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Lightning Transition: Actions:
Actions are like the buttons you use in Classic, but more versatile and much easier to configure. Today, you'll:
- Configure Pledge and Grant actions
- Add and organize actions on various page layouts
- Enable global actions
This should take about an hour to complete. Let's get started!
1. Configure Pledge and Grant actions
If you use Pledges or Grants, you'll need to create some new actions:
- If you use Pledges, follow along with this article to add the "New Pledge" and "New Pledge Payment" actions
- If you use Grants, this article will run you through setting up the "New Grant" and "New Grant Payment" actions
2. Add and organize actions on page layouts
Now, we'll add and organize the actions you'll need in Lightning on the Account, Contact, Donation and Campaign page layouts.
5. Let's add the New Donation action first; there are a few with the same name - hover over each to find the right one
The correct New Donation action is named "Account.PatronDonate__NewDonation".
6. Drag and drop the New Donation action into the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section
While we're here, let's organize our Lightning actions on the page layout
7. Remove the following actions:
- Check for New Data
- View Account Hierarchy
- Submit for Approval
8. Now, add and organize the Lightning actions on the page layout in this order:
This list comprises standard, necessary actions for the Account. Keep any custom actions you've created, or installed as part of an app (i.e. Conga, WealthEngine, etc.), on the page layout as well.
- Post
- File
- Link
- Poll
- Email (mobile only)
- Call
- Send Text
- Edit
- Delete
- New Donation
- New Pledge
- Email (There are a few Email actions - when you hover over each one in the editing palette, use the one that says "Name:SendEmail")
- Log a Call (Name:LogACall)
- New Task (Name:NewTask)
- New Event (Name:NewEvent)
- Printable View
- Change Record Type
You'll organize the Foundation layout similarly, though with a few key differences.
2. Add and organize actions in the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section like so:
This list comprises standard, necessary actions for the Foundation page layout. Keep any custom actions you've created, or installed as part of an app (i.e. Conga, WealthEngine, etc.), on the page layout as well.
- Post
- File
- Link
- Poll
- Email (mobile only)
- Call
- Send Text
- Edit
- Delete
- New Grant
- Email (There are a few Email actions - when you hover over each one in the editing palette, use the one that says "Name:SendEmail")
- Log a Call (Name:LogACall)
- New Task (Name:NewTask)
- New Event (Name:NewEvent)
- Printable View
Does your Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section look different? Find out how to fix it here.
4. Select Mobile & Lightning Actions in the left panel of the editing palette
5. Let's add the New Donation action; there a few to choose from, so hover over each to find the right one
The correct New Donation action is named "Contact.PatronDonate__NewDonation".
6. Drag and drop the New Donation action into the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section
Does your Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section look different? Find out how to fix it here.
While we're here, let's organize our Lightning actions on the page layout.
7. Remove the following actions:
- Check for new data
- View Contact Hierarchy
- Submit for Approval
8. Now, add and organize the Lightning actions on the page layout in this order:
This list comprises standard, necessary actions for the Contact. If you have any custom actions you've created or installed as part of an app (i.e. Conga, WealthEngine, etc.), keep those on the page layout as well.
- Post
- File
- Link
- Poll
- Email (mobile only)
- Call
- Send Text
- Edit
- Delete
- Relationship Viewer (if you use Relationships)
- Disable Customer User (if you use Patron Portal)
- Enable Customer User (if you use Patron Portal)
- View Customer User (if you use Patron Portal)
- New Donation (There are a few Email actions - when you hover over each one in the editing palette, use the one that says "Contact.PatronDonate")
- New Group Sale (if applicable)
- New Pledge (if applicable)
- Email (Name:SendEmail)
- Log a Call (Name:LogACall)
- New Task (Name:NewTask)
- New Event (Name:NewEvent)
- Printable View
5. Drag and and drop the following actions into the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section
This list comprises standard, necessary actions for the Donation page layout. Keep any custom actions you've created, or installed as part of an app (i.e. Conga, WealthEngine, etc.), on the page layout as well.
Organize the actions in this order:
- Post
- File
- Link
- Poll
- Edit
- Delete
- Refund Donation
- Process Credit Card Transaction
- Clone
- Qualify (for Donation, Membership, and PatronTicket Donation page layouts only)
- New Matching Gift (for the Donation page layout only)
- Email (There are a few Email actions - when you hover over each one in the editing palette, use the one that says "Name:SendEmail")
- Log a Call (Name:LogACall)
- New Task (Name:NewTask)
- New Event (Name:NewEvent)
- Printable View
- Change Record Type
Does your Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section look different? Find out how to fix it here.
7. Now, repeat steps 4-6 for the following page layouts:
- Major Gift Layout
- Matching Donation Layout
- Membership Layout
- PatronTicket Donation
8. When you're done with the above page layouts, add actions and edit the Payment Transactions related list on the following page layouts (if you have them):
This list comprises standard, necessary actions for the Soft Credit page layout. Keep any custom actions you've created, or installed as part of an app (i.e. Conga, WealthEngine, etc.), on the page layout as well.
Does your Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section look different? Find out how to fix it here.
Organize the actions in the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section in this order:
- Post
- File
- Link
- Poll
- Edit
- Clone
- Delete
- Email (Name:SendEmail)
- Log a Call (Name:LogACall)
- New Task (Name:NewTask)
- New Event (Name:NewEvent)
- Printable View
- Change Record Type
Don't forget to save your changes!
This list comprises standard, necessary actions for the Grant page layout. Keep any custom actions you've created, or installed as part of an app (i.e. Conga, WealthEngine, etc.), on the page layout as well.
Organize the actions in the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section in this order:
- Post
- File
- Link
- Poll
- Edit
- Delete
- New Grant Payment
- Email (Name:SendEmail)
- Log a Call (Name:LogACall)
- New Task (Name:NewTask)
- New Event (Name:NewEvent)
- Printable View
- Change Record Type
Does your Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section look different? Find out how to fix it here.
Save those changes!
This list comprises standard, necessary actions for the Group Sale page layout. Keep any custom actions you've created, or installed as part of an app (i.e. Conga, WealthEngine, etc.), on the page layout as well.
Organize the actions in the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section in this order:
- Post
- File
- Link
- Poll
- Edit
- Delete
- New Group Sale Payment
- Email (Name:SendEmail)
- Log a Call (Name:LogACall)
- New Task (Name:NewTask)
- New Event (Name:NewEvent)
- Printable View
- Change Record Type
Does your Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section look different? Find out how to fix it here.
Save, save, save!
This list comprises standard, necessary actions for the Pledge page layout. Keep any custom actions you've created, or installed as part of an app (i.e. Conga, WealthEngine, etc.), on the page layout as well.
Organize the actions in the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section in this order:
- Post
- File
- Link
- Poll
- Edit
- Delete
- New Pledge Payment
- Email (Name:SendEmail)
- Log a Call (Name:LogACall)
- New Task (Name:NewTask)
- New Event (Name:NewEvent)
- Printable View
- Change Record Type
Does your Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section look different? Find out how to fix it here.
You know what to do! Save your changes.
This list comprises standard, necessary actions for the Grant Payment page layout. Keep any custom actions you've created, or installed as part of an app (i.e. Conga, WealthEngine, etc.), on the page layout as well.
Organize the actions in the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section in this order:
- Post
- File
- Link
- Poll
- Edit
- Clone
- Delete
- Refund Donation
- Process Credit Card Transaction
- Email (Name:SendEmail)
- Log a Call (Name:LogACall)
- New Task (Name:NewTask)
- New Event (Name:NewEvent)
- Printable View
- Change Record Type
Does your Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section look different? Find out how to fix it here.
Save those changes!
This list comprises standard, necessary actions for the Group Sale Payment page layout. Keep any custom actions you've created, or installed as part of an app (i.e. Conga, WealthEngine, etc.), on the page layout as well.
Organize the actions in the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section in this order:
- Post
- File
- Link
- Poll
- Edit
- Clone
- Delete
- Refund Donation
- Process Credit Card Transaction
- Email (Name:SendEmail)
- Log a Call (Name:LogACall)
- New Task (Name:NewTask)
- New Event (Name:NewEvent)
- Printable View
- Change Record Type
Does your Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section look different? Find out how to fix it here.
Save, save, save!
This list comprises standard, necessary actions for the Pledge Payment page layout. Keep any custom actions you've created, or installed as part of an app (i.e. Conga, WealthEngine, etc.), on the page layout as well.
Organize the actions in the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section in this order:
- Post
- File
- Link
- Poll
- Edit
- Clone
- Delete
- Refund Donation
- Process Credit Card Transaction
- Email (Name:SendEmail)
- Log a Call (Name:LogACall)
- New Task (Name:NewTask)
- New Event (Name:NewEvent)
- Printable View
- Change Record Type
Does your Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section look different? Find out how to fix it here.
You know what to do! Save your changes.
5. Drag and and drop the following actions into the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section
This list comprises standard, necessary actions for the Campaign page layout. Keep any custom actions you've created, or installed as part of an app (i.e. Conga, WealthEngine, etc.), on the page layout as well.
Organize the actions in this order:
- Post
- File
- Link
- Poll
- Edit
- Clone
- Delete
- Send List Email
- Email ("Name:SendEmail")
- Log a Call (Name:LogACall)
- New Task (Name:NewTask)
- New Event (Name:NewEvent)
- Printable View
Does your Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section look different? Find out how to fix it here.
3. Enable Global actions
Global actions are a great way to quickly take care of your daily tasks. Let's enable the following global actions in your account:
- Log a Call
- New Task
- New Event
2. Search "global" in the quick find box, and click on Publisher Layouts
5. Scroll down to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section of the publisher layout and add our recommended global actions
You'll notice there are multiple versions of each action. Hover over the action add the actions matching the names listed below:
- Email (Name:SendEmail)
- Log a Call (Name:LogACall)
- New Task (Name:NewTask)
- New Event: (Name:NewEvent)
You can ignore the rest!
You're done!
You can head back to the Lightning Transition Guide: Home article now.