PatronManager Help

When to Update Subscriber Seat Preferences

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When to Update Subscriber Seat Preferences:

If you use the Subscription Renewal Tool to help ensure fixed-series subscribers can have the same seats year after year, you'll sometimes see a page in the subscription fulfillment process that asks how you want to handle subscriber seat preferences.

This page appears when you fulfill a subscription into seats that don't match that subscriber's seats from previous seasons. The choice you make here will update the Subscription Seat Assignments that are assigned to their Contact record, which is what the system will use to decide where they should sit when you renew their subscription next season.

In this article, we'll help you select the best seat preference option:

They prefer their original seats

What happens if I select this option?

The system will not create a new Subscription Seat Assignment. It will leave any existing Subscription Seat Assignments as they were before you fulfilled this order.

If you select this option for a new subscriber (i.e. there are no original seat preferences), a Subscription Seat Assignment will not be created.

Select this option when...

  • Your subscribers are sitting in different seats for this specific production or season, but they'll want to have their original seats back when they renew next year.

Do not use this option if...

  • A patron is purchasing a new, additional, subscription package that they did not previously have.
  • A patron is purchasing another subscription series, in addition to the series they already have purchased.
  • You've moved the subscriber to different seats for the current or upcoming season, and want to make sure they can have these new seats again next year.

They prefer the seats on this order

What happens if I select this option?

This will remove any existing Subscription Seat Assignments for the active subscription series, and replace them with the new seats you chose while fulfilling this order.

Select this option when...

  • The subscriber is new, and didn't have any original seat preferences.
  • You've moved the subscriber to new seats for the current or upcoming season, and want to make sure they can have these same new seats again next year.
  • The original seat preferences were incorrect, and the seats you selected on this order are in fact the ones the subscriber likes best.

Do not use this option if...

  • The subscriber's favorite seats weren't available to select on this order or for this particular performance, so you've given them different seats temporarily but want to ensure they have their original seats when they renew next year.

They want to keep both sets of seats going forward

What happens if I select this option?

This will add a new subscription seat assignment to the already active subscription seat assignments associated with this Contact.

Select this option when...

  • A patron is purchasing an additional subscription package. For example, if Lucy and Ricky already have two subscription packages, but wanted to add a third package for Ricky Jr., you'd select this option when you set up Ricky Jr.'s subscription package.

Do not use this option if...

  • A patron is changing seats for the current or upcoming season, in the same series they previously had. You'll end up with two active Subscription Seat Assignments, and their Pending Renewal subscription order for the next year may not be for the correct seats.
  • The subscriber is changing seats for a single production in your season, and you want the seats they have for every other production to be the ones reserved for the next year.
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