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How to Set Up a New Sandbox for Your Account

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How to Set Up a New Sandbox for Your Account:

A sandbox is a playground for you to safely test all the fun customizations, automations, and Salesforce apps you want - before bringing those changes to your colleagues in your production account ("real" account).

Below, we'll show you how to set up a sandbox whenever you want. All told, you'll need to:

  1. Create a Public Group
  2. Create a new sandbox
  3. Configure your sandbox so it looks and acts like PatronManager
  4. Add a venue (optional, but pretty nifty)

This should take no more than one hour - let's start digging!

If you haven't yet, we recommend reading All About Sandboxes before you continue.

1. Create a Public Group

In order to create a sandbox and give other users access to it, you'll need to create a Public Group. We'll show you how to do this.

Let's make it

1.1. Click on the gear and go to Setup


1.2. Search "Public Groups" and select it

Public Groups

1.3. Click "New"


1.4. Set up the Public Group

Set up Public Group
  1. Label: Enter a name for the Public Group, like "Sandbox Users"
  2. Group Name: Auto-populates based on the Label
  3. Description: Give a description for this Public Group

1.5. Add Users to the Public Group

Add Members
  1. Use the Search dropdown to select the group, role, or users you wish to give access to your sandbox.
  2. Then, click their name in Available Members
  3. Use the arrow to add them to Selected Members.

If you don't know who to select, we suggest adding "All Internal Users" to the Public Group.

1.6. Save


2. Create a new sandbox

Now that you have My Domain and a Public Group, you can create your sandbox. Thanks to a bit of code, this'll only take a few minutes.

Here we go

1. Click on the gear and go to Setup

2. Search "sandbox" in the quick find bar and click on Sandboxes

3. Click New Sandbox

4. Give the sandbox a name and description, and click Next under the Developer column

Wait! I want to create a Partial Copy Sandbox!

Partial Copy Sandboxes are recommended for User Acceptance Testing, or UAT. If you don't know what this means, then you likely don't need to use this and should use a Developer Sandbox instead.

If you need to create a Partial Copy Sandbox, you'll need to set up a template for the sandbox before creating it. This means you'll have a few extra steps before you can click "Next" in the Partial Copy column.

Let's get it set up!

4.1. Click back to Sandboxes
4.2. Click Sandbox Templates
Sandbox Templates
4.3. Click New Sandbox Template
New Sandbox Template
4.4. Enter a name and description for the template
Name and Description

The Name can only contain alphanumeric values!

4.5. Add Objects to the template using the Objects list
Add Objects

When an Object is selected, the Object Details will show any other Required Objects that will also be brought over to your sandbox.

Selected Object and Required Objects

Never select the following Objects:

  • PatronTicket__PatronTicketSettings__c (aka PatronTicket Settings)
  • PatronPay__PaymentGatewaySettings__c (aka Payment Gateway Settings)
  • PatronTicket__FeeSlot__c or PatronTicket__FeeSlotVersion__c (aka Fee Slots)
  • PatronDonate__OrganizationSettings__c (aka Organization Settings)

Bringing any of these Objects into your Partial Copy Sandbox will cause issues and process real credit card transactions.

To see all Objects you've selected, toggle to Show Selected.

Show Selected

If you need to remove an Object, deselect its checkbox.

Deselect Object

If you remove an Object, dependent Required Objects that you didn't explicitly select will also be removed.

4.6. When you're done, click Save
4.7. Click Sandboxes
4.8. Jump back to step 3 of our main steps!

You'll jump back to step 3 to create the sandbox now! Just make sure to select Next under the Partial Copy column and you can continue building your sandbox.

5. Select Sandbox Options

  1. Data Storage: Keep 200 MB selected
  2. Apex Class: Leave blank
  3. Sandbox Access: Select the Public Group of Users to give access to your sandbox; if in doubt, select the one created in step 2
  4. Click Create

6. The sandbox will appear as "Pending" - check back at this page to see when it has been deployed

This usually takes less than an half-hour.

When the sandbox says "Completed", you can move on to Step 3 (configure your sandbox).

3. Configure your sandbox

If your sandbox was created prior to November 2020, you may get a scary "You're still using the Legacy PTS" error message when accessing it.

We recommend refreshing your sandbox or creating a new one - though note you'll lose any records you've added to your sandbox.

Alright! Now we can put some final touches on the sandbox to make it work just like PatronManager.

Building castles in the sand

2. Log in using your normal password

Note your Username will be automatically appended with the name of your sandbox - that's normal.

Heads up!

When you change your password in your production ("real") PatronManager account, that change doesn't cross over to existing sandboxes. Your sandbox password will stay the same.

3. IMPORTANT - you must close all open tabs for your production ("regular") PatronManager account before proceeding

Make sure you only have your sandbox open - failure to do so can break your ability to sell tickets!

4. In your sandbox, right? Via the App Launcher, search and click on PatronTicket Settings

PatronTicket Settings in App Launcher

Pro-tip! You can tell you're in your sandbox because of this bar up at the top that tells you the name of the sandbox you created.

5. You'll see this screen; click Configure Sandbox!

What's going on?

A bunch of magic code behind the scenes! Our development team set this automation up so you could use sandboxes more easily. Hurray!

6. Now let's go to Setup

7. Search "deliver" and click Deliverability

8. Change "Access level" to "All Email" and click Save

9. Search "remote" and click Remote Site Settings

10. Set up your sandbox payment processor

Let's get going!
10.1. Look at your list of Remote Sites and see if you have one called Stripe

Well, what'd ya see?

I have a Remote Site called Stripe
10.1.1. Check the Remote Site URL and make sure it's Active

It should be:
10.1.2. Done!
I don't have a Remote Site called Stripe
10.1.1. Click New Remote Site
10.1.2. Fill out the form and click Save
  1. Remote Site Name: Stripe
  2. Remote Site URL:
  3. Disable Protocol Security: unchecked
  4. Active: checked
  5. Click Save
10.1.3. Done!

4. Add a venue (optional)

If you use venues in your production account (read: you have Pick Your Own Seat events and you sell seats via seat maps), you can use those same venues/seat maps in your sandbox, too!

If you only use General Admission events, you can skip this step.

Seat maps for sandboxes

1. Go back into your production account

Production account just means your normal account - not your sandbox.

2. Using the App Launcher, go to Venues

3. Click on a venue you know you use

You probably only have one or two to choose from - that's normal.

4. On your venue, take note of what's in the Venue Layout field

You're going to need this in just a second, so jot it down or commit it to memory. In this case, our Venue Layout is:


5. Now let's go to Setup

6. Get back to your sandboxes and log into your sandbox

7. In your sandbox, use the App Launcher to go to Venues

Remember to check that you're in your sandbox!

8. This screen should be blank - click New Venue

9. Fill in a name and address that make sense; most importantly, choose the same Venue Layout as you had in your production account

Again, in this case our Venue Layout is:


When you're done, click Save!

10. Now click Extract Venue

11. When it's done, click OK on the pop-up

12. Congrats! Now when you create an Event Instance in your sandbox, you'll be able to use this venue, complete with Allocations and seat map

Sandbox status: ready!

You're all done with setup - it's time to actually play around!

Need to let other users into your sandbox? Click here for instructions.

Plan to test transactions in your sandbox? Click here for instructions.

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