PatronManager Help

What to Do if an Online Order Gets Stuck in Partially Paid Status

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What to Do if an Online Order Gets Stuck in Partially Paid Status:

If you have online gift card redemption enabled, patrons can pay for online orders with two payment methods. If the first payment processes successfully, but the second payment is declined for some reason, the order will wind up in Partially Paid status. Though exceptionally rare, it's important to know what happens when this occurs, and likewise how to resolve it.

In this article, we'll cover:

What about Payment Exceptions - is this the same thing?

Partial Payment status is altogether different from a Payment Exception.  

  • Payment Exceptions happen when something goes awry with a payment, but the system isn't quite sure what.
  • Partial Payment status is when part of the Ticket Order has been paid for, but the full amount has not been paid.

Who gets notified when an order gets stuck in Partially Paid status?

When an order gets stuck in Partially Paid status and stays there for over an hour, the patron will receive an automated email from PatronManager. Additionally, your Order Fulfillment Administrator will receive a task prompting them to resolve the issue.

Let's take a closer look at these notifications:

The patron will receive an email

The email lets them know their order wasn't completed because part of the balance wasn't charged, and it directs them to call the box office.

Want to customize this email template?  Find out how here.

The Order Fulfillment Administrator will receive a system-generated task

The task says:

  • Subject line: “A Partially Paid Order has been abandoned: ORDER-xxxxxxx”.
  • Comments: “A Ticket Order involving an STS gift card was started online but abandoned before it was complete. The Order is now in Partially Paid status. Reach out to the buyer for payment information to complete the Order, or refund it to free up the inventory (and return any partially-paid value back to the gift card, if applicable).“


Not sure what your Order Fulfillment Administrator is? Find out here.

How to resolve the issue

Once you're notified about an order stuck in Partially Paid status, you'll need to take action to resolve it.  

Resolve it here

1. Head over to the partially paid ticket order referenced in your task notification

2. Reach out to the buyer to finish the order

3. Complete the Order

If they want to submit their order, get their payment information and complete the order.

If they decide they don't want to make the purchase, refund the payment that did go through (and return any partially-paid value back to the gift card, if applicable).

How to adjust the content in the error email template

Perhaps you'd like to tweak the content in the email template the patron receives in this scenario; good news, you can!

Adjust the email template

1. Head over to setup

2. Search for and click on Classic Email Templates

3. Make sure you're in the PatronTicket Email Templates folder

4. Click "Edit" next to the Gift Card Online Redemption Error Notification email template name

5. Make edits as desired to the Email Body

You can also adjust the Subject line if you need, but the other stuff here should stay as-is.

Specifically, don't adjust the following fields or the template won’t work:

  • Folder
  • Available for use
  • Email Template Name & Template Unique Name
  • Encoding

Need tips on how to use merge fields in email templates? Check out our steps on creating merge fields.

6. When you're done, click "Save"

7. If you've added any new merge fields, test the email - click "Send Test and Verify Merge Fields"

8. A new window will pop up - fill in the following fields to preview your email

  1. Related To Record: Choose "Ticket Order" from the dropdown, then use the magnifying glass to select a ticket order.
  2. Recipient Record: Choose "Contact" from the dropdown, then use the magnifying class to select the Contact whose ticket order you just chose
  3. Send email preview to:  Check this box and enter your email address if you want to see what it looks like in an email.
  4. Click "Okay"

9. The merge fields should populate in the Plain Text Preview box

The merge fields populate based on the Ticket Order and related Contact you chose in the previous step.

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