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How to Use the Ticket Order History Fields

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How to Use the Ticket Order History Fields:

The Ticket Order History fields on your Account and Contact records show you big picture totals that relate to your patrons' ticketing history with your organization.

In this article, we'll cover:

Where can I find these fields?

These fields reside on both your Contact and Account records, but the data always pulls from the Account level. 

Ticket Order History on Account

So, on Contact pages, you’ll see the fields display Account totals.

Account Ticket Order History on Contact

If you don't see these fields on your Account and Contact pages, you can add them to the Page Layout.

What do these fields show?

There are two different types of Ticket Order History fields: Lifetime History fields and Last # Days fields.

The Lifetime History fields give an idea of your Accounts' ticketing activity over all time. In contrast, the Last # Days fields give you a look at ticketing activity over a finite set of time, usually a year.

Lifetime History fields
Lifetime History Fields

These fields aggregate pieces of ticket order data, to give you some “big picture” numbers on your Accounts’ ticketing activity at a glance.

  1. Lifetime Order Count: This field shows the number of ticket orders (completed, comp, or partially paid) in the history of an Account.
  2. Lifetime Single Ticket $: This field shows the ticket revenue brought in from Single Tickets in the history of an Account.
  3. Lifetime Subscription $: This field shows the ticket revenue brought in from Subscriptions in the history of an Account.
  4. Lifetime Membership $: This field shows the revenue brought in from Memberships in the history of an Account.
Last # Days fields
Last # Days Fields

These fields aggregate pieces of ticket order data to give you a glimpse at your Accounts' ticketing activity. 

The default time range is 365 days to give you a glance over a whole year. The time range for all three fields can be controlled in the PatronTicket Settings Tab.

  1. Order Count Last # Days: This is based on the Created Date of the order, and the number of days is set in the PatronTicket Settings tab. This count reflects all orders with a) active items and b) partially paid and fully paid orders (including completed comp orders)
  2. Single Ticket $ Last # Days: This is based on the Created Date of the item(s) in various ticket orders, and the number of days is set in the PatronTicket Settings tab.
  3. Membership $ Last # Days: This is based on the Created Date of the Membership item(s) on various ticket orders, and the number of days is set in the PatronTicket Settings tab.

How can I adjust the time range for the Last # Days fields?

You can adjust the time range for the Last # Days fields from your PatronTicket Settings Tab.

Can you show me how?
1. From the PatronTicket Hub, click PatronTicket Settings
Click PatronTicket Settings
2. Click Edit
Click Edit
3. Scroll to the Payment, Fee, and Delivery Settings section and update the Number of Days to Roll Up field
Update the Number of Days to Roll Up field

You can easily find this field by using ctrl+F to search for "Number of Days to Roll Up"!

4. Scroll back up and click Save
Save your changes

These fields will now update and recalculate based on your new time range overnight!

How do you use these fields?

These fields are great for targeting Accounts that are valuable (historically and recently) to the ticketing side of your organization. This information is priceless when targeting potential donors, subscribers, or members.

Because these fields provide a quick look at the scope of your patrons’ ticket buying history (calculated on the Account level) right on the Contact and Account pages, you can pull these fields onto your Contacts and Accounts reports too!  

Due to the many factors that go into ticket orders and their transactions, these fields are not recommended for use for financial purposes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When do these fields update?

These fields update as part of a nightly batch job, so they do not include orders submitted today.

This also means that if you update the time range of the Last # Days fields, they won't update until the next day.

Why do my Ticket Order History fields look wrong?

If you expected your Ticket Order History fields to say one thing, but they're saying something different, it may be because of the way these fields roll up.

Here are some things to consider if you think your Ticket Order History fields are incorrect:

  • Tickets, or Items, and Orders are included in the Last # Days fields if they are created during the window specified on the PatronTicket Settings.
  • Only positive values are represented in the Last # Days fields.
    • If an item is created, paid for, and refunded within the specified window, it will appear as $0 in the rollup field.
    • If the item is created and paid for before the window, it will never be included in the rollup field even if it is refunded within the window.
  • Fully refunded orders are never included in the Order Count fields.
  • If an item is created within the timeframe specified in the PatronTicket Settings field, any payments made on that item will be included in the $ Last # Days fields.
  • If the item is created before of the specified timeframe but a partial payment is submitted within the Last # Days, that money will not be included in the $ Last # Days fields.
  • Items added to an order in an exchange are created on the day the exchange takes place. Therefore, these items will be included in the $ Last # Days fields even if the original items were not created within the window.
    • If any of the the Last # Days fields look back far enough to include the new exchange items on an order but not the original items, the value of the new exchange items will appear in the $ total but the order will not be counted in the order count.
      • For example, if a $100 item is exchanged for an $80 item (refunding $20 to the buyer) and the order was created within the specified date range, the Single Tickets Last # Days field would show $80, and the Order Count Last # Days would include this order.
      • On the other hand, if a $100 item is exchanged for an $80 item and the order was created before the specified date range, the Single Tickets Last # Days field would show $80, but the Order Count Last # Days would not include this order.
  • Reservations, Pending Renewal orders, Draft orders and Deleted orders are not included in these fields.
  • Orders with payment or confirmation exceptions are included, however the amount total from a payment exception may not show up until the exception is resolved.
  • Comp orders are included in the order count.
I have an idea for a new Ticket Order History field!

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