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How to Exclude Certain Account Types from Rollups or CRM Snapshots:
Sometimes you'll want to exclude certain Accounts from roll-up queries that run each night or from your CRM Snapshots. This is particularly true for "bucket" Accounts, like Accounts you use for walk-up sales, consignment ticket sales, and Accounts that frequently place large group orders.
In this article, we'll show you how to:
- Create your bucket Accounts
- Exclude your bucket Accounts from Account Rollups
- Exclude your bucket Accounts from CRM Snapshots
Depending on how many "bucket" Account Types you'd like to make and how many Accounts need updating, this process should take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour.
Creating "bucket" Accounts
1. Identify your "bucket" accounts
Do you have an Account you use for walk-up sales or to sell tickets on consignment? Do you have certain Accounts that frequently place very large group orders?
These types of accounts are obviously very important to your business, but they have the adverse effect of potentially gumming up the works of PatronManager -- they can cause CRM Snapshots to fail, or Ticket Order roll-up fields on your Accounts to get stuck. If this is an issue for you, it probably only affects a handful of Accounts we like to think of as "bucket" Accounts.
Sure thing! The best way to do this will be to run a report. Let's get that set up.
1.1. Go to the All Accounts report in the Reports tab
If you can't find the All Accounts report, make sure that you're in the All Reports section - not Recent!
1.2. Create a copy of the report using Save As
This will ensure that the base report stays in tact for you to use in the future.
Always make sure to Save As before making changes to a report!
1.5. Adjust the fields in the Outline pane

Specifically, you'll want these fields:
- Account Name
- Lifetime Order Count
- Type
1.6. In the Filters pane, add a filter for Lifetime Order Count

Since we're looking for high volume accounts, we'll set the filter to Lifetime Order Count greater or equal to 100.
This report will give you an idea of some possible bucket Accounts, but you can customize the filters to fit your needs.
For example, do you sell a lot of large ticket orders to schools for student shows? You may wish to add another Filter for Account Record Type equals School or Education to see school Accounts who may have fewer than 100 Ticket Orders, but a lot of individual tickets.
Once you've identified your bucket Accounts, in order to exclude them from the roll-ups and CRM Snapshots, you need to assign them a Type.
2. Create an Account Type
The Type field might not be something you use regularly to categorize different kinds of Accounts, but it's a handy tool!
This picklist field comes with some values already, but you'll probably want to add some custom values to it that make sense for your specific bucket Accounts, such as "Consignee", "Voided Donations", "Walk-Up", or "Group Sales."
Because the Type field is a picklist, we have instructions on how to create new values for your picklist already written for you!
If the Type field isn't already on your Account Page Layout for the Accounts you've identified as your "buckets," you can add it to your Page Layouts.
Excluding these Accounts from roll-ups
Once you've identified your bucket Accounts and assigned them a notable Type, it's time to finish this up!
3. Click on Organization Settings
If you don't see it in the Recently Viewed list view when you first arrive on the page, change the list view to All.
5. Edit the Account Types to Exclude from Rollups field
Select the the value or values you assigned to your bucket Accounts.
To select multiple values, hold down the ctrl or command key while you click on the Types.
Excluding these Accounts from CRM Snapshots
When you run CRM Snapshots, you can choose to exclude your bucket Accounts from your results. This can be helpful if you're running a report for ticket buyers and want to exclude your Walk-Up or Consignee accounts or if you're running a report on donations and want to exclude your Voided Donations account.
As a bonus, excluding these bucket Accounts from your CRM Snapshots can help prevent a "Failed Snapshot" error from occurring!
To exclude your bucket Accounts from CRM Snapshots, start a CRM Snapshot as you normally would.
When you reach the Do you want to add any other filters to your query? section of your CRM Snapshot, you'll have the option to select which Types of Accounts you want to exclude using the Excluded Account Type field.
Your CRM Snapshot will now ignore any Accounts with the Types that you excluded!
To select multiple values, hold down the ctrl or command key while you click on the Types.