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What do all these Ticket Order fields mean?

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What do all these Ticket Order fields mean?:

This lesson goes into detail about the fields you'll see once you've added Ticket Order Items to a Ticket Order, but before you've completed the order.

Follow along to see the steps on the Create a Ticket Order path!

The Ticket Order Header

1. Order # / Status / Type

  • Order Number - Each Ticket Order in  your PatronManager account is assigned a unique Order Number for you and the customer to easily reference.
  • Status - There are several different Ticket Order statuses that may appear. Depending on the Ticket Order status, the bar in green in the above screenshot changes color to orange, yellow, or blue.
  • Type - A system field used to track the kinds of Ticket Order Items contained in completed orders.
Click here for a list of all the possible Ticket Order statues, and when they occur
  • Draft - An order has no payment associated with it and has not been saved as a reservation. Orders in Draft status are deleted one hour after creation, and Ticket Order Items held in that Ticket Order are released for purchase by other patrons.
  • Reservation - This Ticket Order has been explicitly saved as a Reservation, even though no payment has been made on the order. This can only be done by a box office user at your organization and is not available to online buyers.
  • Partially Paid - A payment that is not equal to the Order Total has been made on this order.
  • Pending Renewal - This status appears on Ticket Orders created using the Subscription Renewal Tool. It means no payment has been made towards the subscription package, and allows the patron to complete the order online in PatronPortal.
  • Completed - Once a Ticket Order has been paid in full, is associated with a recognized Contact, and has no attached Donation needing attention, it goes into Completed status.
  • Deleted - When an order has been deleted but hasn't been permanently cleared out of the system yet, you may see a Deleted status.
  • To Be Qualified - This order needs to go through the Qualification process for either the Ticket Order itself or for a Donation included as part of the Ticket Order.
  • Fully Refunded - This order has had a full refund issued.
  • Payment Exception - This order encountered an error when attempting to processes the payment method provided. You can learn more about Payment Exceptions here.
  • Confirmation Exception - The system was unable to send a confirmation email to the Contact on this Ticket Order. Read more about Confirmation Exceptions here.
  • Chargeback Pending - The patron has disputed this transaction through their credit card company. Read about chargebacks on Bluefin here and on Leap Merchant Services here.
  • Did Not Renew - The order was formerly in "Pending Renewal" status and the patron declined to renew. Used to free up ticket inventory while maintaining a record of the patron's choice.

2. Add Items

If a patron wants to add additional tickets, select from the Add Items menu.

3. Contact Lookup

You can look to see if a patron already exists in the system by typing their first name, last name, or Account name into this field. You'll see a menu appear with possible matches once you enter at least two characters, which will refine as you continue typing.

Once you select a match, their Contact record will be linked to the order, which will also autofill their buyer information for you.

If you don't see the Contact in your system, click the New Contact button to gather their info! You'll be able to qualify the order later.

Contact Lookup on Ticket Order with New Contact button

If you click the "Create Ticket Order" button from the Contact, this Contact field will be completed for you.

A quick note

If you select a Contact from the Contact Lookup, the Email and Phone from the Ticket Order will appear in the header too!

4. Order Total

A running total of all Ticket Order Items, applicable fees, and any donations made as part of this order appears in this box. You can click on the box to get a detailed breakdown of the total cost.

5. Badges

These are custom visual notes that help you understand a Contact's relationship to your organization. These badges will only appear if the order is attached to an existing Contact, and if they meet the requirements to have a badge appear on their record. Badges vary from organization to organization, and you can learn more about them here.

We can see in this example that Dana Tan-McGinnis is a Major Donor and Current Subscriber. Nice job, Dana!

You can add badges to this section by following these instructions.

6. Edit Buyer Info

Once an order has some contact info entered or an existing Contact attached, this button brings up an overlay screen where you can adjust the contact info that's stored on the Ticket Order.

Best of all, this button is available at any point while you sell a ticket, and information entered is saved for you automatically.

Any custom fields you have built for PatronManager Box Office (PMBO) will also appear on this overlay.

7. Order Notes

Click this button to bring up Chatter, Internal Comments for your team, Buyer's Comments, and Entry Notes.

Best of all, this button is available at any point while you sell a ticket, so you can always add notes!

Order Notes

8. Update Contact Record

This checkbox appears on the Buyer Info overlay and Buyer Information page if the Ticket Order has an existing Contact attached. Check the box to apply contact info changes from this order to the related Contact record. The Contact update will take place when you submit the order.

For example, if you're creating an order for a patron and learn that they've recently moved, you can click this Edit Buyer Info button to update their address both on the Ticket Order and their Contact record. This ensures you have clean data, and allows you to make these changes all at once, right from the Ticket Order.

Buyer Info overlay
Buyer Information page

9. Anonymous Purchase

If you are in a hurry selling walk-up tickets right before a show and don't have time to collect any patron info, you can check the Anonymous Purchase box, which only appears in the header if no Contact is selected.

Anonymous Purchase

This will bypass required contact fields, such as Name and Street address. Entering information into either of these fields will automatically uncheck the Anonymous Purchase box. Additionally, an Order Confirmation Email will not send for Ticket Orders marked as anonymous.

You can, however, still enter a City, State, Postal Code, and/or Country on anonymous orders. This is helpful if you'd still like to collect some demographic information about your audiences for reporting or grant purposes.

PatronManager is designed to help you build stronger relationships with your patrons, and understand how they interact with your organization over time. To ensure you have the best available data for future use, we recommend using the "Anonymous Purchase" option sparingly.

Even if you gather only names and email addresses, this is valuable data for future outreach.

Creating an Anonymous Purchase is available if the Ticket Order contains single tickets only; adding a subscription, membership or donation invalidates this option. Additionally, Ticket Orders with a Delivery Method of Email cannot be anonymous, since an Email is required.

If you'd prefer the Anonymous Purchase option to work differently, suggest a Product Idea to let us know what you'd like to see and why!

The Buyer Information tab

Buyer tab

You can also access these fields at any time using the Edit Buyer Info button in the Ticket Order header!

1. Patron's Contact Information

If you already selected a Contact earlier in the Contact Lookup box, you'll see any contact information already present on their Contact record. If this is a brand new patron, you'll need to fill in their information here.

2. Email Opt In

Checking this box will mark the patron as "Confirmed Opt-In" for your email campaigns. If this box is not checked, we strongly recommend using the patron's email address only to send ticketing confirmations and other personal communications.

3. Other Information

In this section, you'll find any custom fields you have built for the PatronManager Box Office (PMBO) and Public Ticketing Site (PTS).

The Payment tab

This screen will appear differently, depending on what payment method you've selected.

As an example, here's what it looks like when you've selected a Check payment.

Once you're done filling in the payment information, you'll click "Submit Order."

Payment tab

You did it! Here's what a completed Ticket Order looks like

Now that the order has been completed, you have new tab options at the top of the order page. They allow you to see more information about the Ticket Order, view the Buyer's information, print the tickets, or exchange or refund the tickets in the order.

Complete Ticket Order

The Print tab

  1. On a completed Ticket Order, the Print tab will show the tickets in the order, and you can expand to see the specific items
  2. You can see whether tickets were printed or if a Ticket Order Item was marked as attended from here
  3. Along the bottom you'll have options to print or email some or all of the tickets and to record or clear the attendance

The Order Info tab

The Order Info tab gives you a general overview of the Ticket Order, including the Ticketable Event Name and Event Instance Name that the tickets in the order are connected to.

Order Info Tab

If you want to see more information about the individual tickets in this order, click the arrow to expand each event grouping.

Expand Event Grouping

Once an event grouping is expanded, you can hover over the Discount amount to see the name of the name of the Discount Code used, if applicable.

Hover over Discount amount to see Discount Code

You can also hover over the Fees amount to see the name(s) of any Item-level fees applied, if applicable.

Hover over Fees amount to find Fee Name

Since this Fees amount is per Ticket Order Item, this will only reflect Item-Level Fees.

If you'd like to see more information about the Ticket Order, click the "Show Details" button.

Show Details
Ticket Order Details

This will expand to show more information about the Ticket Order:

  1. Payment Transactions: Shows any Payment Transactions related to this Ticket Order
  2. Open Activities: If there are any Tasks or Events related to this Ticket Order, like a task to qualify it or ship tickets, they will appear here
  3. Activity History: If there are any Activities, like emails sent or calls logged, related to this Ticket order, they will appear here
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