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How to Show Badges in PatronManager Box Office

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How to Show Badges in PatronManager Box Office:

You can display Contact Badges when processing a Ticket Order through PatronManager Box Office (PMBO) - very helpful for quickly knowing who you're selling a ticket to. Once a Contact is selected from the lookup field on the Ticket Order, the system adds up to six badges from that Contact. 

Follow these step-by-step instructions to make it happen.

Before you begin: Make sure you have the right badges!

In order to show Contact badges in PatronManager Box Office, you need to make sure you have the desired badges set up.

PatronManager comes with built-in Member Status and Subscriber Status badges which will appear automatically, but other badges are specific to your organization.

Ready? Let's add your custom badges to PatronManager Box Office

First, find your Contact Field Sets

1. Click on the gear in the upper-right corner of PatronManager, and go to Setup

2. Go to the Object Manager tab, search "contact" and click on Contact

3. Go to the Field Sets tab in the left panel, and click on the Ticket Order Contact Header Fields link

Then, add your badges to the Field Set

1. Find your badge fields in the palette, and drag and drop them into the field set

You'll see all fields, including badges, associated with the Contact object.

Select the badge field and drag it into the field set below. In this example, we are looking to add the VIP Badge to the field set, and have it appear first.

The system will display the first six badges that a given Contact has. To change the order of the badges displayed, drag and drop to adjust the order of the fields in this field set.

2. When you're done, click Save

Alright!  Now go see those badges in action

Now when you sell a ticket through the PatronManager Box Office, when you add a Contact to the order, their badges will show up in the header at the top of the order.  Nice!

What if I want to show more info than just a badge, like member level/expiration date?

Great news - you totally can! Badges are formula fields that display an image, but you can also add other text formula fields to the box office that display only text. For example, you could use the built-in Member Status badge, and also include a field that gives info about that membership, like so:

To learn more about this option and create a custom Member Info field, check out the example in the last section here.

You can also find a demo in this webinar!

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