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Lightning Transition: Bring the Team to Lightning! (and remove Classic buttons):
Now, it's time to bring your team to Lightning (if they haven't switched already)!
Then, once everyone's in Lightning, you'll remove any old buttons in Classic to avoid confusion.
While the time it takes to bring your team to Lightning may vary, your actual steps should take 20-30 minutes. Let's dive in!
Bring your team to Lightning
Make sure to share the Welcome to Lightning! (for Classic Users) article with your team, and ask them to switch over as soon as possible!
And make sure to let them know about all of the great new features available to them exclusively in Lightning.
Remove old Classic buttons
Once all of your users have started using Lightning, make sure to remove old Classic buttons from your page layouts.
Not only will this fully transition everyone to Lightning, it will also help your users avoid confusion and set them up on the path to success in Lightning!
1. Click on the gear and go to Setup

4. Remove buttons from the Opportunities related list
2. Remove buttons from the Opportunities related list
1. Click on the gear and go to Setup

4. Remove buttons from the Opportunities related list
5. Add buttons to the Recurring Donations related list
6. Remove buttons from the Ticket Orders related list
1. Click on the gear and go to Setup

4. Remove buttons from the Payment Transactions related list
6. Repeat steps 4-5 for the following layouts
- Major Gift Layout
- Matching Donation Layout
- Membership Layout
- PatronTicket Donation
If you have any custom Donation Page Layouts, you'll want to take these same steps for them too!
8. Remove buttons from the Payments related list
11. Remove buttons from the Payments related list
14. Remove buttons from the Payments related list
1. Click on the gear and go to Setup

4. Remove buttons from the Campaign Members related list
And we mean done for real! You deserve a celebration (or at least a little treat).