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Best Practices: When Your Certified Admin is Leaving

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Best Practices: When Your Certified Admin is Leaving:

Sometimes you may have your PatronManager Certified Admin leave your organization to go off onto new adventures. Since these users are usually involved in many different parts of your PatronManager account and have a lot of institutional knowledge, we have some best practices to help you make the transition as smoothly as possible.

Make Sure to have a System Administrator User

Before your Certified Admin leaves, ask them to either create a new User for a new admin or to check that at least one User at your organization has the System Administrator Profile.

This will guarantee that someone at your organization has the ability to make any necessary admin-level changes, such as creating new Users or deactivating the departing admin's old User.

Start Training a New Certified Admin

Once you learn that your Certified Admin is leaving, it's important to start training their admin replacement as soon as you can.

With our recommended timeline, the PatronManager Admin Certification Program should take about 7-10 weeks to complete, and you may wish to have your new Certified Admin learn with your previous Admin before they depart, so we recommend taking that into account when deciding when your new Admin should start training.

Your contract with PatronManager may require you to have a Certified Admin on staff. Check your contract to see if this applies to you!

If you plan to hire a new employee who will be your Certified Admin, make sure that your previous Admin works with another user to pass along any necessary information that may be needed in the interim between Certified Admins.

Have your Admin write down the customizations they made

While we recommend documenting your customizations as you go, it's important for your Admin to make sure that any and all customizations they've made in your account are well-documented for your team.

We also recommend that your Admin make sure that the Help Text and Description for any custom fields are also up-to-date and filled in.

Make sure your Admin moves any useful Personal Custom Reports or Personal Email Templates to shared folders

Before your Admin leaves, we recommend asking them to move any useful custom reports from their Private Reports folder to a shared folder and to move any helpful Classic Email Templates from their My Personal Email Templates folder to a shared folder.

We have more information on doing this available for you here.

Follow our steps to deactivate the Admin's user

On your Admin's last day, or after their last day, make sure to deactivate their user by following ALL of our deactivation steps.

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