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How to Customize the Values in Your "Order Source" Field:
The "Order Source" field on your Ticket Orders serves as a way to capture information about how your patrons heard about your events. It shows up as a picklist (drop-down menu) on both your Public Ticketing Site and in PatronManager Box Office.
The available values are completely customizable. Changing them requires some work in the back-end of PatronManager, but you're up for the challenge!
2. Click on the Object Manager tab, search "ticket order" in the search bar, and click on the Ticket Order link
4. Next, scroll down to the Values section and make any changes you want - add new options, deactivate old ones, or reorder them!
We recommend deactivating options instead of deleting them. If you delete an option and someone had selected it at one point in time, you'll lose that data. By deactivating it, it won't appear in the picklist, but you'll keep existing data intact.
Now we can select which values are visible to users on the Public Ticketing Site and in PatronManager Box Office
Even if you're just changing the order of existing values, you'll still need to edit and save PatronTicket Settings for your change to take effect. Keep on with the steps below!
8. Scroll down to the Public Site Settings section, then highlight the Order Sources you want to be visible on the Public Ticketing Site (PTS) and in PatronManager Box Office (PMBO)
Hold down CTRL and click to select/deselect multiple options!