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How to Set a "From" Email Address

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How to Set a "From" Email Address:

When PatronManager sends out emails (for example, confirmation emails to ticket buyers and donors and welcome emails for new mailing list signups), it uses a designated "From" email address which you define. This is required for those emails to send successfully, and also ensures that you'll receive any replies your patrons may send to those emails.

In this article we'll walk you through:

Take care to follow ALL steps to avoid issues with processing transactions.

First things first: verify a "From" Email Address in PatronManager

You can set up multiple organization-wide email addresses in PatronManager - for example, you may set [email protected] as the email address that sends out ticket order confirmation emails, and [email protected] as the email address that sends out donation confirmation emails. 

You must have access to the email - you'll need to click a verification link in an email sent to that address before it can be used, and you want to make sure your organization receives any patron replies to this email in future!

Many organizations use shared departmental email addresses to minimize the updates necessary when staff members move on.

Let's add and verify some emails

1. Click on the gear in the upper right-hand corner, and select "Setup"

1. Click "Setup" from the home screen

3. Search "Org" in the Quick Find box and click "Organization-Wide Addresses"

3. Click "Organization-Wide Addresses"

4. Click "Add"

If you see a warning message that reads "WARNING: A VERIFIED email address is needed for: Default No-Reply Address" - don't worry about it. PatronManager doesn't require a Default No-Reply Address; this option is used with Salesforce features like case management that are not included with PatronManager.

4. Click "Add"

5. Fill in the display name and email address

5. Fill in the display name and email address

6. Check "Allow All Profiles to Use this From Address" and click "Save"

6. Check "Allow All Profiles to Use this From Address" and click "Save"

You MUST click this verification link in order for these emails to work correctly.  Skipping this step can cause transactions to fail.

7. IMPORTANT: Salesforce will send that address an email with a link to confirm - click it!!

Next: assign the "From" Email Address(es)

You've got one or more verified email addresses in PatronManager; great! Now it's time to assign a "From" email address in all necessary places:

  1. PatronTicket Settings, for ticket-related emails
  2. Organization Settings, for donation-related emails
  3. On each Signup Form, for new signup welcome emails
  4. Automated Communication Settings, for pre- and post-show emails
  5. Individually when you Send List Emails from Campaigns

Even if you don't think you need one of the first three areas, it's best to assign a "From" email address just in case - they're also used for some internal purposes like task notification emails.

If your organization hasn't enabled Automated Communications yet, and/or if you don't send list emails from Campaigns, you can skip those steps.

1. Assigning a "From" email to your ticket order confirmations

1.1. Click on the App Launcher to access all tabs

Click on the plus sign to enter the all-tabs view

1.2. Search "patronticket" and click on "PatronTicket Settings"

Click on "PatronTicket Settings"

1.3. Click "Edit"

Click "Edit"

1.4. Use the drop-down menu to select a "From Email Address" and press "Save"

Use the drop-down menu to select a "From Email Address" and press "Save"

Don't see the organization-wide email address you'd like to use as your from email address? Make sure to follow all of the steps here.

2. Assigning a "From" email to your donation confirmations

2.1. From the App Launcher, search "organization" and click on "Organization Settings"

Click on Organization Settings

2.2. Click Organization Settings once more

Click Organization Settings once more

If this is your first time visiting the Organization Settings tab, you won't see the link under "Recent Organization Settings" as shown above.

If that's the case,  select "ALL" from the View dropdown menu

2.3. Click the "Edit" button

Click the "Edit" button
Choose the organization-wide email you'd like in the "From Email" field, then Save
Choose the organization-wide email you'd like in the "From Email" field, then Save
3. Assigning a "From" email to your signup confirmations

3.1. From the App Launcher, search "signup" and click on "Signup Forms"

Click Signup Forms

3.2. Choose your signup form

Choose your signup form

3.3. Click the "Edit" button

Click the "Edit" button
3.3.1. Choose the organization-wide email you'd like in the "From Email" field, then click "Submit"
Choose the organization-wide email you'd like in the "From Email" field, then Submit
4. Assigning a "From" email for your Automated Communications

You can also assign a "from" email address for your automated pre and post-show emails via Automated Communication Settings.  Head over to our article about utilizing your Automated Communications Settings page to learn how.

5. Assigning a "From" email for your List Email on a Campaign

When you have a Campaign, you'll have the option to Send a List Email to your Campaign Members. This is useful if you're using Campaigns to manage your fundraising event and would like to send a reminder email to attendees who have RSVPed.

Here's how to use an Organization-Wide Address as the "from" email for your List Email.

List Emails are a Salesforce feature with some important limitations. First, you cannot use List Emails for marketing communications. Secondly, note that emails sent this way count toward your daily single email limit - and if you exceed that limit, you will be unable to process transactions for up to 24 hours.

5.1. From your Campaign, click Send List Email

Click Send List Email

5.2. Use the From dropdown to select the "from" email you'd like to use

Use the From dropdown to select an address

The dropdown will only appear if you have more than one Organization-Wide Address set up.

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