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Event Inventory Glossary

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Event Inventory Glossary:

This article defines all terms you'll find inside the Event Inventory tab, and it goes into more detail than the grey help text bubbles.


Ticketable Event: An Event is the show itself, the thing for which you are selling tickets. “Romeo and Juliet” would be an event.

Event Instance: A single performance of an event -- the Saturday matinee performance of Romeo and Juliet on October 18 at 2pm is one Event Instance, the Saturday evening performance is another Instance in the same event.

Allocation: An Allocation is a set of seats within an Event Instance that all share common visibility and pricing options. Allocations are basically seating categories -- for example, even if your house is General Admission, you might sell a certain number of seats as “VIP” or "Premium" seats. Or for reserved seating, in the Orchestra, the first two rows might have a different price scale than the rest of that section, so they’re a different allocation.

Price Level: Price Levels are the price points for seats/tickets within an Allocation. Those Premium seats we just talked about might all have just one “Premium” price level, while the rest of the house has different price levels for Adults or Students.

Ticketable Event

  1.  Name: The name of the Event. This will appear online, internally, and on tickets. It is required!
  2. Formatted Name: A multi-line formatted version of the Event name, or a field you can use to precede the Event Name that will appear only on tickets - this is optional. Please note that Formatted Name is only available on tickets if the ticket template has been updated with this field. If you have entered text into the Formatted Name field and you don't see that text printing on tickets, submit a support request to our Client Support team via the red button in the PatronManager Help tab.
  3. Type: The two types of Events are "Tickets" and "Subscriptions." These event types indicate how the event should be structured in the database. For all single ticket events, select "Tickets". Please note that this is required and cannot be changed once the event is saved.
  4. Event Category: There are default options in this field like play, musical, children's, dance, and so on, but you can also customize the choices here to suit your needs.  This field is used as one of your primary filters for finding Events when selling tickets to your patrons in the Add Tickets Path.  As a way to group your Events together, it's also used in reporting, including in CRM Snapshots.
  5. General Ledger Code: This field is an area to fill in your accounting code for this Event. This will make your financial reporting easier (if you use GL codes on the Event level).
  6. Order Fee Exempt: If you have Order-level fees and would like them to not apply to Ticket Orders for this event, check this box. If the order contains only events that are Order Fee Exempt, the Order-level fees won't apply to the order. For more information, read our article here.
  7. Active: If you're still working on setting up your Event, don't check this box until you're finished. If this box is unchecked, the Event will not be purchasable online or internally.
  8. Sort Order: Enter a number here to control the order of the list of Events on the Event Inventory tab and on your Public Ticketing Site online.
  9. "Sold Out" Message: This is an optional field that you can use to communicate to your online ticket buyers when the Event is sold out. This message will appear when the Retail Quantity field on all allocations in an Event Instances is 0 (Those terms will be explained later on!). If this field is left blank, the Event will not appear on the online site as soon as it sells out.
  10. "Not On Sale Yet" Message: This is an optional field that you can use to communicate to your online ticket buyers when an Event is not yet on sale. This will help generate interest in the Event when they visit your site. If this field is left blank, the Event will not appear on the online site until it goes on sale.
  11. "No Longer On Sale" Message: This is an optional field that you can use to communicate to your online ticket buyers when an Event's online sales have closed. This message is triggered by the Sale End Date field on an Event Instance. If this field is left blank, the Event will not appear online as soon as the Sale End Date is reached.
  12. Run Time: A field you can use to enter the anticipated run time of this event for your internal users.

11. Custom Order Conf. Template: If this Event has a different confirmation email from your usual confirmation, select it here. To create a custom order confirmation template, follow these instructions.

12. Print At Home Ticket Ad: An ad for the pdf print-at-home ticket. If you're not sure what goes here, see How to Set up the Print-at-Home Ticket. This field will not appear if you've enabled Mobile Tickets.

13. Event Point-of-Sale Image: This field allows you to select a watermark to display on a printed ticket. Follow these instructions to add images to your Point-of-Sale tickets.

14. Supported Delivery Methods: Make sure the boxes are checked for all delivery methods that are available for this Event (and unchecked for any that aren't). Read this article to learn about setting Delivery Methods.

15. Description: A one- or two-line description of the Event. This will appear on the "All Events" page of your Public Ticketing Site. See screenshot below.

16. Detail: The full detailed description of the Event that appears on the Public Ticketing Site, once an online ticket buyer clicks on the Event name. See screenshot below.

17. Print At Home Detail: A version of the detail that will appear on your pdf print-at-home ticket.

18. Internal Description: A field to share useful information with your internal box office staff, like key players, a brief event description, other shows of interest, suggested age levels, etc.

If you've enabled Automated Communications, you'll also have a Pre/Post Show Email Settings section on your Ticketable Event pages.

19. Exclude from automated emails: Check this box if you don't want ticket buyers for this Ticketable Event to receive automated pre- or post-show emails.

20. Pre-Show Email Time (hrs): How many hours before the Event Instance Date you want ticket buyers to receive the Pre-Show Email. If left blank, this will default to the time indicated in your Automation Settings.

21. Post-Show Email Time (hrs): How many hours after the Event Instance Date you want ticket buyers to receive the Post-Show Email. If left blank, this will default to the time indicated in your Automation Settings.

22. Pre-show Email Template: The Automation Template that will be used for Pre-Show Emails for this Ticketable Event. This will override the default template indicated in your Automation Settings.

23. Post-Show Email Template: The Automation Template that will be used for Post-Show Emails for this Ticketable Event. This will override the default template indicated in your Automation Settings.

24. Only send post-show email to attendees: If selected, the Post-Show Email will only go out to patrons with tickets marked as attended, either via barcode scanning or manually marking them as attended. This will override the default setting indicated in your Automation Settings.

25. Pre-show Email Cutoff Time (mins): How many minutes before the Event Instance Date you want to stop sending ticket buyers the Pre-Show Email. If left blank, this will default to the time indicated in your Automation Settings.

Event Instance

1. Name: The recommended format for the Event Instance Name is the performance date written out with the day, date, and time -- the Name is what displays on the Public Ticketing Site for patrons to select. (If you're setting up a festival where each date is actually a different performance, you might put the title in this field in addition to the date: "Lysistrata -- Saturday, July 23, 8:00")

2. Formatted Name: A multi-line formatted version of the Event Instance name - this is optional. Please note that Formatted Name is only available on tickets if the ticket template has been updated with this field. If you have entered text into the Formatted Name field and you don't see that text printing on tickets, submit a support request to our Client Support team via the red button in the PatronManager Help tab.

3. Instance Date: The date and time of the performance. This tells the system when the performance is occurring. If you use Condensed View on your Public Ticketing Site, the Instance Date also determines the display orders of your events and subscriptions. Note that your event will no longer appear for sale on your Public Ticketing Site after the Instance Date.

4 & 5. Sale Start Date/Sale End Date: These dates control when your Event Instance sales begin and end online. We recommend setting the Sale End Date a couple of hours before the Instance Date, so that you can make sure to process all of your orders before the event begins.

6. Venue: Click on the magnifying glass to select the venue for this performance.

7. Seating Type: Event Instances can be either General Admission or Pick Your Own Seat.

8. Max Tickets Per Order: The number of tickets patrons can purchase for this performance in one online order.

9. Active: When the active box is not checked off, your Event Instance will not be available for sale online or at the box office. If the Event is already active but you don't want this performance to be on sale yet, uncheck this box.

10. Detail: Usually a one-sentence description that appears on the Public Ticketing Site. You can use this field to provide information to your online ticket buyers that is specific to this performance.

11. Custom Cart Text: Custom text that will appear on the public ticket cart page if one or more tickets for this Event Instance are added to the cart. The text will appear only once, regardless of how many tickets for this Event Instance are in the cart.

Ticket Allocations

  1.  Sale Status (Allocation): This field defines the availability of tickets inside an allocation. 
    • Public means they are publicly available, and anyone can buy them online. 
    • Private means they can only be sold at the box office, and are not available online (except if you create an "Access Code"). 
    • Not for Sale means that they are not for sale in any capacity (like an available seat is broken for example.)
  2. Original Quantity: For reserved seating events, this is the actual number of seats (sold or unsold) within the ticket allocation. For general admission events, this is the original number of seats assigned to the ticket allocation, prior to any sales. Note: this number will change if you change the number of seats in that allocation for general admission events.
  3. Retail Quantity: Number of seats remaining (available for sale) in an allocation.

Expand the allocation for more details

  1. Color (Reserved Seating Only): This six-digit hex code determines what color your seats will appear on seating charts. (You can also use HTML color names instead of a hex code.)
  2. Sort Order (for Allocations): Determines the order in which ticket allocations display on the Public Ticketing Site.
  3. Access Code: An access code allows you to provide specific groups of patrons a link to purchase tickets online that are otherwise not available to the general public. These are created on the Access Codes tab, and are added to allocations here.
  4. Edit Allocation: Allows you to edit that specific Allocation and any Price Level fields associated with that Allocation.
  5. Delete Allocation: Deletes the allocation if it has never been sold to a ticket.

Price Levels

  1. Price Level: Name of the price point.
  2. Price: Dollar amount of price (enter a number here).
  3. Fee: The buyer fee in which your patrons are being charged for the associated price level. This is a per-ticket fee - for more settings about when the fee is charged, check out the Fee Setup tab.
  4. Active: In order for your price levels to display on the Public Ticketing Site or be available to select at the box office, this box must be checked off.
  5. Visibility: "Public" price levels are selectable on the Public Ticketing Site. "Private" price levels can only be used by the box office. "Subscription" levels are only available as part of a subscription package.
    • Only "Public" and "Private" price levels (not "Subscription" price levels) will be available to be sold as single tickets using the New Add Tickets Path. Only price levels that are part of a Subscription package should have "Subscription" visibility.
  6. Sort Order: Determines the order in which price levels display on the Public Ticketing Site.
  7. PWYW: If this box is checked, then the Price you set will be the minimum price a patron can pay for the ticket, but they can also input a greater amount.
  8. Discount Codes: These are created on the Discount Codes tab. From this page, you can see which discount codes apply to which price levels.
  9. Action: Offers links to adjust specific Price Level, such as the ability to delete that Price Level.
  10. Create Price Level: Click this button to create a new price level within that allocation

On the Ticketable Event page:

1. Direct Link: All active Events and Event Instances are set to automatically appear on the "All Events" page of your public ticketing site when they go on sale, and disappear once the sale is over. This is the direct link to the Ticketable Event you're on!

2. Edit: Click this button to edit the fields on the Ticketable Event page. Note that the Type field is not editable once the Ticketable Event is saved for the first time.

3. Clone: Click this button to clone the Ticketable Event. On the clone page, you'll have the option to name your new event, and choose which event instances (if any) to clone within it. 

4. Delete:  Click this button to delete the Ticketable Event if no tickets have been sold.  

5. Manage Content: Click this button to add thumbnails and large event images for your PTS.

6. Find First-Time Buyers: Click this button to run a CRM Snapshot for all first-time buyers for this event.

7. Event Summary Report: This is a financial report that shows sales totals for a whole Ticketable
Event at once. Here's some more information about the Event Summary Report.

At the bottom of the Ticketable Event page (above the Event Instance list)

1. Edit All: This button allows users to edit the following fields on all Event Instances displayed below the button: Name, Instance Date, Sale Start Date, Sale End Date, Active

2. New: Click this button to create a new Event Instance in this Event.

3. Delete: Click this button to delete the Ticketable Event if no tickets have been sold.

4. Reallocate Seats: Click this button (for reserved seating instances) to reallocate seats across all instances that are checked in the instance list below the button.

5. Performance Report: The performance report shows you a summary of sales for a specific performance ("Event Instance") or group of performances. Read more about the Performance Report here.

6. Set Member/Passcode Access: Click this button to define early access dates for members.   

7. Send Event Cancellation Email: Click this to send the Cancellation Email using Automated Communications.

On the Event Instance page:

1. Edit: Click this button to edit the fields in the Event Instance section of the page. Note that Seating Type are not editable after the Event Instance is saved for the first time for both General Admission and Pick Your Own Seat instances. The Venue field will only be editable for General Admission instances after the initial save.

2. Rebuild: We do not recommend clicking this button.

3. Clone: Click this button to clone the Event Instance within this Ticketable Event. On the clone page, you'll have the option to name your new Event Instance, and choose which allocations (if any) to clone within it. The venue and seating type cannot be adjusted from a cloned instance.

4. Delete: Click this button to delete the Event Instance. You will only be able to do this if no tickets have been sold for this Event Instance.

5. View Performance Report: The performance report shows you a summary of sales for this specific performance ("Event Instance"). Read more about the Performance Report here.

6. Print Tickets: Click this button to print tickets for this particular performance.

7. Automated Email Preview: Click this button to send a preview of the Pre-Show, Post-Show, or Cancellation Email for this Event Instance to an email address.

8. Direct Link: All active Event Instances are set to automatically appear on your Public Ticketing Site when they go on sale, and disappear once the sale is over. This is the direct link to the Event Instance you're on!

9. Ticket-buyer Report: This link brings you to the "Who's sitting in what seat?" report for Pick Your Own Seat instances, and the "Door List Template" for General Admission instances.

In the Ticket Allocations section of the Event Instance page (General Admission):

  1. Expand All: Expand all your Allocations to reveal price level details
  2. Collapse All: Collapse all your Allocations to hide price level details
  3. New Ticket Allocation: Click this button to create a new Allocation within this Event Instance.
  4. Edit All: Click this button to make the following fields editable: Allocation Name, Sale Status, Access Code, Seat Note, Quantity Adjustment, Sort Order (allocation), Price Level, Price, Fee, Active, Visibility, Sort Order (price level)
  5. Print-at-Home Ticket Preview: Click this button to generate a PDF preview on an emailed ticket for this Event Instance.

In the Ticket Allocations section of the Event Instance page (Pick Your Own Seat):

  1. Expand All: Expand all your Allocations to reveal price level details
  2. Collapse All: Collapse all your Allocations to hide price level details
  3. New Ticket Allocation: Click this button to create a new Allocation within this Event Instance.
  4. Edit All: Click this button to make the following fields editable: Allocation Name, Sale Status, Access Code, Color, Sort Order (allocation), Price Level, Price, Fee, Active, Visibility, Sort Order (price level)
  5. View Seat Map: Click this button to view the current seat map (internal view) for this Event Instance.
  6. Print-at-Home Ticket Preview: Click this button to generate a PDF preview on an emailed ticket for this Event Instance.
  7. Reallocate Seats: Click this button to reallocate seats from one allocation to another. 
  8. Assign Seat Notes: Click this button to assign Seat Notes to allocations for this instance. 

Where everything shows up on your Public Ticketing Site

It can sometimes be confusing to map the fields in the Event Inventory to your Public Ticketing Site. In this example, we've filled in each field with explanatory text so you can see where each field shows up.

On the Events landing page

Once the patron has clicked the "Buy" link

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