PatronManager Help

How to Adjust Search Layouts

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How to Adjust Search Layouts:

Whenever you search in PatronManager, by default a certain set of fields from each object will appear in your search. But what if you want to see other fields when you search?

That's where Search Layouts come in! Search Layouts allow you to customize what fields you can see quickly when searching in PatronManager. This can be helpful to help you find the record you want quickly or to find information at a glance.

In this article, we'll walk you through how to adjust Search Layouts, which should take 5-15 minutes.

1. Go to Setup

Go to Setup with gear icon

2. Click into Object Manager

Click Object Manager

3. Find and select the object whose Search Layout you want to edit

Find and select the object you want

In this example, we'll edit the Search Layout for Contacts.

4. Click Search Layouts

Click Search Layouts

5. Edit the Default Layout

Edit the Default Layout

6. Select the field you want to add from Available Fields

Select field to add in Available Fields

Here, we'll add the Mailing Street field to our Search Layouts to help us quickly see a Contact's address when searching.

7. Click the Add arrow

Click Add arrow

8. Use the Up and Down arrows to adjust the order of Selected Fields (optional)

Use Up and Down arrows to reorder Selected Fields

If you'd like to adjust the order that fields appear in for your Search Layouts, you can do so with the Up and Down arrows.

9. Save your changes


Now, when searching Contacts, the Mailing Street field appears!

Mailing Street in Search Layout
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