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How to Track Onsite Accessibility Requirements:
Your organization likely offers a variety of accessibility features and services, such as large-print programs, assistive listening devices, and ASL interpretation. Accessibility requirements can vary and evolve over time, so understanding these requirements in advance helps ensure all patrons can fully enjoy your performances and exhibitions.
The Onsite Accessibility Requirements feature is designed to streamline communication between you and your patrons. From collecting requirements during ticket purchases to tracking them on contact records and receiving alerts or reminders for upcoming events, this tool empowers you to provide a seamless and inclusive experience for all attendees.
In this article, we'll explore the following:
- How does this feature work?
- How do I enable the feature and add new picklist values?
- How does the system handle the data?
- And of course, some FAQs
Let's take a look!
How do Onsite Accessibility Requirements work?
You'll define your organization's accessibility options and provide any additional information your patrons may need to make their selections, then enable the feature.
Once enabled, the options and your description will appear on the online checkout page above the Comments field:

When selling tickets through the box office, you can also note Accessibility Requirements in the "Buyer Info" section on Ticket Orders.
Your Order Fulfillment Administrator will receive tasks for new Orders with Access Requirements
Those tasks will include basic details and a link to the Order.
You'll see Access Requirements on the Contact and Ticket Order
A badge alerts you when the Contact associated with the Ticket Order has Access Requirements (you can view their exact requirements on the Buyer Info section):
And you can see your patron's requirements and badge on their Contact record as well, wherever you've chosen to place it on the page layout:
You can also find Access Requirements in reports
The feature comes with a built-in template report called "Access Requirements Next 60 Days" for Ticket Orders with Accessibility Requirements for upcoming shows.
You can subscribe to this report (or a customized version if you "Save As"), or add the new Access Requirements Ticket Order field to your existing Door List or other Ticket Order reports.
Patrons can see their Access Requirements selections too
Ticket Order Access Requirements appear in the confirmation email underneath item details.

Note that this section will not automatically appear in the template used to email tickets from a Ticket Order, so you'll need to manually add it there. Follow the instructions below to do so!
And PatronPortal users can see their current Contact selections on their Profile.

How do I enable the feature?
We've got you covered! Click to expand each section as you go through the steps.
These picklist options are available to select and view on both the Contact and the Ticket Order Objects, but you only have to set them in one place. Head to Setup and search for "Picklist" on the left (1), select "Picklist Value Sets" (2), then click on "Access Requirements" (3)
1.4. Adjust the values to match your options
You'll find a list of options to start with, and from here you can add, deactivate, and reorder the list to match your offerings.
If you add a new value, be sure to check the box to "Add the new picklist values to all Record Types that use this Global Value Set."
If you skip this step, Ticket Orders will go into Confirmation Exception if the patron selects your new value. If this occurs, follow these steps to add the missing picklist values for every Contact Record Type in your system.
The system will automatically add the accessibility information section under the order information table in ticket confirmation emails. However! If you want it to appear when you email tickets from Ticket Orders in PMBO, you'll need to manually add this section to the template (since it doesn't contain the order information table).
Head over to PatronTicket Settings and look for the 'Email Tickets Template' field. That's the one you'll edit! Navigate to that email template and add language as you see fit. Here's the field name to merge the selections on the Ticket Order into the template:
Need a refresher on editing confirmation email templates? Our How to Edit Confirmation Classic Email Templates article will walk you through it.
You'll need to first add the new "Accessibility Status" badge and the "Access Requirements" field to your Contact page layouts. Head over here for instructions to edit your page layouts.
When you're done, you'll see the field and badge where you placed it on the page:
Now it's time to set the "Accessibility Status" badge to appear in the box office for buyers with Access Requirements on file. Head over here for instructions on adding badges to PatronManager Box Office.
Once you've added the badge, you'll see it in PatronManager Box Office (PMBO) to help you greet and serve those patrons appropriately.
The picklist field is automatically added to the Buyer Info section of PMBO when you enable the feature - no extra steps required.
How does the data work?
Since Ticket Orders can contain tickets for multiple humans and since access requirements can change over time, it's normal for the selections on a given Ticket Order to differ from the selections on that person's Contact record.
Think of it this way: the Ticket Order field reflects the patron's (and/or their guest's) requirements for that specific point in time, while their Contact record should reflect the requirements that are specific to that individual and applicable today.
For this reason, the only time the system will automatically sync the Contact and Ticket Order Access Requirements is when you create a new Ticket Order. If that Contact has Access Requirements selected, those selections will be populated on the Ticket Order automatically. Otherwise, you'll make the decision whether / how to update records manually.
Remember: Changes made to the Contact's Access Requirements selections will not update existing Ticket Orders.
Here are the instances where you'll decide how Contact and Ticket Order records should be handled:
1. New online Ticket Orders with Access Requirements will always go through qualification if the Access Requirements aren't an exact match to the patron's existing Contact record in the system. This way, you can be sure to correctly apply changes (e.g. update or maintain selections on the buyer's Contact record, or find and update a different Contact record).
You'll see the fields on the qualification page in Order Information section.
And you can make edits when merging Contacts.
2. If you're processing a new Ticket Order for an existing Contact, you can check the box to "Update Contact Record" if Access Requirements changes should reflect back on their individual Contact.
3. If a patron's accessibility requirements change permanently, you'll need to update existing Ticket Orders with tickets to future events. Since updating the selections on the Contact record won't apply to any existing orders, make sure to check for upcoming events they'll be attending to change their requirements on those orders.
Additional FAQs
Do you have more questions about tracking Onsite Accessibility Requirements? We've got answers! Click the question to expand the answer.
Absolutely! Head to our article about relabeling things on the PTS for more details.
For relabeling, note that the "Access Requirements" picklist is a field on the Ticket Order object, while the "Accessibility Information" header is a custom label.
Yes you can! It's a normal Contact field, so you can add it to your Signup Form if you'd like. Note that the fields don't always appear in alphabetical order in the list - if you don't see it near the top, it's likely further down.
Not at this time, but we may add that functionality in future. If you'd like this feature added, please suggest a Product Idea to let us know!
If you didn't check the box to "Add the new picklist values to all Record Types that use this Global Value Set" when you created your new picklist value, it might not be visible on your Contact records.
That's ok, though - we've got an article that will show you how to fix this!