Remaining" button to pause future donation processing. This is useful for two scenarios:
- The patron needs to temporarily pause their recurring donation schedule
- You can later resume the recurring donation when the patron is ready
- The latest installment didn't go through
- You can suspend the recurring donation schedule while you get in touch with the patron, and resume when you resolve the issue
The best way to change the amount of an existing Recurring Donation is to cancel the remaining payments of the Recurring Donation and then create a new Recurring Donation record with the updated donation amount.
2. Then, go to the patron's Contact record and create a new Recurring Donation
Changes to the amount on recurring donation installments are not reflected on automatic email confirmations sent to the patron.
That's why it's always best to cancel remaining payments on an existing recurring donation and create a new recurring donation, as shown above!
If you'd like to update whether or not a patron receives automatic email acknowledgments for each installment of their Recurring Donation, you can check or uncheck the "Send automatic thank you emails" box.
If you're not able to check this box, make sure that the Contact set as the Donor has an email address set on their Contact record!
Use the Edit Recurring Donation button to add an End Date or edit the End Date for a Recurring Donation.
To set an End Date earlier than the latest existing installment's Close Date, cancel the installments with a Close Date after the desired End Date.
If a Recurring Donation doesn't have any Unprocessed Donations, instead of setting an End Date in the future, create a new Recurring Donation.
Have an old or finished Recurring Donation? You can mark it as "Completed" by setting the End Date to a past date, on or after the date of the last installment.