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How to Enable QR Codes on your PAH and POS Tickets:
In order to use your new barcode scanning device, you'll need to enable barcodes on your Print-at-Home and Point-of-Sale tickets. This can be set up automatically for all events, or on a per-Instance basis.
In this article, we'll:
- Enable the barcode feature in PatronTicket Settings
- Enable barcodes on a per-Event Instance basis
- Test print some tickets to make sure the barcode looks good
This should take no more than 30 minutes - ready?
While these steps will add QR codes to your Print-at-Home tickets, we suggest enabling Mobile Tickets instead. Mobile Tickets always include QR codes!
First, enable the barcode feature in PatronTicket Settings
Before we can start using barcodes, we need to turn on the feature. Let's go!
3. Find the Barcode Feature field near the top of the page and enable the feature
You've got two choices:
- All Event Instances: All Point-of-Sale and Print-at-Home tickets will include the barcode in the ticket design.
- Select Event Instances: You'll need to enable barcodes for each Event Instance (i.e. each performance)
Update Event Instances (if necessary)
If you chose "Select Event Instances" on the previous step, you'll update each individual Event Instance to include a barcode on the ticket.
Navigate to each Event Instance and check the "Barcode Enabled" checkbox:
Before selling tickets, check the placement of the barcode
It's always good to print a test ticket whenever you're making changes like this!
1. First, let's check the Print-at-Home (PAH) ticket
Go to an Event Instance with barcodes enabled and click Print-at-Home Ticket Preview.
If you enabled barcodes globally, you can use any Event Instance.
2. Next, let's check the Point-of-Sale ticket (POS) via a Reservation
2.2. Assign a test Contact record (such as the PatronManager Contact), select an Event Instance that has barcodes enabled, then click "Save as Reservation"
Select "Next" to the Review page, select the "Print" tab and "Print All Tickets".
3. Ack! My tickets don't look right! Now what?
If the QR code on your Point-of-Sale tickets is overlapping text, or if you'd like to move it to a different part of the ticket design, use the Ticket Design Tool to move the QR code on your ticket design!
If the QR code overlaps on your Print-at-Home tickets, we recommend switching to Mobile Tickets instead.