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How to Change your My Domain:
Your Salesforce domain is what comes after the "https://" in the URL when you log in to PatronManager. My Domain registers a custom, private domain for your organization. This helps you to implement your branding and organization name right into your URLs, both internally when you log into PatronManager and on sites like your Public Ticketing Site (PTS) and Donation Forms.
In this article, we'll show you how to:
- Register and activate your My Domain
- Update your Organization Settings
- Delete your Remote Site
- Make it official by deploying your new domain
1. Register and activate your My Domain
First things first, we need to find an available domain name to use, and we need to confirm with Salesforce that it's the one we want.
When you update your My Domain, it will affect all of your Salesforce links, including your Public Ticketing Site (PTS) and Donation Forms. For a period of time, Salesforce will automatically redirect from your old My Domain to your new My Domain, but to ensure that things continue to run smoothly, you'll need to take some extra steps.
Make sure that you're ready to take steps 2-5 here immediately after updating your My Domain!
1.1. Click the Setup gear, then click Setup
Notice how your URL may not reference your current organization name - that's what we're about to change!
1.4. Check to see if the domain you want is available, and once you've selected an available domain, click Save
2. Update your Organization Settings
There's a field in Organization settings that used to be crucial for completing transactions. Now that you have My Domain set up, you don't need it!
2.2. If you don't see anything, change the view to All

2.3. Click Organization Settings

3. Delete your Remote Site
Now that you've registered your domain and removed it from your Organization Settings, you no longer need your Salesforce Remote Site.
4. Deploy your new domain
For the final step, you'll activate your new domain for all other users at your organization.
4.2. Click Deploy to Users
Don't have the Deploy to Users button? Check the URL in your browser to see if it's using your new My Domain. If so, Salesforce automatically deployed your My Domain and you're all set!
4.3. When a confirmation screen comes up, click OK

4.4. Leave the My Domain Settings alone
Your settings should read:
- Login Policy: unchecked
- Redirect Policy: Redirect to the same page within the domain
Checking this checkbox or changing your redirect policy will prevent PatronManager staff from assisting you.
4.5. Update the necessary links
Your new My Domain will change all of your links: your login link, your PTS, your Donation Forms, your Signup Forms, PatronPortal login URLs, your Volunteers for Salesforce site, everything.
Make sure to take steps 2-5 here to ensure that everything continues to work smoothly, and double check for links in other places. Some important places to check for links are:
- Your company website, including the Event Inventory API (if you use it)
- Email templates, like those in Emma or MailChimp
- Classic Email Templates, like the ones for your PatronPortal users
- Bookmarked links in your browser, like the login page link
4.6. You're done - time to tell your coworkers about it!
Mostly, that you've enabled My Domain, what the new domain is, and that this has changed the URL for your public sites like the PTS and Donation Forms.