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Lightning Transition: Discover Additional Customizations

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Lightning Transition: Discover Additional Customizations:

In this step, you'll find out whether your account has any additional customizations that need to be addressed in Lightning. Specifically, you'll:

  1. Determine whether you use Notes and Attachments
  2. Find custom page layouts
  3. Run and read the Lightning Readiness Report

Some reports are longer than others, but this step should take about an hour.

Before you begin: open a text document or have a pen and paper handy. As you assess the customizations in your PatronManager account, you'll make a checklist to use in the final step of your Lightning Transition.

1. Notes and Attachments

Some PatronManager users utilize the Notes & Attachments related list to add written notes about a record, or PDFs of contracts to artist Contact records. In Lightning, Notes and Attachments have been retired and replaced by Files.

If you know you use Notes and Attachments, jot down "Notes and Attachments" on the checklist you're keeping. You'll migrate them to Files in Lightning later.

If you're not sure, ask your colleagues to see if anyone uses Notes & Attachments. If no one does, then you can skip anything related to Notes & Attachments and continue moving forward.

2. Find custom page layouts

Next, we'll take a trip to Setup and look at the Account, Contact and Donation page layouts. You'll make note of any custom page layouts on these objects in your checklist.

Find custom Account page layouts

1. Click on the gear and go to Setup

2. Go to the Object Manager tab and click on Account

3. Click on the Page Layouts tab in the left panel

4. Take note of all the custom Account page layouts on your checklist

Not sure which page layouts are custom? Here's a list of packaged Account page layouts - write down all page layouts that aren't these:

  • Household Layout
  • Individual Layout
  • Foundation Layout
  • Organization Layout
  • TBQ Account Layout
Find custom Contact page layouts

1. Go to the Object Manager tab, then search and click Contact

2. Click on the Page Layouts tab in the left panel

3. Take note of all the custom Contact page layouts on your checklist

Not sure which page layouts are custom? Here's a list of packaged Account page layouts - write down all page layouts that aren't these:

  • Patron Contact Layout
  • Other Contact Layout
  • TBQ Contact Layout
Find custom Donation page layouts

1. Go to the Object Manager tab - search "donation" in the search bar, and click on Donation

2. Click on the Page Layouts tab in the left panel

3. Take note of all the custom Donation page layouts on your checklist

Not sure which page layouts are custom? Here's a list of packaged Donation page layouts - write down all page layouts that aren't these:

  • Donation Layout
  • Grant Layout
  • Grant Payment Layout
  • Group Sale Layout
  • Group Sale Payment Layout
  • Major Gift Layout
  • Matching Donation Layout
  • Membership Layout
  • PatronTicket Donation
  • Pledge Layout
  • Pledge Payment Layout
  • Soft Credit Layout

Now that you're done taking notes on custom page layouts, let's run the Lightning Readiness Report.

3. Run and read the Lightning Readiness Report

Salesforce's built-in Lightning Readiness Report finds any custom aspects of your system that aren't quite Lightning-ready. There's a lot of information in this report; some of it is relevant to the PatronManager Lightning Transition, some of it isn't.

To help you navigate the Lightning Readiness Report, we'll show you the important parts of this report.

Run the Lightning Readiness Report

1. In Classic, click on Setup

2. Click Get Started

3. Click on the "Go to Steps" link on the Discover Phase tile

4. Expand the "Evaluate Lightning Experience Benefits and Readiness" section and click the "Check Readiness" button

5. When you get this pop-up, click Allow

6. Click Sales Cloud, then click "Check Readiness"

7. The report will show up in your Salesforce files

This report used to be emailed, but now Salesforce stores it in your files.

You can get to Files from the All Tabs section:

This screenshots in this section may differ in content from what you see in your Lightning Readiness Report.

Now, let's read the Readiness Report and take some notes

Open your text document or grab a pen and paper.

Some sections listed here might not be listed on your report - that's fine! That just means you won't need to jot anything down about those sections.

1. Your Rollout Effort

When you open your Readiness Report, the Rollout Effort section will be the first thing you notice.

These time estimates are likely inaccurate. Since you've already completed our standard Lightning Transition steps, these are generally vastly overestimated and should be generally ignored. Skip to the next step.

This section shows you what Classic buttons/links you may still need to convert to Lightning actions or rich text components.  Let's take a look at this sample:

  1. Check the buttons/links that list page layouts in the "Layouts Containing the Button" column.
  2. Ignore buttons/links that say "We didn't find page layouts that include this button or link" in the "Layouts Containing the Button" column.
Let's check the buttons/links

1. Click on a button/link in the list

2. You'll arrive at the button/link's page in Setup - click "Where is this used?"

3. You'll see which page layouts the button/link is on - write down the name of the button/link, whether it's a button or a link, and the page layout(s) it appears on

4. Repeat this for all remaining buttons/links you need to check in the Lightning Readiness Report

3. Home Page and Sidebar Components

If "PatronManager Client Community" is all you see, then skip this section - nothing to write down!

If you do see other Home Page or Sidebar Components listed, write those down on your checklist and make a note to look at your home page.

4. Hard-Coded URLs

You probably won't have any Hard-Coded URLs, but if you do, take note of the URL location on your checklist.

If you don't see this section - or if you already saw everything listed here in the Custom Buttons and Links section - you can skip to the next section.

Let's check the Hard-Coded URL locations

2. Click "Where is This Used"?

3. You'll see the Hard-Coded URL's location - take note of the URL name, Reference Type, and Reference Label:

4. Repeat this for all remaining Hard-Coded URLs you need to check in the Lightning Readiness Report

5. Web Browsers

If you see any users listed here, they might not use a browser compatible with Lightning Experience. Ask them to use either Chrome or Firefox moving forward.

If you don’t see this section, no worries - that's just means all your users are using Lightning-compatible web browsers.

You're done!

You can head back to the Lightning Transition Guide: Home article now.

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